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  1. jacaranda

    New to ferts - how much Fosfo?

    If there is one thin I have learned on my planted tank journey, its add everything your plants need regardless of how much of it you think is in the water. It eliminates any doubt that your plants are getting what they need. Then you can concentrate on getting co2 and flow right. Nitrate tests...
  2. jacaranda

    New to ferts - how much Fosfo?

    You need to add magnesium sulphate, and potassium nitrate as well
  3. jacaranda

    New to ferts - how much Fosfo?

    If you are using easycarbo, you are classed as high tech. If I were you I would get a ei starter kit and use that instead. You won't need the full reccomended dose, but something like 3/4 would be a good start. You do have co2, easycarbo!