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Plant identification!

G H Nelson

Global Moderator
14 Dec 2008
Hemel Hempstead
Please identify this plant!
P1040258 (Small) (2).JPG

First impression says Rotala (of some kind - there are a lot "going around") I'm not too happy about the vein on middle of leaf, though..........but you know, as well as I do, that leaves are poor for ID.
- have you got pic.s of submerged form?? This can help to strenghten/weaken the possibility of Rotala.
- somethong you got from a Wabi Kusa ??
Hi Mick
I received this small cutting from a member with a mixed bunch of other emersed plants!
Can't remember who...might have been Nelson or Greenfinger.
Has a pinkish hue to the leaf...I don't have a submerged cutting!
Its currently in my 20cm emersed cube!
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Emersed form of a young Pogostemon (stellatus) plantlet looks very simular from second pic.. :) I know Roy does Pogo growing emersed.When they grow bigger they get slightly lobed..
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If it's a Rotala it will grow like mad emersed.:D You will soon be able to cut a bit to put submerse........
I like the Pogo. idea........but the edging of leaves should not be straight.

I made a little edit after you.. I'm growing it as well.. Thats why i say a young plantlet.. When they grow bigger they get slightly lobed.. :)
Or i'm completely suffering Alzheimer light again and forgot what i'm growing myself. Here are 2 a big and a small one, the small one already is lobing it's leaves.. :)
But as far as i think to remember they came both from the same mother..
DSCF7272 (Kopie).JPG