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Qube Contest at Vivarium 2011


19 Nov 2009
Cape Town, South Africa
The Qube contest entrants:










I came number 8 our of 10, still shocked at the low result, but it was public vote.. :) Got to lick my wounds and learn from the experience.

The tank was very good build, the light and filter solid. Gave my tank away, could not bring it on the plane, but kept the filter and light.

From memory the positions are:

Tank 1 - 8th place
Tank 2 - 5th place
Tank 3 - 7th place
Tank 4 - ?
Tank 5 - ?
Tank 6 - ?
Tank 7 - 1st place
Tank 8 - ?
Tank 9 - ?
Tank 10 - 4th place
well done for going there and having a go :clap: .
like you say,its experience.

ghostsword said:
Gave my tank away
couldn't the ukaps minibus bring it back for you ?.
guess it was quite full though.
The experience was outstanding, it is a great event, way better than what I imagined. Will for sure go next year, but will travel on the Saturday and just stay one night, too expensive to stay for longer.

The talks were great, there were amazing tanks, and really really cheap shrimp.

As the public was voting it is a hard one to get right, and I obviously got it wrong. :D

Would like to know the number of votes, but at least I did not come last.
Nice one Luis, well done for making the effort, the tank would have a place in the top 5, the high level of gravel (heard some people (none ukaps) mentioning that) and the stems at the front and middle didn't help I guess. And I believe the winning tank was not the best either, for me the winner would have been between 4 and 10. Better luck next year ;)
@ Luis - number 4 came in 2nd place.

It is very interesting for me to see how that what the public like and what we who are emmersed in the hobby like can differ quite a lot. (The only time I saw any congruence here was Ed's tank on the UKAPS stand. That oozed so much such class everyone loved it.)

Number 4 was my favourite.
I was chatting to the guy that did it (if your reading this; thanks for the Windelov mate. Hope the Bolbitis grows well for you. and get in touch when your in London.) and a few others and they all had a really good attitude about their placements.

@Paulo - number 10 was close for me too, but as it had a non aquatic* in it made it easier for me to choose 4 as a favourite. (Ophiopogon sp. \ mondo grass )

I also really liked the emmersed one and Luis' a lot.
Yeah, number 4 was really good, I really like it. Number 10 was outstanding, and the guy made it so quickly from ready pots, I think that he used close to 25 pots on it. :)

We need more UK guys going there and competing, getting the "neck" out there.

You are right, Edis tank was outstanding, maybe the best tank on the whole show, a true artist. Yours was nice, and if you want to sell it I will pay good money for it, but Edis's was just spectacular.
I was wondering how many pots he used.
I think Ed's tank was best on show, but either way it was close. Both world class scapes.

I'm not selling my tank, but am honoured you'd like to buy it :)
I am going to put co2 on it (first time using co2 in 2 or 3 years for me) and keep it going for a while as it is.
Will then probably take off co2 after that, and swap the HC for a moss.
Well done Luis and thanks for posting all entrants.
Do not be disappointed as public cant read art :D
Its top 5 work for me also ;)

On my Flickr page there are close to 300 photos of vivarium, go have a look. Or search for vivarium 2011 on Flickr, I tagged the photos.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk!
4 is a stunning tank, well done

Luis you tank looked brilliant, I was ment to mention to you on twitter(yes I'm following you) haha , also reading you blog, quite a good read , and I hate blogging!

nayr88 said:
4 is a stunning tank, well done

Luis you tank looked brilliant, I was ment to mention to you on twitter(yes I'm following you) haha , also reading you blog, quite a good read , and I hate blogging!


Thanks mate.

The tank was nice, I did enjoy putting it together, and it was great fun taking part.

It was also the first time I used the black rocks, and was pleased with their look.

Maybe next year we have more people from the UK trying the Qube contest, or even the live scapping? ;)

Live scapping contest was really great this year, competition was high. And the buying/trading looked fun to do.
@ghostsword, couldn't believe you where on the 8th place with your scape. Would given it more credits.
Maybe next year a UK team can enter, that would be fun to see. :)

Ending up at 8th place was hard to understand, but the public voted, and there were really nice tanks on show.

Tank number 4 was really good, and so was the winner, tank number 7.
Yours was top 3 alllll day, some of the other tanks IMO where ermmm pretty pants