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My fish have "bubbles"


14 Sep 2007
Lewes, East Sussex
Hope this is ok to post in here. A couple of my fish seemed at first to have dropsy. On closer inspection, the skin/scales of the fish has what looks like bubbles underneath and they stick out !!! I don't really know how else to describe it. The bubbles are quite numerous, maybe a dozen or so and the biggest is the size of a pinhead.

First of all, these appeared on 3 or 4 runnynoses but now i have a neon with it on. The fish are otherwise healthy, active and feeding normally.

Any suggestions ?....i have CO2 pumped in at 3 bps and distributed by ceramic diffuser (solonoid turns CO2 off at night), tank is 100 gallons, heavily planted and heavily stocked.

One thought is it could be CO2 getting into them but the fish are maintaining their position in the water so it might not be that.


Sounds like Gas Bubble Disease (emphysematosis) but I've never experienced it personally tbh. If you get no other help right now, I'd be tempted to stick an air pump on for a bit.