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  1. ulster exile

    My First Planted Tank (The End) Juwel Rio 125

    Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125 Looks like a non-algaefied version of my c. wendtii, but I'm still a n00b so I'd take that with a pinch of salt!
  2. ulster exile

    My First Planted Tank (The End) Juwel Rio 125

    Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125 Wow - looks amazing to me :shock: I realise you're trying out the moss, but at the mo it's probably the only thing I don't like in there because it is so uniform, manmade and deliberately placed. But the rest of it is stunning!
  3. ulster exile

    My First Planted Tank (The End) Juwel Rio 125

    Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125 Looks lovely to me.