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Meeting at Aquarium Gardens Sat 30 June

Tim Harrison

5 Nov 2011
Some of us are meeting up at Aquarium Gardens http://www.aquariumgardens.co.uk/ Saturday morning June 30.
If you haven't been already, its a great opportunity to see Dave's awesome aquascaping showroom, and meet other members in the flesh.

And aquascaper and artist Felipe Oliveira, and Esther Mous (owner of Aquaflora) will be there too. Felipe Oliveira will be holding a scaping workshop.
Want to come along? Post your interest here, and don't forget to vote. It'd be great to see you there, all are welcome :)
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if it's the end of May, I'd attend. Not that I'm a prolific poster, really.
Well it seems May might be a little too short notice for some, so how about the second Saturday in June - that is the 9th?
Gives everyone plenty of time to sort something out, or organise their diary ;)
Well it seems May might be a little too short notice for some, so how about the second Saturday in June - that is the 9th?
Gives everyone plenty of time to sort something out, or organise their diary's ;)

Sounds good dairy free ATM :thumbup:, or was ;) booked it in :)
@Zeus. that's great, looking forward to meeting you in person.
@castle it doesn't matter if you're not a prolific poster, all are welcome.
@Seanogleby new members are especially welcome ;)
Shame George I'm sure a lot of ur ukaps fans would have loved to meet u and maybe get advice from you
It occurred to me that just providing one Saturday in June for a meet up wasn't exactly accommodating, especially for folk with busy diaries :rolleyes:
Dave has come up with a few more dates in June...Sat 9th, Sat 23rd, and Sat 30th.

On Sat 30 June, aquascaper and artist Felipe Oliveira, and Esther Mous (owner of Aquaflora) will be there too.
Felipe Oliveira will be holding a scaping workshop, which I'm sure will be awesome :cool:

I've added a poll so you can vote for the date that suits you best; the meet will be held on the Saturday with the most votes.
You can vote for more than one Saturday if you're available. Poll will close 8 May ;)
On Sat 30 June, aquascaper and artist Felipe Oliveira, and Esther Mous (owner of Aquaflora) will be there too.
Felipe Oliveira will be holding a scaping workshop, which I'm sure will be awesome :cool:


Sounds a great day to meet IMO