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blyxa japonica

  1. DutchMuch

    From this... To this... To this... To this...

    From This... To this... To this... To this...
  2. MrHidley

    James' 60P - 6 month Update

    Wasn't happy with how the last scape was going, there were some fundamental errors in the set-up stage, so here we go again. Tank- ADA 60P Stand - DIY ADA-ish style CO2- DIY set-up with 2kg fire extinguisher. Inline UP Aqua diffuser. Heater- Hydor Inline 200w Filter- Hydor Professional 350...
  3. josepinto

    End of Summer 300l - Planted

    So the summer ended and with it my vacations, I decided to setup my new tank, and although some problems with the co2 hardware, here it goes. Im still waiting for some plants to fulfill what i want to do with this aquascape. Hope you guys enjoy it. Plants: BLYXA JAPONICA ELEOCHARIS SP...
  4. Iain Sutherland

    NA 120cm - Asian Dreams-IAPLC # 251

    Edit* some specs :geek: Natural Aquario 120 x 45 x 55 superclear glass Natural Aquario Cabinet in matt grey Natural Aquario Light Arm Natural Aquario Stainless Steel inlet and outlets 3 TMC Aquaray 1000nd led tiles on MMS rail and hanging kit TMC Aquaray 8 way controller Eheim 2080 Tetratec...