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Advice on P@H 25 ltr Stocking


2 Oct 2009
East London
Just setting up a planted tank, now the issue is my water is hard ish, I have successfully over the years, keep Peppered, Bronze and Albino Corys, Ancistrus, and Guppies, a gold barb (Gold Barb or Schuberti barb) which I inherited along with a Gourami.

I think I had the Gourami for a few years and the and the gold for yonks 8 years maybe.

I did try Oto's and Pygmy Corrys but they dissapeard, dunno if they were eaten or just perished. Otos were then replaced with the Ancistrus and they have done well in the tank.

Now I dont have the patience too go for RO and all that, so I would prefer to stick to fish suited to my London Hard water. I appreciate some say most fish can be acclimitised to the water, but as above I dont want to lose fish, as that is gutting.

So, shellies likely Oci or Multis were in the contention but the sand/digging might not do so well in a planted tank. Dwarf puffers were mentioned and Bubblebee gobies, but brackish and feeding of live foods just adds too much worry for me that they wont be happy.

I would love Ember Tetra, but reading seems they prefer acidic conditions. I could collect rain water, but then peeps say to avoid London rain due to the polution?

Wondered if anyone had recommendations of a Ember Tettra style fish or other? Or fish better suited to my water.
Re: Advice on P@H 29 ltr Stocking

Done some reading, and it seems:

Brachygobius xanthomelas, Burmese Bubblebee Goby is a full freshwater variety, so is tempting, would assume its not commonly available?
Re: Advice on P@H 29 ltr Stocking

have you already got substrate.. etc? if you really wanted ember tetra and wanted that acidic ph, i would recommend akadama. i'm currently using it in my P@H cube, not only does it lower ph but plants thrive better in acidic soil. check out my journal.
Re: Advice on P@H 29 ltr Stocking

logi-cat said:
have you already got substrate.. etc? if you really wanted ember tetra and wanted that acidic ph, i would recommend akadama. i'm currently using it in my P@H cube, not only does it lower ph but plants thrive better in acidic soil. check out my journal.

Bought cat litter, tesco jobbie, but not got water in yet or washed it :) So hmmmm, assuming Cat litter is inert so wont adjust the PH?
Re: Advice on P@H 29 ltr Stocking

logi-cat said:

Indeed read that thread with eager. Following on from there I got the cat litter :)

Didnt think to use the substrate as a PH adjuster.

Still have my main tank, but whilst in P@H, spontaniously bought one (cube) a week back. woops.

Fancied something different. Shrimp, Oto's, etc. Maybe i do need to consider another water source. All those seem to like acidic.
Re: Advice on P@H 29 ltr Stocking

If you want a shellie try Brevis, no digging I have always kept mine in planted tanks.
Re: Advice on P@H 29 ltr Stocking

OllieNZ said:
If you want a shellie try Brevis, no digging I have always kept mine in planted tanks.

Yeah, its a small tank, hence didnt want to go for medium or large fish, multi's being the smallest I could think of hence. Not much bigger the Neolamprologus brevis, maybe an inch, and it does seem a pair work well in small tanks. hmmmmm
milk and crunchy nut cornflakes. Shrimp would be good too.
Someone local was breaking their tank, as they were moving, and had 6 Trigonostigma hengeli (Glowlight Rasbora) so for small penies I took them off his hand, and looks like they will have a new home in my nano. They seem very hardy. Never thought of such, but they are lovely, and got fond of them :)

Only other inhabitants are Red Ramshorn Snails, well two.

Hopefully shrimp soon. Some Dwarf or Pygmy Corys. Oto's as a pair, Possibly Parasphaerichthys lineatus in last. decided to go with Rain water in a 50/50 mix with my tap water, which should suffice for the fish I hope. Mostly geared around a clean up crew for the tank.