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Shrimp substrate question.


4 Dec 2012
Lake Garda Italy
Hi guys,i was wondering if JBL Manando would be a suitable substrate for a shrimp tank?Or should i try and get hold of specialised shrimp substrate?Any advice most welcome,cheers Mark.
I was going to use that in our tank. I thought it looked good for the money. In the end I went for ada topped with akadama. Jbl do a nice range. I was going to use Jbl aquabasis plus capped with the mando. Jbl recon the Aqua basis is good for 3 years😱 or you can just add the 7+13 balls which I personally rate,just pushed into the mando.
Thanks for your reply Kirk.Only thought i had was the Manando effect on TDS and that it seems to have magnetic properties.Would this be a problem?Cheers Mark.
Thats got me thinking Mark . A question I couldn't answer correctly with confidence. This is what they say in catalogue. I did think that the properties were an advantage. Could just be something that all good substrate does.ady6u8us.jpg some of the more experienced shrimpers on here will be of more help ie Nathaniel or Lindy maybe? Cheers Kirk.

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Thanks Kirk and Graham,there will be no rooted plants in the set up,just moss and Java fern.I have some Manando lying around thats all but if it is going to cause problems i would rather look around for something more suitable.Maybe Manando could be ok for Neocaradinia but i would not think for more demanding species,would i be right?Cheers Mark
Yes your right there neocaridina are happy on most substrates they are very adaptable where as the more sensitive shrimp need more stable water parameters that's where you can't beat a good active shrimp substrate
All depends on which type shrimp you decide on
I could get hold of Shirakura Red Bee Sand or Dennerle Shrimp Substrate should be better than Manando in a shrimp nano.I could not source anything else where i live in Italy at the moment.What do you guys think?Cheers Mark
I have been keeping Red Sakura in one 20 liter nano now i have another 20 liter almost empty just a few Rilli shrimp in there,and am thinking about what to put in there.With a decent substrate obviously you have an advantage.
You can keep neocaradinia shrimp with ease with red bee sand & you could also keep a caradinia species as well if you choose to
Some of the colour morphs of neocaradinia species do better in slightly softer water conditions where as the red cherry will happily live & breed in almost any water within reason
with the right substrate your options can be endless but you have to remember substrates will only last so long as you need to look after them using re mineralised ro water the substrates will last way longer than just using tap water unless you are lucky enough to have soft water
Thanks Graham i think i will get hold of some red bee sand then.It comes in a 4kg bag so should be plenty left over for rescapes🙂 Is there anything in particular to take care of with this substrate?Should anything be added to the substrate or use it on it's own(no substrate planting will be done).Cheers Mark
Go for a depth of at least 5cms it makes a big difference to the buffering capabilities of the soil
When setting up a new tank I always dose the mid layer of the substrate with Borneowild bebi, minerax & enlive as this will help build up a good healthy layer of biofilm & microorganisms for the shrimp to feed on
Mineral powder releases important trace minerals into water column really helps with moulting issues & general wellbeing & bacteria to feed the filter & substrate really important in a low ph tank for topping bacteria after water changes
Plenty of other similar products are available
Go for a depth of at least 5cms it makes a big difference to the buffering capabilities of the soil
When setting up a new tank I always dose the mid layer of the substrate with Borneowild bebi, minerax & enlive as this will help build up a good healthy layer of biofilm & microorganisms for the shrimp to feed on
Mineral powder releases important trace minerals into water column really helps with moulting issues & general wellbeing & bacteria to feed the filter & substrate really important in a low ph tank for topping bacteria after water changes
Plenty of other similar products are available
I was going to use Genchem Biozynme,Beta-G and Polytase as well as Shirakura Mineral Stone.Is that enough or is something vital missing?RO water mineralised with Salty Shrimp Bee Shrimp Mineral GH+ or Dennerle Crusta Mineral as have done in the past on my Sakura nano.Cheers Mark
Should be plenty have you ever tried shirakura chi ebi works much the same as the borneowild bebi it promotes biofilm & microorganisms & a great feed for adults & baby shrimp alike
I've used manado with shrimp before with no problems, however, it does tend to wash the colour a little due to it being so orange. If you can get hold of any soils near you then these are great for shrimp.