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Help stopping CO2 leak


17 Jun 2009
Hey so Ive got a 2kg FE CO2 setup with a welding CO2 regulator + needle valve and solenoid. I have always wondered why my CO2 ran out in a few weeks even though I tested for leaks but couldnt find any. This setup is about 2 years old, I had switched to Excel only for the past year. Im using it now on a new setup and again noticed it getting over quickly with normal usage. So I did a leak test and this time found one of the main leak points was where the two gauges fit into the regulator. I hadnt checked those before so I tightened and sealed them and the cylinder is lasting a longer.

The problem is I am getting quite a large leak at the point where the regulator fits onto the cylinder. The fitting is similar to whats below :

http://www.atlweldingsupply.com/IO-Oxyg ... -4359.html

Now I dont know if you guys would know what the connector is like but Ill try to explain. The big nut moves freely over the pipe and at the end, the pipe has a smaller diameter bit that goes into the cylinder outlet and about 2-3 mm away the pipe is a little larger, and covers the outlet of the cylinder. The brass nut slides over these and screws onto the threads of the cylinder.

So each time I put the regulator on, I get varying amounts of leakage from the back of the brass nut. What would be the best way to stop or significantly reduce this leakage ? I have tried without and with varying amounts of PTFE tape and occasionally I get it right and have only a small leak.
What should I do ?
Hi Mortis
Little trick for leaks is very soapy water make you self a cup of soapy water and use this to test all the joints thread any were there cold be a leak test all the treads on the regulator you can use a pipette or syringe and drip quite a bit around all the joint and see if it bubbles that will indicate were the leaks may be

hogan53 said:
Hi Mortis
Where are you based?
The reason I'm asking is that if the regulator is very similar to the link posted it could be a different connection........ than the UK/European regulators.
is there a little rubber O-ring in your regulator connector? there should be if not that might be your problem it might of fallen out.
It's gonna be difficult to diagnose the problem but lets give it a go.

How much PTFE are using when you make the connection and what type?
- Too much will stop you screwing the fitting all the way down and would leave some play where the brass rod passes through the nut and on some types there may be an O'ring at this point aswell.
Do you have a an O'ring or fiber washer and what is it's condition?
- fiber washers tend to degrage quickly when they are frequently taken on and off.
- Rubber O'ring are also easy to crimp at the edges on some fitting types if the alignment is not perfect.

If possible could you disconnect your FE setup and show us your actual regulator nut, washers and FE thread?

Also if you live in or near Newcastle upon Tyne bring it round to me and I'll sort it for you.
sussex_cichlids said:
Hi Mortis
Little trick for leaks is very soapy water make you self a cup of soapy water and use this to test all the joints thread any were there cold be a leak test all the treads on the regulator you can use a pipette or syringe and drip quite a bit around all the joint and see if it bubbles that will indicate were the leaks may be


Or you could make it really frothy my by mixing it up and just scoop the bubbles off the top and put these on, you'll soon see big bubbles where the leaks are. Same as what sussex_cichlids said just a different method.
Wow lots of quick replies !! Ok so Im based in India and if it helps the connector on my regulator is the same as what you would find on an Azoo regulator if anyone is using one of those.

Already did the soapy water thing and I already know where the leak is coming from. There is no O-ring, the regulator didnt come with one and I asked a couple of people who have the same regulator and theirs didnt come with one either.
And as far as I can tell there is no place where the O ring could go in the connector.

As for the PTFE tape, I have tried varying amounts, its tough to get it just right
it seems strange that there is no O-ring. are your friends sure they don't have leaks :D you could try an instant gasket product the type designed for car parts.
I'm assuming by instant gasket you mean a paste of some description, this should not be required.
if there is no rubber washer then i would suggest you take your regulator to a plumbers merchant and ask for a fiber washer to fit the reg'.
However dans post is bang on! if you are unable to get an o'ring then paste will be the way to go, just don't go crazy with it.
Cool Ill try getting a washer for my regulator. Im just wondering where it would go ? Between the raised lip and the nut ?
Assuming that you have the type where the nut will slide up the brass rod it should go inside the nut, then simply screw the nut down and bingo your done.
Don't go buying a washer that is really thick tho, bear in mind the problem with your leak is that it's coming out of the back of the nut.
Clean off any old PTFE and apply new with one or two wraps (if that makes sense).
Also your average fiber washer depending on the size of the nut for the regulator will be approx 1-2mm in thickness.
Hope this helps
Cool makes sense. Ill try and get a washer. Will a silicone (I think it is its transparent and rubbery) washer do ? Most of the washers Ive seen that are easily available are of this type. By fiber washers do you mean the hard black/brown ones ?
Hi Mortis

Take your regulator & bottle to local plumbing shop some were like plumbase they should be able to pull you one off the shelf if you take all the kit with you they should help you find the right o-ring seal before you leave the store.

I think messing with gasket sealant is just asking for trouble!!!

Try and get a o-ring and try that without any sealant first.
Ebay sometimes has suitable sealing washer for sale. I think they might be the same as pub gas sealing washers.