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  1. J

    Help with Hardscape placement. {update}

    Hi everyone. This is a dry set up of four different types off hardscape I wish to use. But Im not sure which one looks right. I've made the base for this using a cardboardbox and used a old backing i had for a tank a few years a go ( just dosent reach each corner lol ) The base is the same size...
  2. J

    Willow drift wood

    Hi everyone, just got back from fishing this weekend. While I was there I collected some nice bits of dead willow which had fallen in to the lake. I will post pics tomorrow. But Iwas wondering how long you need to boil the wood for till it becomes safe to use? Jon
  3. J

    could we please start a list of woods peoplehave used from?

    Hi guys I thought this be a great idea for everyone to post the different kinds of wood that people have found in the uk. And how to get them ready to use in your aquarium. I got thinking about this as Im using heather wood and hopefuly some nice drift wood from the lake I fish. Just thought...
  4. J

    Can you use conefer wood?

    Dose anyone know if this wood is safe to use in your aquarium once its been dryed out. Or do you need to boil the wood. Just got some nice bits after clearing out my friends garden. Jon
  5. J

    Heather Wood

    Hi everyone. I've been reading about heather wood and I would like to use it to replace the wood I from my lfs. The thing is I couldn't find any thing on how you prepare the wood. I know it as to be dead but how long dead. Because there is some in my friends garden which is half dead could I use...