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Dennerle Scapers Tank 35


15 Feb 2016
Hi all,

I'm considering purchasing the dennerle 35l scapers tank, either for my betta or possibly my shrimp colony. I just wondered if anyone could recommend a suitable clip-on light, preferably led? It's probably a simple question, but I'm trying to find one that won't grow an algae farm, but at the same time allow for plant growth slowly, monte carlo etc without co2.

In the tank I just sold, I was using a 9w light to grow a carpet; MC and dwarf hairgrass; so I'm thinking along those lines, however I've also been looking at Dennerle's clip on 9w light.

Tank dimensions are 15 inch length, 12 inch width and 11 inch height.

would quite like a photoperiod of around 8 hours if I can manage, can reduce if necessary I suppose; but certainly not trying to grow fast.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions
I'm using Dennerle's Power LED 5.0 on mine, it's height adjustable so you can effect the substrate par level very easily. Having no problem growing S.Repens, dwarf hairgrass and rotala sp.green in mine. I do have CO2, but at fairly low levels (around 15-20ppm)
Have a look at the the Flexi Mini LED I'm getting some good results with it it put out 9 watts. Dennerle's Power LED 5.0 is a good choice too.