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Utricularia graminifolia advise needed


6 Nov 2013
The Netherlands

Last friday i got a nice deal on some UG. I had this plant before but without luck and always in a newly planted tank and new substrate.

I found an old thread about this plant on ukaps. People stating that UG grows better when you dont do a full EI dose (i dont know if this is true). On a other website they said that the first 6-8 weeks start with low light.

So im doing the above but atm the UG is getting brownish. See pictures attached. Also while i planted it deep in the substrate leaves are still comming lose.

Now i wonder if im treating this delicate plant the right way. Do people have succes stories about this plant so i can use your input in to turn this in a succes aswell?

My tank is matured i think. I use pressurized co2 and i give loads since no live stock is added yet. Light are on for 8 hours per day. I use 2 filters and a powerhead.

I hope you guys can give me some helpfull feedback.




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Whenever I've put UG into any kind of substrate (be it soil or gravel or sand) it didn't thrive. Died off nice and quiet.......
The best way I've grown UG have allways been wired onto a branch, allready wired with moss. One time UG by accident landed on a "moss-ball" (Cladophora - yes, it's an algae) and grew like MAD there.
This lead me to suspect UG preferes very good flow around it's roots, and I usually tie it down to a metal-grit, when I use it. Then placing the grit on top of soil/sand/gravel, if possible raised a bit (just a few mm.) Light and ferts are usually in the high end - but my water is on the soft side.
- this works for me, at least.........
Whenever I've put UG into any kind of substrate (be it soil or gravel or sand) it didn't thrive. Died off nice and quiet.......
The best way I've grown UG have allways been wired onto a branch, allready wired with moss. One time UG by accident landed on a "moss-ball" (Cladophora - yes, it's an algae) and grew like MAD there.
This lead me to suspect UG preferes very good flow around it's roots, and I usually tie it down to a metal-grit, when I use it. Then placing the grit on top of soil/sand/gravel, if possible raised a bit (just a few mm.) Light and ferts are usually in the high end - but my water is on the soft side.
- this works for me, at least.........

Thanks for the advise. Though i already planted it a few days ago and i've seen people having succes also when they plant it in the substrate.

Thanks for the input though.

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