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  1. C

    Can you name the fish?

    Slightly random question, but I'm trying to find the name of a particular fish which I can't remember. About 1 inch long. Looks a bit like a small cichlid. Red vertical stripes Blue "shine" all over Males more colourful Blue trim to pectoral fin "hovers" in amongst plants at low level, have...
  2. C

    Fish Stock for my 3ft

    I'm setting up a 3ft tank (circa 100ltr) and was just thinking of fish ideas. Ph will be around 7-7.4. So far I've got: 2 Apistogramma cacatuoide 12 - 15 threadfin rainbows 12 - 15 rummynose tetra OR celestial pearl danios OR vietnamese white cloud minnows (can't decide yet?) 4 otocinclus 4...
  3. C

    Which Fish?

    My green neons all have NTD. 2 have gone and I expect the rest to die soon. I am trying to decide what to get next. They must be small and be able to live with my breeding CRS. I think I'm down to celestial pearl danios or endlers, but not sure which. What do you think?.......