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Canon 60D - help!


2 May 2011
Here's my first attempt with a borrowed camera. Much better than previous, but what should I do to improve the image? (Here's a link to higher res 2.8mb version)


Here are the settings:


I'm thinking higher f-stop to increase depth of field a bit - that redmoor root in the background is a bit out of focus. But then what film speed? And what else do I need to do?

Also, what do people think about the colour balance? And the background? I quite like the way it's now blurred...

(Here's the comparison shot with my actual camera - a panasonic lumix)

I'd try ISO 800 at F4/5.6.

Or if you have a longer lens, stand back, zoom in and keep the aperture open. You should then get a slightly better depth of field, better angle and keep the background blurred.

Colour balance doesn't seem too bad. It's focused right at the front of the tank. I would try using a center point and focusing slightly further back on the green stems.

Looks good to me! Well done.

Play with the camera in manual mode and note the influence each setting has on one another.

For instance, if you increase your f/stop by one stop i.e. from f3.5 to f/4 then you'll need to slow the shutter speed by one stop i.e. 1/60, or increase the ISO by one stop i.e. 400 to get the same exposure.

Understand these relationships and you've nailed the basic mechanics of photography.