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Awesome algae! What is this?


20 Aug 2020
Hi all

Recently I’ve noticed strange spiky hedgehogs alike algae growing on my bogwood. It definitely loves the light but not sure if the colouration is green because of dust algae over it? Looks awesome and I wonder what is that and how to keep it alive? See the pictures


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Hi all,
Looks awesome and I wonder what is that and how to keep it alive?
It does look awesome, but I have absolutely no idea what it is.

I'm pretty sure I've never seen anything quite like that. The chantransia form of Montagnia macrospora (a red algae) possibly look closest <"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/edn3.139">.

but not sure if the colouration is green because of dust algae over it?
I like the back-ground <"green patina"> as well.

cheers Darrel
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Hi all,
It’s getting better
It is just gorgeous.
Could it be some form of freshwater sponge,
I wondered about that, but I couldn't find anything suitable. I've seen <"Spongilla lacustris - Wikipedia"> which is the right colour, but not the right shape.
doesn't look like algae to me. to rounded tips
It appears to show dichotomous branching, so possibly a Liverwort? or a Lichen, pretty sure I've never seen an aquatic one of either that looks anything like that.
I don't think so, but it has to be a possibility <"Nitella – microscopesandmonsters">.

cheers Darrel
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I wonder if this might be a very small leafy/scaly Liverwort. I have seen some develop in terrariums with such a fine texture they looked more like Green Algae.
It certainly is an attractive form of algae!
I think he looks fantastic and I would love to use his hairdresser. Go on, don't be shy... post a full tank shot 🙂
If only I had aquascaping skills, I just grow a jumble of plants.
How did you persuade the fish to pose at the same angle as the wood? 🙂
I think he looks fantastic and I would love to use his hairdresser. Go on, don't be shy... post a full tank shot 🙂
Having been induced to share my ludicrously overgrown tank, I felt obliged to do a make-over, the public humiliation! Now of course the temporary bits of kit to filter and to keep my beloved black mollies healthy are fully visible. But Hopefully some kind person will say that a bit of open space and some botanical bits and pieces - collected locally, the wood soaked for a year in my garden water butt - has improved the aesthetics, at least temporarily. And there of course will be growth to fill in - huge amounts of material now on the compost bin. I am feeling a tad insecure, 55 years in the hobby, but I suppose that is how we get better being encouraged by those who win competitions and those who ask to see evidence of what we say. Tom Ryan will not be jealous, but there we are, silly me.


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Thanks Bradders, since it is 'show and tell' here, you might like a peek behind the scenes. Note the bog standard lights and the silly number of filters to ensure good flow, some are temporary.


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I think it's gorgeous @Connswater ! I love unmanicured/"messy" tanks - I mean both as a compliment. Botanicals and a natural feeling are excellent in my book 🙂