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  1. greenjar

    Trying out a Beauty Dish on my dog

    I can see the attraction and It must be a nice feeling to know that people have put their trust in you to deliver on their 'once in a lifetime' special day Link is below if you've not found already http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f= ... 11#p198611
  2. greenjar

    Trying out a Beauty Dish on my dog

    Stu, I must confess, I've been doing some internet stalking on you (......oops, that does sound bad) it all started when I googled Damian McGillicuddy 19" Beauty Dish as referred to in your OP. This led me to your flickr page via the google search results. A really nice collection of a...
  3. greenjar

    Trying out a Beauty Dish on my dog

    You can see he's a good dog by just looking into those eyes :) I would'nt have said his 13, your Pic really hides those grey hairs well -testimony again to your great photography skills. It certainly does help Stu. Nice clear and consise explanation - thanks for sharing :thumbup:
  4. greenjar

    Trying out a Beauty Dish on my dog

    Really nice Stu. I like the eye catchlights and the colour of the eyes themselves. Love the name Benji to, really suits him. Would be nice if you could share your secrets for the black background, pretty please :)
  5. greenjar

    What dslr ?

    A lot of positive reviews for the Canon 550d as well. Search this forum for 550d reviews. I've got one, and like it very much
  6. greenjar

    New toy - EOS550D, now with photos.

    awesome Steve...... your first "paid" photo shoot - good job man :thumbup:
  7. greenjar

    My first DSLR Camera - Canon

    I'm sure I will feel the same :D I did see your post and pics taken at Puzzlewood - pics and place look awesome - I would definitely like to make a visit there ............perhaps we could arrange a little photography outing around these parts.......I'm just down the road from you in Rugby...
  8. greenjar

    My first DSLR Camera - Canon

    I'd love to do that for you.....If I had any money left......as you see, today is my Birthday and that can mean only one thing..... :) :D :D :D Decided to spoil myself with goodies referred to in the opening posts......Will open up pressies tonight and post a couple pics tommorrow...
  9. greenjar

    My first DSLR Camera - Canon

    Good stuff, thanks for the clarification - Interesting stuff all this :D Great to be getting involved in and learning a new hobby
  10. greenjar

    My first DSLR Camera - Canon

    Thanks for your post James. This is not something I've thought about so I'm grateful to you for bringing this up, as its all a good part of the learning curve. Found this article (link below) which explains it all clearly, in sensible layman terms (I think :eh: )...
  11. greenjar

    My first DSLR Camera - Canon

    Awsome photos George, thanks for the link. I think I'm going to have to get me one of these :) Thanks for your msg Fox. I've made up my mind though and settled on a new 550d body only, and lens as above. The only difficult descision is when to order. I'm on holiday to France end of next...
  12. greenjar

    My first DSLR Camera - Canon

    Hi George - can I confirm, is this the correct link to the Sigma lens you've mentioned? http://www.sigmalensreview.com/sigma1770osreview
  13. greenjar

    My first DSLR Camera - Canon

    Hi Tom. I have'nt competely ruled out this option. I will and do keep an eye out for gear on Ebay. If something suitable comes up near to where I live, I would be up for poping round to view before buying (and also to suss out the seller a bit :oops:) Thanks for you comments :thumbup:
  14. greenjar

    My first DSLR Camera - Canon

    Thanks George, I'll be sure to google for the best price. Looks like you can easily pick up this liitle baby for around £70. Thanks for the confirmation and suggestion. I'll check this out, thanks - we know that if you recommended it, then its all good :D I do hear what you saying, and...
  15. greenjar

    My first DSLR Camera - Canon

    Thank you to everyone for your advice and comments. I will definitely be buying the body only with lens seperately. Just to confirm, is this the 50mm f/1.8. lens mentioned above? http://www.canon.co.uk/For_Home/Product_Finder/Cameras/EF_Lenses/Fixed_Focal_Length/EF_50mm_f18II/ Moving on, what...
  16. greenjar

    My first DSLR Camera - Canon

    Hi everyone I have been inspired by everyones great photography on the forum and now I want to focus on improving my photography, so obviously the first issue is that of equipment upgrade. I have never owned a dslr camera, only ever point and shoot. I have decide I want Canon as I like the...
  17. greenjar

    Dragon Fly's in flight

    Wow....that first one is spectacular :thumbup:
  18. greenjar

    Best place for canvas prints

    This is a great thread for anybody interested in canvas prints. I will bookmark for future referance.
  19. greenjar

    Otocinclus + Blue pearl shrimp

    I agree, Oto's are great - I love there beady eyes Could you tell us more about your shrimps though. Where did you get them from and have they bred as easily as reported? Would you recommend for beginers?