Hi guys,i was wondering if JBL Manando would be a suitable substrate for a shrimp tank?Or should i try and get hold of specialised shrimp substrate?Any advice most welcome,cheers Mark.
I was going to use Genchem Biozynme,Beta-G and Polytase as well as Shirakura Mineral Stone.Is that enough or is something vital missing?RO water mineralised with Salty Shrimp Bee Shrimp Mineral GH+ or Dennerle Crusta Mineral as have done in the past on my Sakura nano.Cheers MarkGo for a depth of at least 5cms it makes a big difference to the buffering capabilities of the soil
When setting up a new tank I always dose the mid layer of the substrate with Borneowild bebi, minerax & enlive as this will help build up a good healthy layer of biofilm & microorganisms for the shrimp to feed on
Mineral powder releases important trace minerals into water column really helps with moulting issues & general wellbeing & bacteria to feed the filter & substrate really important in a low ph tank for topping bacteria after water changes
Plenty of other similar products are available
Will have a look and see if i can source it where i live.Cheers MarkShould be plenty have you ever tried shirakura chi ebi works much the same as the borneowild bebi it promotes biofilm & microorganisms & a great feed for adults & baby shrimp alike