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UKAPS Members Photo Album


3 Jul 2007
Bexley, Kent
I think it's always great to put a face to a name so now is your chance. I'll start the ball rolling with a photo of my son Philip and myself on the Big Wheel at Windsor.

Don't be shy.

Re: UKAPS Photo Album

Good call 😀 Heres an old pic from 2006. The full beard comes and goes but the goaty always remains 😉

Trust you to get the arrow the wrong way round Lisa.

This is me and my eldest son Patrick in Lisbon Oceanarium in 2005 (he was 1 year old here)

And here he is at 2 years old in 2006.

And this is his brother Philip who was 1 year taken at the same time.

I'd post one of the wife but she looks even worse in pictures than real life!!!

This is my avatar pic but larger;

Here's me with my purple hair back in feb;

And just to show what a midget I am here is me standing infront of my husband who is 6ft2 and our daughter who is 3 in june and she's half my height already!

On my style everyones profiles ARE on the right 😛

Azaezl I managed to introduce myself to a couple of people at the meet as you, they asked if I was the girl with red hair and being a ginger I was like... yeah thats me! It was only when they asked where my kids were that I figured something was amiss 😳
Myself and the girlfriend at Kew Gardens, she is also Portuguese.


She got me hooked into fishkeeping when she took me to Oceanario in Lisbon some years back. Although mainly marine there were still some cool freshwater displays.
Lisey- Sorry my mistake. looks a little funny on mine with the avatar on the left and the arrow pointing right. I assumed it was because of where you live :twisted: You're not too bad looking I suppose seeing as you is from scummy pompey. lol

Up the Saints (if they don't go down. lol)

Come on Cardiff too.
he, he

London, I think it was the Lisbon Oceanarium (2 months before I first got a tank) that probably changed my mind about getting a fish tank (that and seeing the many gorgeous planted scapes on the net)

Well you can learn to talk nicely but you can't learn pure clas. lol

I'm from Winchester, ha, ha.

Pomps will do OK for a while until Harry buys too many rejects. As for the Saints they need to get their damned board sorted. lol

Until then I have to go down south and se the extended family with red cheeks and my hand obscuring my face whilst trying to enter rooms unnoticed. lol

Salisbury must be to the southeners what Norfolk is to the northerners. lol

Lisa_Perry75 said:
Azaezl I managed to introduce myself to a couple of people at the meet as you, they asked if I was the girl with red hair and being a ginger I was like... yeah thats me! It was only when they asked where my kids were that I figured something was amiss 😳

:lol: brilliant! How long was it before anybody realised you weren't me? Maybe I should change my username to my real name, help stop any confusion in future, esp. because I don't always have red hair, sometimes it's purple, others it's brown / burgundy dreads, I like to change my hair alot 😀

It's my fault really because I was supposed to be going, I had planned to visit my relatives in Liverpool and make the trip on the saturday but in the end we didn't go visit my relatives we decided to wait(and save the money) and just go up around my daughters birthday in june.

Kel (aka Lisey's twin :lol:)
Azaezl said:
:lol: brilliant! How long was it before anybody realised you weren't me?
Luckily it was only Elaine and a person from TGM that thought I was you, but I didn't figure it out straighaway and I don't think I put them straight. Plus with the problems people had trying to pronounce Azaezl...

Sorry Graeme 😳
Falkland Islands - penguins

Tucson, Arizona, USA - work hard, play harder

Belize, Central America - 35m depth, Blue Hole

The first ever UKAPS meet - my place