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Recent content by Hokum

  1. H

    which fish for strong flow please

    Well If you have alot of flow, White clouds like those conditions, my river tank also has Panda Garra which like a lot of flow too. What temps are you running your tank at?
  2. H

    Heater suggestions.

    I can vouch for the Hagen Elite too, but both are about the same size.
  3. H

    Product Review Nano Heater Review

    I have the Hagen Elite mini 25W in my 12Litre and it's fine, it has a thermostat which is nice in such a small unit.
  4. H

    Lighting requirements for Anubias and Microsorum

    Test kit results.
  5. H

    Lighting requirements for Anubias and Microsorum

    Nitrates are at 20ppm, its hardly low. I've had Nitrates at 50ppm but it made little difference. I had hoped that the plants would out compete the BGA and it would go away as i clean it out.
  6. H

    Lighting requirements for Anubias and Microsorum

    I have a 100Litre 36x12x18 tank with a 39W T5. I'm struggling against BGA. I've been lighting the tank for 7hrs a day is this too long and just helping the BGA? Tank is low tech no CO2 and filtered by an Aquaclear 50 powerhead with quick filter and an Aquaball 160 atm. I'm getting a 2213...
  7. H

    Eheim 2213 Classic price.

    I suppose I could just get the taps when i see them cheaper.
  8. H

    Eheim 2213 Classic price.

    So i should get the cheap one then?
  9. H

    Eheim 2213 Classic price.

    Thanks, i had looked at this one but its sans taps which are about £10 when I looked...
  10. H

    Eheim 2213 Classic price.

    I'm looking to get the above as an addition filter for my river tank, does anyone know the best price i can pick one up for? I've seen one (with taps and media) for £52.85 inc postage, anyone know better?
  11. H

    Marks on Glass - Cleaning help needed

    Are you sure they aren't just salts and minerals from the water?
  12. H

    True SAE or something else?

    Get a Garra, they remain fairly small and are non agressive.
  13. H

    Any geologists among us?

    Would i be correct in thinking though, that if you want hard water for your fish, that a rock which reacts lightly to acid maybe a good idea to act as a buffer? I didn't do Geology... I did chemical engineering ;)
  14. H

    Help shrimp ID...

    Hi thanks. No I have Hillstream loach, White cloud mountain minnows and Glowlight Danio. The issue is that i believe Macrobrachium will predate on small fish?
  15. H

    Help shrimp ID...

    Looking at some pictures they also look like Macrobrachium lanchesteri AKA the riceland prawn... Anyone kept these shrimp?