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Advice choosing substrates for large tank for less than $500


27 May 2009
Hi guys,

First up the substrates section on this forum has been extremely helpful so far although I could use your advice on my next scape. Being a large tank (520LTR) it can be very expensive to buy substrate for. I messed it up last time by only using 1 x 7kg bag of flourite red covered by 4-6 inches of zero nutrient sand and pea gravel.

The results have been ordinary to say the least.

So next time round I want to pull out the big guns and go for ADA aquasoil but I am hoping to keep the price under
$500 AUD.

First up take a look at the current template for my next scape:

And the substrate plan:

I have read that toumaline BC can increase the growth of HC heaps which is why I intend to use that. I have also read that peat moss does not contain ay nutrients but can store them so I chose that along with the osmocote as to absorb any excess nutrient leeched from it over time.

I am wondering if the combination of flourite and amazonia is not recommended. Part of me thinks that if I am going to go ADA use 80% of my substrate made up of ADA product.

The cost so far works out:
5x 9 ltr Amazonia II @ $250
3x 7 kg Flourite Red @ $150
1x Tourmaline BC @ $50

Total $450
Re: Advice choosing substrates for large tank for less than

i've never used it myself but think some people have had problems with Amazonia II.i could be wrong though.
Re: Advice choosing substrates for large tank for less than

Yeah, it turns to mud. Also, there's no need to buy tourmaline. I wouldn't really recommend mixing substrates like this either. I'd look at what tom barr uses on big tanks and take not. I seem to think he uses just flourite.
Re: Advice choosing substrates for large tank for less than

If cost is a limiting factor then why not just use Akadama, or any cheap clay sediment, thow some Osmocote under it and then pay attention to dosing the water column. Ensure that you have proper flow to the substrate and that your lighting is not over the top. HC could care less about substrate. It cares about CO2 and water column fertilization. I agree with Garuf. That much mixing and substrate planning is too complicated for any benefit. You should spend your energy planing flow and CO2 injection techniques in this size tank. That's where you'll make the most hay.
