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am i about right


11 Jan 2010
so i think my dosing is about right now in my 750l after problems with hard water and trace im putting it one t spoon of nitrate and 1/2 of phosphate a day and adding trace as per manufactures advice does the sound about right on salts thanks for any help

Are you dosing every day? Do you dose your trace on the same day or alternating days? Do you have pressurised co2 and high lighting with a large plant biomass or is it a low tech tank? We need more info mate but if you are dosing 7 teaspoons of KNO3 and 3.5 of KH2PO4 a week into a hightech well planted 750Litre tank it seems about right, maybe even a little rich, but it will largely depend on your specific tank and its residents requirements.

Regards, Chris.
it a high tec with about 360 some thing watts of light and the waters on a trickle change system so im glad it sounds a right a maybe a bit rich that's what i was aiming for thanks for your help mate