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  1. dw1305


    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. HOB filters normally sit outside of the main tank (traditionally on the back glass). When you say "integral" do you mean above the tank? Like an overtank trickle filter? cheers Darrel
  2. dw1305

    Hello from London!

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, I have that problem in reverse, I've written more posts than I've read emails from my boss...... Cheers Darrel
  3. dw1305


    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, hopefully we can offer you good advice. Have a look at the <"Duckweed Index thread">, linked in my signature, it separates the <"important bits"> from the less important bits. Cheers Darrel
  4. dw1305

    Hi, my name is ..

    Hi all, I'm guessing that the skylite isn't causing any problems with your tank, if there are any problems with your tank, if that makes sense. Have a look at <"Tom's Poco Pozo"> That looks fine. I used to live in Bath (and still work there). cheers Darrel
  5. dw1305

    Hi, my name is ..

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, can you post a picture? It will just help us to see <"what might be happening">. I'm guessing that the skylight isn't the issue (if there is one). cheers Darrel
  6. dw1305

    Aquatic soil types

    Hi all, It won't have been the sand as such, see <"Maq's Substrate Experiment">, it will be a plant nutrition issue. Because what happens in the substrate <"is a bit of an unknown">, there maybe <"processes occurring in the substrate"> that make nutrients available, but all plants can take in...
  7. dw1305

    Wilts Noob - No aquatics yet

    ...us is probably <"Acres Aquatics"> at Corsley Heath. I haven't been in for a long time, but I still belong to their FB group. The reason I haven't been in, is that it is in Bedminster, and it is a p*g to get to for us, and you have you now have do battle with the bus lanes and ULEZ. cheers...
  8. dw1305

    New Aquascaper from Surrey - going high tech!

    Hi all, They are fine in hard water. They do well in our tap water (<"about 18 dGH / 18dKH">), <"it is soft water"> that they don't do well in. cheers Darrel
  9. dw1305

    Back to freshwater after 20 years - help! :)

    Hi all, Good idea. Have a look at: <"What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?">. Part of the <"rationale for the Duckweed Index"> was to reduce the need for water testing etc. cheers Darrel
  10. dw1305

    Back to freshwater after 20 years - help! :)

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPs You <"maybe able to get moler clay based substrate"> (<"I used cat litter">) or a <"calcined (heated) clay product"> (like "Turface" in the USA). Personally I just use "play sand" with a minimal amount of <"clay soil and leaf mold added"> and add fertiliser via the...
  11. dw1305

    G'day mate! .... from Australia 🇦🇺

    Hi all, That should be fine, so I'm not quite sure why it has happened in your low alkalinity water. Usually problems with iron availability happen in harder, more alkaline water. The ferrous gluconate may have come out of solution, but the FeDTPA should be OK. Cheers Darrel
  12. dw1305

    G'day mate! .... from Australia 🇦🇺

    Hi all, It is likely. We don't know exactly what happens in the substrate, but as it matures you get zones of <"fluctuating REDOX values"> that make iron (Fe++(+)) more readily plant available. The ADA substrate may also have still had some ability to soften the water, which would make iron...
  13. dw1305

    G'day mate! .... from Australia 🇦🇺

    Hi all, It is likely to be a change in iron (Fe++(+)) availability. Iron is a nutrient that forms a lot of insoluble compounds, is an essential component of chlorophyll and is immobile in the plant. This means that if iron becomes unavailable? Chlorosis develops. More to follow. cheers Darrel
  14. dw1305

    G'day mate! .... from Australia 🇦🇺

    Hi all, G'day and welcome to UKAPS. That looks a nice range of plants. Is the new growth on <"some of the plants pale">? It looks like it in the photo, but the colour might just be washed out by the light, and assuming they have pale new growth? Were they like that before you changed substrate...
  15. dw1305

    Noob from Edinburgh

    Hi all, I never did, but here it is <"Dr Timothy Hovanec's comments about Bacterial supplements">. cheers Darrel
  16. dw1305

    Hi from Hampshire (with pictures) - is UKAPS the answer?

    Hi all, I'll have one, if I can swap it for something? They are a funny plant, easy to propagate, but more difficult to keep long term. You need to watch out for Vine weevils and Mealy Bug. cheers Darrel
  17. dw1305

    Hi from Hampshire (with pictures) - is UKAPS the answer?

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, UKAPS is <"always the answer">, whatever the question. <"Been there">, but if it had been me? I'd have told you how much I like your Begonia rex . cheers Darrel
  18. dw1305

    Intro with pics. Hi from NI

    Hi all, Definitely a minefield. I'm going for "they" or "them" because they are both hermaphrodites and capable of "self-fertilization" <"Planorbella duryi (Wetherby, 1879)">. I have them in all the tanks, they are a <"perfect tank janitor">. cheers Darrel
  19. dw1305

    Hi everybody,

    Hi all, I think we've probably <"all been there">. That is the one. The other advantage Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium (Hydrocharis) laevigatum) has is that it has very little structural tissue, meaning that it can respond fairly quickly to changes in nutrient level. You can see the cell...
  20. dw1305

    Hi everybody,

    Hi all, That was one of the reasons for keeping a "floater" in the tanks - <"What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?">. I originally chose a floating plant so that it had access to atmospheric CO2 <"Global Monitoring Laboratory - Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases">, this is Diana Walstad's...
  21. dw1305

    Hi Everyone

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. Very nice. How did your two males get on? I've <"never kept Rift Lake cichlids">, but their types of tank get a mention sometimes in <"threads on cycling"> and this one really was the <"Mbuna scenario">. cheers Darrel
  22. dw1305

    Hi from West Wales

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, that is a <"nice place to live">. cheers Darrel
  23. dw1305

    Hello everyone!

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS Good on them, "Darren" at Lasswade has got a <"mention before">. It is a bit of a tricky one, <"Cherry Shrimps"> and <"Nerites"> need harder water, but Neon Tetra would be better in softer water. It is easy to add compounds to water, so you start from a good base...
  24. dw1305

    Hello from Scotland.

    Hi all, I'll put in some links when I'm back home. <"Easy Life ProFito"> Cheers Darrel
  25. dw1305

    Hello from Scotland.

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. It is a micronutrient fertiliser. A lot of us don't add CO2. This is one of the problems that bedevils our hobby, but we don't have anything to sell. Cheers Darrel
  26. dw1305

    Hello from Portland, Oregon. Nominally part of the USA.

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. Unfortunately (<"or fortunately">) we have quite a few American posters who have <"fallen foul of moderation"> on other forums. We are generally quite a friendly (and well moderated) forum where you can express different views without it all descending <"into a...
  27. dw1305

    Hello from Derby

    Hi all, I'm much <"keener on her"> than @_Maq_ is. I really like her book and I still refer to it frequently. I think that there are some things wrong with the original premise, but that she subsequently changed her views, and that change is documented in <"Walstad revises">. Have a look at...
  28. dw1305

    Hello from Derby

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, I think you will like it here. It is definitely possible. A lot of us don't use added CO2 and some of us (@_Maq_ ) don't use a filter. In terms of plants as a filtration aid? It is always <"plants and microbes together"> and it is the <"single thing that makes fish...
  29. dw1305


    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS I don't have any suggestions, but I'm very interested in the outcome of this. Who are you working with? ( at Bristol Uni or UWE)? and what crops(s) do you have in mind? (Lettuce / Rainbow Trout or Carp etc?). cheers Darrel
  30. dw1305

    New member

    Hi all, I'm a snail fan as well. I have some <"tank janitors"> in all my tanks. I believe this is more common in Marine Aquariums, but some reason has never really caught on in freshwater ones. @webbie if you want some janitors I can send you a started pack once you are up and running. cheers...
  31. dw1305

    New member

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. Some things are <"the same with planted tanks"> as with other types of aquarium, but somethings are different. One of the things that is different is that planted tanks are never cycled in the way a <"Mbuna aquarium would be">. This is mainly because plants are...
  32. dw1305

    Greetings from North Downs UK

    Hi all, Have a look at <"Buglife">, they are a pretty good environmental charity, same applies to <"FrogLife">. You can get a list of suitable native (and non-native) plants from <"https://www.nonnativespecies.org/what-can-i-do/be-plant-wise/suggested-plants/">, you need to scroll down a bit...
  33. dw1305

    Noob from Edinburgh

    Hi all, You can get them "plug and play", some people have DIY'ed their own with a <"Raspberry pi"> or <"Arduino boards">. There are also <"Inkbird temperature controllers"> (scroll down past the BBQ section). This is a Marine Raspberry pi example <"reef-pi Guide 6: pH Monitoring"> In terms...
  34. dw1305

    Noob from Edinburgh

    Hi all, I'm shouting. Like @Hanuman and @Hufsa have said, based on the chart. The derivation of the chart, and the assumptions it makes about the level of CO2 in the tank, have had a <"quite a few run-outs on the forum">. I'm <"not a CO2 user">, but if I was? I'd <"use a drop checker">...
  35. dw1305

    Noob from Edinburgh

    Hi all, Cleaning up any dead tissue is a good idea, but I'm pretty sure that the emersed plants are not the culprits. Assuming that you do have <"measurable levels of ammonia (NH3) and or nitrite (NO2-)"> the issue is the fish, and you just need to keep changing water until the <"plant /...
  36. dw1305

    Hi from Guildford, UK

    Hi all, That is it. The ammonia oxidising bacteria (AOB), that require high ammonia loadings and carbonate hardness and that were thought to cycle the aquarium, don't occur in aquarium filters. It won't do any harm, if you look at our thread with Dr Ryan Newton it is pretty much a summary of...
  37. dw1305

    Hi from Guildford, UK

    Hi all, Unfortunately you will just have to keep on changing some water. They don't do well in a <"high ammonia environment">. Good news is that your <"floating plant"> has the potential to remove a lot of fixed nitrogen, mainly because it has access to 420 ppm atmospheric CO2. We have a...
  38. dw1305

    Hi from Guildford, UK

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, that looks a good start. It maybe the substrate is softening the water, via ion exchange, if it is an <"active substrate">? From the substrate? <"Nitrification and cycling"> really is an area where the past is a different country <"Correspondence with Dr Ryan Newton...
  39. dw1305

    Newbie from south wales!

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. You have a good LFS in <"Newport Aquatics">, they have a FB group. Fifty litres should be fine for a Betta. In terms of plants have a look at <"Planting density for start up tank.">. I'll add in @dean , he knows much more about the fish than I do. It is a real...
  40. dw1305

    Aqua Noob

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. Hopefully we can help you sort out the <"coffee from the froth">. Have a look through the <"linked threads"> and the <"linked threads with in them">. For whatever reason our hobby seems to suffer dis-proportionally from <"Snake oil"> salesman. Traditional apologies...
  41. dw1305

    New member

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. Soft water is <"definitely an advantage">, partially because it is much easier <"to add compounds to water">, rather than take them away. I agree with the others, it is more likely to be the <"quality of the Guppies">, rather than the water. It is nice to have a...
  42. dw1305

    New member.

    Hi all, I still like under-gravel filters, the don't work very well with sand, but that is there only real downside. I think part of the reason they went out of fashion is that they don't have <"any consumables etc"> that <"you can sell to people"> when you sell them <"a canister filter">...
  43. dw1305


    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. Why don't you run your filter all the time? Do you turn both off at night? cheers Darrel
  44. dw1305


    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, Plants are honestly much <"more than a decoration"> (although they are decorative), they are <"really important for improving and maintaining water quality">. Have a look at <"Seasoned Tank time"> cheers Darrel
  45. dw1305

    Hello (and thank you)

    Hi all, Because UKAPS is the <"gift that keeps giving"> we have <"a thread">. cheers Darrel
  46. dw1305

    Hello, looking forward to starting UK freshwater macroalgae project

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. I'm a Corsham resident, but I still work in Bath. We have a few threads that (tangentially) cover algae. <"Deficiency or Algae?"> & <"What's this reddish brown algae? (Not diatoms)"> and <"Charophytes">. cheers Darrel
  47. dw1305

    Hort agronomist - just joined

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, Marty @foxfish is a fellow Channel Islander (Guernsey in his case) and a <"former commercial Tomato grower">. I was a nurseryman for <"a couple of years"> and then did some <"research into peat alternatives"> in the production of Hardy Ornamental Nursery Stock. I...
  48. dw1305

    Brilliant Forum

    Hi all, I should really have started with "a forum can only exist if it has a proper administration" and we have been incredibly fortunate to have @LondonDragon (and at @Tim Harrison ) in that role, because without them <"there is no forum">. cheers Darrel
  49. dw1305

    Brilliant Forum

    Hi all, That is it, if people can see that planted tanks make fish-keeping easier they can then spread the word. The way I look at is, at the moment house-plants are a really big thing amongst younger people, but aquariums probably aren't. If we can convert small proportion of those house...
  50. dw1305

    Brilliant Forum

    Hi all, A community is only as good as its members, one of our advantages is that we have member who have a lot of different interests, we have aquascapers, but we also have low tech. tank keepers, people with hard water tanks, people with soft water tanks, people who know about ponds, people...
  51. dw1305

    How/Where did you hear about Ukaps.org?????

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS We have a couple of threads for you. <"Get your garden out"> <"Show your orchids!"> <"Water meadow gardening"> cheers Darrel
  52. dw1305

    Hello from Somerset.

    Hi all, It would have been in Somerset Junior Cup on a Sunday, and at least 30 years ago, we all met up by the motorway in Bath and came down in a convoy. From what I can remember getting into the ground was quite complicated? You definitely started with eight players, but still managed to...
  53. dw1305

    Hello from Somerset.

    Hi all, A fair way from Bath then, although my wife used to have family in Stawell and I've played football against Royal Ordnance Puriton a long time ago (I think both factory and football team are long gone?) cheers Darrel
  54. dw1305

    Hello from Somerset.

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS Colin (@squidword), Can I ask where you live in Somerset? cheers Darrel
  55. dw1305


    Hi all, It depends what the reagent stuff is. You can buy the <"4 dKH"> solution ready made up (with the bromothymol blue indicator added) from <"one of our sponsors">. Personally I am not a user of CO2, the reason is that I can find quite enough ways of <"accidentally killing the aquatic...
  56. dw1305


    Hi all, You want the "Drop Checker" sticky: <"CO2 Measurement Using A Drop Checker">. cheers Darrel
  57. dw1305

    Hello from sunny Scotland

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, can we have a picture of the plants? It will make visualising your tank <"a lot easier for us">. cheers Darrel
  58. dw1305

    Hi from Leicester.

    Hi all, They are <"easy to culture">, if you fancy having a go at it. cheers Darrel
  59. dw1305


    Hi all, You will, people ask new and novel questions all the time (along with a lot of the same old questions). Additionally we have <"some content"> that might be described as only <"tangentially related"> <"to the planted tank"> and threads on <"Bonsai">, <"Orchids"> and <"gardens etc">...
  60. dw1305

    New member

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS We must <"be related">. cheers Darrel
  61. dw1305

    From reef to aquascape

    Hi all, With the Tesco cat litter it takes a long time <"to get rid of the scent">. cheers Darrel
  62. dw1305

    From reef to aquascape

    Hi all, I've used the <"Tesco moler clay"> version and <"ten years on it"> is still rock hard. If it is "diatomite" it should be <"good for all of eternity">. cheers Darrel
  63. dw1305

    Greetings from Wiltshire

    Hi all, The <"green texts"> are all links to <"other threads">. Accessible from the icon in the tool bar. If you type @Zeus. etc. it will access to that members profile. I've been into Acres Aquatics fairly recently (Nov. 2021?), I dropped off a "Mini" <"Bolbitis heudelotti"> and picked up...
  64. dw1305

    Greetings from Wiltshire

    Hi all, Welcome @Kosymodo, also a <"Wiltshire resident"> (Corsham). cheers Darrel
  65. dw1305

    saying hi

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. He (@hydrophyte - Devin Biggs) still has his company (<"Aquarium Verdi, Riparium Supply">) in the USA, he just doesn't visit the UKAPS forum <"any more">. cheers Darrel
  66. dw1305

    Newbie for planted tanks

    Hi all, If you don't keep plant eating cichlids (Tropheus etc.), there are <"plenty of plants"> that will grow in Lake Tanganyika aquariums (and <"plants that grow in the lake">). I'm very tempted by <"(Ex)Neolamprologus similis"> and even with all the digging I would still keep them in a...
  67. dw1305

    New member says hi

    Hi all, I was wondering as well, "dither fish" maybe? cheers Darrel
  68. dw1305

    new member in Scotland

    Hi all, @hwscot welcome to UKAPS. We've got a <"few gardeners">. I've been a long term Alpine Garden Society (AGS) member, but I'm more <"wild" than "alpine" these days">. I think a few of us are there. cheers Darrel
  69. dw1305

    Hello from near Bath

    Hi Nerys, Welcome to UKAPS. I work in Bath, live in Corsham. cheers Darrel
  70. dw1305

    New Member and new Scaper/fishkeeper

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, It is a <"fantastic book">. It was the under-pinning to the <"Duckweed Index"> and is just an amazing resource. She slightly revised her opinion, after it was published, by advocating <"some water changes and water movement">. I'm not an aquascaper, and I am also a...
  71. dw1305

    Back into Fishkeeping

    Hi all, Same for me, commentating on the game for our next door neighbour (he is 98 and has macular degeneration, he could listen to the radio, but he likes some company) and drinking a beer (both of us). cheers Darrel
  72. dw1305

    Good to E-meet you

    Hi all, I'm not too bothered <"about aesthetics">, but I can see your problem. You could try Floating Fern (<"Salvinia "auriculata" group">)? It doesn't have a long root like Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) or Pistia stratiotes (Nile Cabbage). cheers Darrel
  73. dw1305

    Good to E-meet you

    Hi all, Reduce the <"light intensity a bit">. I like a floating plant as "net curtain". Because the "green algae" have the same <"basic physiology and photosynthetic pigments"> as all the mosses, liverworts, ferns and higher plants it just means that you've created suitable conditions for...
  74. dw1305


    Hi all, Welcome, we have a few <"Apistogramma fans on the forum">. <"Apistogramma baenschi "Inka"> is a nice one. <"I originally"> found my way here from <"Apistogramma Forums">. cheers Darrel
  75. dw1305

    New fishy member!

    Hi all, If they have it, it is in the <"Tropica 3 for £11"> section, but there maybe post-Brexit problems with <"Tropica plant supplies">. I occasionally wander around the one in Bath, while my liftshare buys cat food etc. and they usually have it in. I guess that should do. I had Salvinia...
  76. dw1305

    New fishy member!

    Hi all, I've kept them, and they will build a small bubble nest under a floating plant like Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum). The best plant of all is Indian Fern (Ceratopteris "thalictroides") , you can buy it at pets@home normally. In terms of non-plant spawning sites <"35mm film...
  77. dw1305

    New Joiner - Two nano tanks

    Hi all, I'm not trying to be funny, but the easy answer is that you just need <"to let the plants grow in">, and once you have a decent plant mass in active growth, your tank is fish safe. I'm <"not anti-testing">, but my opinion is that basing decisions, about fish welfare, upon the results...
  78. dw1305

    New Joiner - Two nano tanks

    Hi all, Looking at the test result definitely not in the "Skull tank", and probably not for another couple of weeks. I'm not a great fan of test kits, but nitrite (NO2-) is <"less problematic to test for"> than nitrate (NO3-). You really need the NO2 level to have been zero for some time to...
  79. dw1305

    New Joiner - Two nano tanks

    Hi all, Just stop adding ammonia and <"ignore everything"> that you read/are told on forums, web-sites your LFS etc. about cycling and test kits. Linked into your <"other thread">. cheers Darrel
  80. dw1305

    Another new joiner - google SEO for AKAPS needed?

    Hi all, I'm pretty sure they are, we will all get UKAPS results high up in our search list because Google knows we are frequent visitors to UKAPS. When @Andy Pierce started looking, he wasn't a frequent visitor to UKAPS, so Google placed us much lower down the search. Is there a frequent UKAPS...
  81. dw1305

    Hi from the Forest of Dean

    Hi all, There is <"Aquajardinerie" at Three Shires Garden Centre, Newent>. I've never visited, but I went to their (same people?) Gloucester shop (Haresfield) when it was still open. @Oldguy may know, <"he is local to you">. Another vote for Newport Aquatics, I've never visited, but I'm on...
  82. dw1305

    An old newbie

    Hi all, Plant growth looks pretty good. cheers Darrel
  83. dw1305

    Hi from South Wales.

    Hi all, You could try <"Newport Aquatics">, they have an active Facebook page and an aquascaping room etc. cheers Darrel
  84. dw1305

    Solar powered scape!

    Hi all, I've got <"solar panels as well">, they are much more effective than I'd expected they would be. When you get bright sun-light, and it is cool, they are more efficient, and my experience of W. Ireland is either raining or sunny, and not much in the middle. cheers Darrel
  85. dw1305

    Hi from Holland

    Hi all, I have <"them in my tanks">, it depends a little bit on the fish you have, but they are quite resilient. I've <"introduced Lumbriculus"> as well, but they don't persist in tanks with Corydoras, Apistogramma etc. That would work, my guess is that the Dario will actually hunt them fairly...
  86. dw1305

    Hello from a London newb

    Hi all, Welcome. I'm a Pygmy Cory fan. It is worth getting a <"Banana or Micro-worm culture">, they really like small live food items. The <"Tropica easy range"> is a great place to start. You can stop adding ammonia, you don't <"need to "cycle" a planted tank"> in the same way you would a...
  87. dw1305

    Setting up a tank for my 6 year old - lots to learn

    Hi all, That is where I got the <"Copella and Pygmy Corydoras"> from. "Sam" is the guy who knows all about the fish. I'm not sure what is in Trowbridge, there was a place downstairs in the market. They had some fish from me, but I've never been back to cash in my credit note. I haven't been...
  88. dw1305

    Setting up a tank for my 6 year old - lots to learn

    Hi all, Bristol: If you want to have a look at the fish, you could try the Maidenhead Aquatics (MA) at Brislington (just past the Hick's Gate roundabout). There is the Aquatic Store in Bedminster, but that isn't easy to get to, and Parker's at Iron Acton, but I haven't been in there for a long...
  89. dw1305

    Hello, world

    Hi all, @brhau welcome and nice to see you here, you definitely have access to a lot more plant expertise on this forum. I also arrived at UKAPS from Apistogramma Forums, when <"@ Ed Seeley was an active member of both forums">. cheers Darrel
  90. dw1305

    I have to do an introduction apparently...

    Hi all, Nice introduction. They look like they might be <"Ophiopogon japonicus,"> unfortunately<"not actually an aquatic plant">. It would be fair to say that I have a bit of an issue with people who sell non-aquatics as <"aquarium plants">. cheers Darrel
  91. dw1305


    Hi all, Welcome, nice tank. Do you keep the Channa aurantimaculata cooler in the winter? I've been admiring them on the Fishhut (Colin Dunlop's) Facebook page. cheers Darrel
  92. dw1305

    Hello, popped in to say hi 🙋‍♀️

    Hi Lindy, Welcome back. cheers Darrel
  93. dw1305


    Hi all, Welcome Craig. cheers Darrel
  94. dw1305

    Another newcomer

    Hi all, Welcome. I'm an <"Aroid fan as well">. Have a look at (inactive) member @hydrophyte <"threads">, he tried a lot of different Aroids, some submerged and some partially emersed. You'll need to keep changing water for a while. I'd add a floating plant for the moment, I like <"Amazon...
  95. dw1305

    Decided to research planted tanks

    Hi all, Not the filter media then. Can we gave a picture of the tank? cheers Darrel
  96. dw1305

    Decided to research planted tanks

    Hi all, Welcome, and a bit of strange question for starters, but what does the media set-up in your filter look like? One of the main differences between keeping planted tanks and un-planted tanks is that we tend to use the plants to remove the fixed nitrogen, rather than relying on...
  97. dw1305

    New from Surrey. Hi.

    Hi all, There are some nice small cube aquariums "out-there" (should "out-there" still exist) . I like the <"Dennerle cubes">, you can get a bare tank or a <"complete set-up">. There are plenty of plants that grow well without CO2, <"in hard water">, the <"Tropica "Easy" category"> is a good...
  98. dw1305

    Plant leaf getting hols and melting

    Hi all, Competitor in the <"World's most expensive water"> competition? cheers Darrel
  99. dw1305

    Hi there!

    Hi all, I am enjoying this. Great roots and you have some great fish,'Barbus' hulstaerti and a Lamp-eye, Poropanchax normani? They are much more yellow than the ones I kept. Brilliant, which is the "mimic" tetra with your Corydoras hastatus? is it Hypressobrycon elachys? cheers Darrel
  100. dw1305

    Plant leaf getting hols and melting

    Hi all, Thanks @Pratheep. That is very useful. So lacking in the three macro-elements (N: P : K), but containing all the micro-elements. cheers Darrel