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Iwagumi layouts - please offer your input/advice


22 Feb 2013
Hi all,

Busy working on what I would say is my first real proper aquascaping challenge.

I've been working with a few layouts over the last few days and wanted to share them with you to get some input etc on them.

If you prefer a specific layout, could you say why etc - any input would be appreciated.

On with the layouts.





I hope to add a few more to this thread over the next week but opinions on the above 4 would be cool.

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They all look very good, although i have to say i prefer scape #1 and 3# as they have a very distinct flow to them which gives them more of a natural feel and sense of direction. well done mate! :)
They all look very good, although i have to say i prefer scape #1 and 3# as they have a very distinct flow to them which gives them more of a natural feel and sense of direction. well done mate! :)

Thank you.

Posted from the comfort of my iPhone...
Number one for me, just remember that if you're doing traditional iwagumi, there are a few rules to work by...

I'm sure you've read it, but here's a decent guide TGM lifted from Ada.

A Guide to Iwagumi - Aquascaping Nature Aquarium Layout Article | The Green Machine

Thanks Ian. That is good guide have read that along with nearly everything else iwagumi related I've managed to dig up over the last few months.

In addition I've have been doing a lot of research into the traditional Japanese stone gardens and related subjects.

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Nummer 4

It just feels right. I like the arrangement of the two main stones, perhaps the smaller stones could be more interesting.
Nummer 4

It just feels right. I like the arrangement of the two main stones, perhaps the smaller stones could be more interesting.

Yeah, agreed - the right hand side doesn't work as well as it should.

Posted from the comfort of my iPhone...
Number one for me by a country mile. I like the way the stones 'flow' and it looks nicely balanced. :)
Number one for me by a country mile. I like the way the stones 'flow' and it looks nicely balanced. :)

Thanks James. I do agree with you - there is something to #1 that draws my eye to it.

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Number 1 is very balanced, though I like number 4, I think it's the way the eye is drawn through the center of the rocks, I think 4 with hc (or similar) low foreground plant and eleocharis acicularis or tennelus sides and background would do it for me :) now post some more up :thumbup:

:) thanks for the feedback - your thoughts really echo my thinking. Plants at this stage aren't on my to do list, but has some ideas kicking about in my brain bucket.

Hope to try a few more layouts tonight and post them up. Stay tuned.

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Number 1, no doubt. I can see the flow in this one and I have a feeling of much more space. I would even place a small rock in the foreground following the line of the big or medium one (probably the medium one) to create more depth.
Been a very long day today and I thought an hour or so playing in my sandpit would be a good idea.

I've revisited #1 for the next iteration. I just wanted to build on it, add more interest.


Posted from the comfort of my iPhone...
looks cool but in my opinion it was a stronger composition in the original as there was a strong sense flow. Each rock had a strong sense of purpose that added to the scape. I think the additional rocks take away from that slightly, you should experiment with banking the substrate up in the back right in a downward slope towards the bottom left, would compliment the scape nicely :).
I think 4 has the most promise due its depth and I can imagine it planted and looking Good once done. I like the sloping

#1 appears to all point left which is a bit too unbalanced for me.

#2, the rocks are too skinny to stand like that I think.

Whilst #5 looks nice and balanced I think it might need playing with in terms of substrate depths and what surfaces of rocks are showing and which are partially buried. It may look more natural with some substrate work. I may swing 5 later on ;) perhaps also try and move that centre pathway right a bit (rule of thirds)