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made a schedule... comments please


3 Nov 2015
The Netherlands
Hi guys, I've need some advice/ opinion please.

Yes, I know, it's been asked for thousand times on this forum,but I don't want to have another failure...
Last couple of months I've had lots of research and come up with this schedule. :writing:
Would you please give some advice, comments, experience, pro's/cons, etc.

start situation:
tank: nano - 25 liter
soil: Plant growth Substrate and ADA amazonia powder
temp: 23 degrees
CO2: pressurised - glass diffuser
plants: moss (fissidens, and HC by drystart (4 weeks) - extra moss (Flame and Stringy mos) glued on rock
filtration: scapers flow
lights: scapers light - 24W/1440 lumen

Week 01:
CO2 24/7 for 1 week - ppm >40 (pH = 6.6) edit: In the nighttime CO2 turned off
bacterial start: 12 ml Denitrol
light: 6 hour (12.00 - 18.00)
4 times water change in 1 week - 50%
no nutrients yet

Week 02:
light: 6 hour (12.00 - 18.00)
CO2 ppm >40 for 7.5 hour (10.00 - 17.30)
nutrients: only micro's - half dose by EI - 4ml
extra floaters and Egeria densa/ Ceratophyllum demersum
3 times water change in 1 week 50%

Week 03:
reduce CO2 to 30 ppm
adding amano shrimps
nutrients: only micro's - half dose by EI 4ml
2 times water change in 1 week 50%
light to 6.5 hour (12.00 - 18.30)

Week 04:
nutrients: half dose micro and macro micro (4ml) and macro (4ml)
1 times water change in 1 week 50%
adding hornsnails and Otocinclus affinis
light for 7 hour (12.00 - 19.00)

Week 5:
CO2 - 30 ppm
nutrients: full EI dosering for 25 liter: micro (8ml) and macro (8ml) a week
easy carbo 1ml every 2 days
light for 7.5 hour (12.00 - 19.30)
1 times water change in 1 week 50%

Looking good?

Cheers, Cor
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Your plan is sound.

No need for that bacterial stuff though.

Also EI would be overkill for this but you can certainly start and then slowly scale back over the next few months.
I don't use co2 myself but think that using co2 constantly won't achieve a consistent pH because when your lights are off, the plants won't use the co2 but will respire as normal meaning higher co2 levels than during the photoperiod when plants will be using co2?
I don't want CO2 fluctuations in the start-up phase.
CO2 fluctuations are only an issue when lights are on. CO2 fluctuations when lights are off is only dangerous to fish if levels get high as plants aren't consuming CO2.