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Search results

  1. Westyggx

    Going High-Tech

    Hi All, After a long absence in the hobby i am making a come back to high tech, i have kept my tank low tech with minimal plants but i miss the lush greens and moss growth. Couple of questions. 1) What's the best approach from going low tech to high, especially as i have fauna in the tank...
  2. Westyggx

    Aqautics Live - Whos going?

    Thought id pop this up so we can get a general feel of whos due to attend? Booked my ticket and train for 10th November, 05:55 train from Manchester :shock:
  3. Westyggx

    Water Lice?

    Hi All, started to see these critters in my tank around the substrate anyone have an idea of what they are and how to get rid?
  4. Westyggx

    Aqua Journal E-book subscription information!

    Just relaying info that APF posted on facebook :) E-book of Aqua Journal in English will start its subscription soon, and followings are the subscription information including the price. With E-book, you can read the most exciting articles and get latest news about Nature Aquarium in English...
  5. Westyggx

    Holiday Advice

    Hi Guys, I am going to sunny Key West Florida on the 1st June for a month, and subsequently wont be able to do any water changes. I will however be getting my mum to dose my tank daily and feed. Do you have any advice in terms of not doing any water changes and getting excessive Algae? Do i...