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Caridina Dreaming - Shrimpy Update

Wow thats looks great and heavily planted thats defently what i am doing when set up my 45p


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Thanks Dean, i look forward to seeing yours
I am on doing stand but back to work for 4 days then will get it painted.then try get set up in next few months want to plant heavily and use easy plants as not to fail, fingers crossed. Keep the updates coming.


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Hi, any updates? I am thinking of trying this limited Bolbitis Difformis mini.
Hi, any updates? I am thinking of trying this limited Bolbitis Difformis mini.

The Bolbitis Difformis mini is doing great, it is a slow grower but looks beautiful.
Most of the Marsilea Crenata melted and only about a quarter remains, i filled the foreground space with Eleocharis acicularis Mini, Eriocaulon cinereum and Cryptocoryne Pygmaea, these have done really well :thumbup:

I have added an Eheim skimmer and this just comes on for 20 minutes twice a day which is enough to keep the surface clear.
All of the plants are doing well relying on just the root tabs, they have already needed one trim and they are now due for another one.
The only algae issue i encountered was a bit of staghorn on the Windelov, so i just removed the affected leaves and put it back in the main tank as it prefers it there.

This is how it looks as of today:


And here is a few of the stunning Caridina inhabitants:




Still non-CO2?

It’s looking amazing

Most of the Marsilea Crenata melted
another plant I don’t understand, it’s either dead easy (and subsequently tries to take over the tank) or I lose most of it through initial melt (if I’m patient it will come back in bits ... and maybe more, if I’d been faithful to maintaining its place)