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  1. rawr

    Where can i buy sharp scissors?

    I got mine from Aqua Essentials - only a small pair but they do the job! They were about six pounds.
  2. rawr

    Water syphon bargain alert from B&Q

    Nice find, thanks for the heads up. ;)
  3. rawr

    would an 40cm tank look stupid on a 60cm long stand?

    Well it's ultimately for you to decide mate - you're the one who's gonna have to live with it. Personally, I would prefer the cabinet to fit the tank dimensions but some people wouldn't mind so much.
  4. rawr

    powerhead help.

    Why not message the seller to get the length for that exact one? ;)
  5. rawr

    DIY Project home made lighting stand's hints & tips

    Re: saintly's home made lighting stand Is this for one of those hanging halide thingymajigs? I saw them in use at TGM and they're amazing! A bit pricey though... It looks ace, nice one!