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NA Style ADA 60P

So here's the latest update on the scape.

The stem plants are doing really well including the Ludwiga super red which has usually been quite finicky for me. Before going for a vacation, I shuffled their location with rotala blood red SG because I want to create a dense canopy near pearl weed bush.
One thing that I have noticed about rotala blood-red SG is how upright it grows! and I absolutely love it. It also retains deep red hues even when your nitrates are significantly higher (mine are circa 10ppm).
As for ferns, they are doing well too ever since I started dosing a little bit more SaltyShrimps Gh+ but unfortunately, they have got some Staghorn algae on them. I suspect that's because of the excess organic waste on the scape. I have a feeling that I have overstocked this scape. I am thinking about increasing the water change frequency to twice a week 50% instead of once a week because there is always a lot of junk in the foreground. It's also the place where I have some BGA in the scape.
But other than this, the scape is overall doing really well.

The rotala blood red SG doing it’s thing! I think this plant has huge potential to replace H’RA in the hobby. It takes pretty much no efforts whatsoever to turn this into really stunning and deep red.

This was originally from Dennis Wong (@2HrAquarist)’s farm tank and I was fortunate to receive a few stems from my friends [mention]Courtneybst [/mention] and Jordan Stirrat

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Great journal buddy

The colours and textures one the last photo are awesome. 😎

I found it to be a fine balance with that shape scape and stems in the back... need to keep the stems low enough not to cut the circulation off round the back, no easy task with the Rotalas, trim! trim! trim!
Wow! This is a stunning tank @Sid.scapes

Are you still running the Biomaster 350 in it? I am about to set up my 60p and ordered the 250. Think I might need to cancel and upgrade to the 350


I got a 250 with my 90p so a bigger tank but I find it underpowered. If I had a 60p I would go for the 350. I’m thinking of upgrading to the 600 for mine.

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How are you liking the neo pipes vs the eheim surface skimmer? I am thinking about getting the neo pipes with the outflow surface skimmer as shrimp keep getting in my eheim and its a bit ugly but I've heard mixed reviews on them.
Hi all,
I've just found <"an old thread"> (from 2017) which suggests I may have been sublimely thinking about <"monetising the Duckweed Index"> for a lot longer than I had realised.
The "problems" (purely in commercial terms) with the Duckweed / Frogbit Index are that:
............... Who knows <"Dragon's Den"> might be an option, "I want a £100,000 for 25% of the business"
From 2017
.......... I understand that the aquatics industry (and all other industries) have a commercial imperative to sell ion-exchange resins, new wonder substrates etc., and telling people that floating plants (that you only ever have to buy once) are the answer to water quality isn't a great move commercially.......
Now how to get the genie back in the bottle?

Possibly <"Secret Ingredient Soup">?

cheers Darrel
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How are you liking the neo pipes vs the eheim surface skimmer? I am thinking about getting the neo pipes with the outflow surface skimmer as shrimp keep getting in my eheim and its a bit ugly but I've heard mixed reviews on them.
So a quick disclaimer. My tanks are sponsored by aquario so I do get these for free. Having said that, I think they are pretty great overall. Especially v2 pipes as they are more glass-like in terms of transparency and the v2 skimmer works brilliantly (unlike v1 which sucks in too much air). My only complaint is that some parts are tad brittle and can snap if you don't handle them carefully. Like the elbow joint for the outlet and the pipe holders.
If you have any specific questions, do let me know.