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is that fertilizer safe ?


5 Feb 2021
Hello i got a fertilizer which is not made for aquarium but it seems to contains small amount of micro etc, could you tell me if it safe to use and how can in convert % in ppm ? thx

bottle is 300ml

ready-to-use mineral nutrient solution fertilizer + water-based polish containing trace elements

0.07% total nitrogen (N) of which : 0.023% ureic, 0.023% nitric, 0.024% ammoniacal. 0.04% phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) soluble in water, 0.06% potassium oxyde (K2O) soluble in water, 0.01% magnesium oxide (mgO) total.

Trace elements soluble in water: 0.00012% Boron (B), 0.000025% Copper (Cu), 0.0002% Iron (Fe)(DTPA), 0.00012% Manganese (Mn), 0.000012% Molybdenum (Mo), 0.000025% Zinc (Zn)(EDTA).
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Hi all,
and how can in convert % in ppm ?
It is just "powers of 10".

% is "parts per hundred" (10^-2)
Parts per thousand (ppt) is (10^-3) and
Parts per million (ppm or mg / L) is (10^-6)

So 0.07% nitrogen (N) is 70 ppt or 70,000 ppm (mg /L). I'll stay in powers of ten, just to simplify the maths.

If you take 10 ml of your fertiliser, 10ml is 1/100th of a litre, so you can knock two noughts of the 70,000 so that would be 700ppm in one litre of water. If you had a 100 litre tank, and added 10ml of your solution to it you would have added 7 ppm N, equally spread between ammonia (NH3), urea (CO(NH2)2) and nitrate (NO3).
could you tell me if it safe to use
I'd be wary because of the ammonia content.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

It is just "powers of 10".

% is "parts per hundred" (10^-2)
Parts per thousand (ppt) is (10^-3) and
Parts per million (ppm or mg / L) is (10^-6)

So 0.07% nitrogen (N) is 70 ppt or 70,000 ppm (mg /L). I'll stay in powers of ten, just to simplify the maths.

If you take 10 ml of your fertiliser, 10ml is 1/100th of a litre, so you can knock two noughts of the 70,000 so that would be 700ppm in one litre of water. If you had a 100 litre tank, and added 10ml of your solution to it you would have added 7 ppm N, equally spread between ammonia (NH3), urea (CO(NH2)2) and nitrate (NO3).

I'd be wary because of the ammonia content.

cheers Darrel
thank you Darrel !!

crystal clear