Wow! This is a stunning tank @Sid.scapes
Are you still running the Biomaster 350 in it? I am about to set up my 60p and ordered the 250. Think I might need to cancel and upgrade to the 350
Think I might need to cancel and upgrade to the 350
If I had a 60p I would go for the 350. I’m thinking of upgrading to the 600 for mine.
The "problems" (purely in commercial terms) with the Duckweed / Frogbit Index are that:
- It <"works really well">. So once you have Frogbit in your tank <"your problems go away"> and you forget that they ever existed.
- You only have to buy the <"Frogbit once">, so there are no repeat sales.
- It performs the <"dual roles of "Nutrient indicator" and "Nutrient reducer">, meaning you miss out on at least one further sale.
- I went "too big, too early" with the <"Werewolves campaign">, even with <"its undoubted success">. I should have started with "deterring Pixies" and then moved up through Poltergeists, Zombies etc.
From 2017............... Who knows <"Dragon's Den"> might be an option, "I want a £100,000 for 25% of the business"
Now how to get the genie back in the bottle?.......... I understand that the aquatics industry (and all other industries) have a commercial imperative to sell ion-exchange resins, new wonder substrates etc., and telling people that floating plants (that you only ever have to buy once) are the answer to water quality isn't a great move commercially.......
It's alright but I prefer Tropica. 🙂Hello @Sid.scapes
Are you happy with the Aquario Neo Soil. I want to use it but i cannot find much information.
I am, yes!Wow! This is a stunning tank @Sid.scapes
Are you still running the Biomaster 350 in it? I am about to set up my 60p and ordered the 250. Think I might need to cancel and upgrade to the 350
So a quick disclaimer. My tanks are sponsored by aquario so I do get these for free. Having said that, I think they are pretty great overall. Especially v2 pipes as they are more glass-like in terms of transparency and the v2 skimmer works brilliantly (unlike v1 which sucks in too much air). My only complaint is that some parts are tad brittle and can snap if you don't handle them carefully. Like the elbow joint for the outlet and the pipe holders.How are you liking the neo pipes vs the eheim surface skimmer? I am thinking about getting the neo pipes with the outflow surface skimmer as shrimp keep getting in my eheim and its a bit ugly but I've heard mixed reviews on them.
Thank you, mate! 🙂Incredible tank Sid. wow!!!