plantbrain said:
Excellent hardscape. (...) Nice tank so far.
Thank you Tom, your words mean a lot to me!
plantbrain said:
Since this is mostly moss and a fair amount of the tank is not planted, why not use low light?
This would make trimming and algae issues much less of an issue and less work down the road.
Well, we respectfully choose to go the other way.
😉 All our other planted tanks (there should be about 11 more at the moment in the Gallery and only 2 low-light) go high-tech, high-light and algae issues are minimal - almost non-existent. No exceptions.
🙂 Maintenance is regularly made on all of them, we never tire.
We like to go for the fast growth - high lighting levels, achieving the Vibrating Nature effect. With support of the EI.
plantbrain said:
We have a lot of this stone at our local quarry, I've used it a lot on larger tanks, but never was happy, for smaller tanks (...)
The problem with this stone is that it comes in smaller pieces. Hard to build a balanced, yet mountain-like hardscape with it in a bigger tank. You need to pile them, but then the connections should be covered, planted, etc. It's a building-hiding game at the same time. This is exactly the type of challenge I like...
plantbrain said:
I think it works well with a few species of plants, or a mono culture.
Funny you mention the mono culture thing. This morning I was looking at the new pictures Viktor took and wondered about the same thing. Might consider reducing the number of plants here, but not decided yet...
plantbrain said:
My worry is breaking the and scratching the glass over time.
A very real problem with these "rocks-on-top-of-each-other-near-the-glass" compositions indeed. I did slightly scratch about 3 opti-tanks by now.
So I'm trying to handle these really carefully and not let our friend Ati next to any of our piles. He's the breaker in the team
andy-mu said:
Since replacing the right side rock I do agree the scape looks more natural and has a better balance to it. very nice
Thank you Sir.
andyh said:
(...)Really liking this one (...) how do you decide where to place the moss?
Keep up the good work, and your shop looks fantastic!
Thanks Andy. As I mentioned before in this post one purpose of using the moss was to cover the joints. Other than that we put them in the cracks to break the larger rock-surfaces and we also concentrated on the visual balance of the moss-spots (to spread them in a nice way in the tank...
😉 ).
clonitza said:
Looks really nice Viktor, can you tell us a bit about the ferts regime in this tank?
Simple. EI. :idea:
clonitza said:
You could buy some Dennerle Nano hose guides for your nanos (...) They are transparent not white like in the picture
Problem with transparent is that it gets white after staying in the water. This was originally transparent...