Hi Everyone
I've decided to refresh my old journal as recently I've started breeding amano on regular basis.
Apologies I didn't update you with final results
I think it was mabye 10 zoes which morphed and mabye 3 out of those survived in fresh water
Later on i tyred to repeat my "success" and failed miserably =/ all of them died after few days
In past few months I've decided to prepare myself better and I think I have now good knowledge to have successful breeding setup
Current setup is close to what it was before with small adjustments
Let's start with my breeding group
I've purchased 10 adults (2 different shops ) turns out i have 7 females and 3 males
11l tank for zoes no heater only 3v mini lamp
water temp ( room) 18-23 degrees Celsius
salinity 32-35ppm
air pump (few bubbles /s)
I'm using Nannochloropsis sp which gives me great results
Rotifers - live culture
When I first notice berried female i write down date after apx 4 weeks + i force them to drop eggs by removing them from main tank to 2l jar with air stone (quite strong current) next day they will start releasing zoe's for about week and all dropped eggs will start hatching.
Fishing zoe's by attracting them to the light
Every female without eggs is transferred back to the main tank.
Few times a day all zoe's are transferred to zoe's tank with pipette, from first day i start feeding them (5-10ml of phyto even to get water cloudy )
after 2 weeks I introduce rotifers, they will make water completley transparent after week and zoe's will feed on them (you can still dose phyto in order to keep rotifers multiplying)
First zoe's should morph after 4 weeks
when I notice morphed Zoe I take it out and put in temporary jar with same salinity water.
Freshly morphed zoe's are bit orange or have orange line which can be easily spotted,
i wait another 3-4 days before transferring them to fresh water as they must be transparent with no orange in their body otherwise they will die.
Transfer method 1
few times when babies were completley transparent I've just chucked them in fresh water and they were ok
now I prefer safer method on which I have more control
Transfer method 2
1-2l jar I fill with 100ml of "zoe's water" then I do drip acclimatisation with water from main tank ( 1 drop every 2-3s) so it takes apx 5-12h
every now and then I check salinity and if all babies are alive.
If after few h you can see orange in transferred babies put them back onto full salinity water as from my experience they won't survive ( they will need 1-2 more days before transferring)
my notes below
eggs 27/06/2022 *2
release 01/08
eggs 02/07/2022
release 06/08
eggs 07/07/22
release 11/08
first Zoe 25/07
new hatched zoes 29/07 until 03/08
29/08 - first morphed
totals :
morphed - 29
dead - 15
alive - 14 in main tank
06/08/22 - eggs
31/08/22 07/09 - first Zoe transfer
27/09/22 - 9 morphed 1 dead
27/09/22 - 4 temporary jar
01/10/22 - change jar 0
01/10/22 - 4 main tank
totals :
morphed -
dead -
alive -
from above you can see its my second run and it looks promising
When preparing to breed amano again I've watched a lot of Avatar Aquatics videos

above 1 baby rdy to transfer and 2 still orange
Ps. I'm planning to breed bamboo shrimps and if successful I'll start new journal