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Filter Media


New Member
6 May 2024
Looking for a little advice if possible. Currently running the ADA superjet 600 on my 60P tank which is 1 week into a planted, but fishless cycle.

The media provided with the filter was ADA NA carbon so that's what I'm currently running. It also contains 2L of biocubes.

Having done some reading, the carbon would appear to need replacing in the near future. So my question is, would you wait until the tank has cycled, or replace with something like ADA Bio Rio media beforehand? Would doing so aid the cycling?

Very good question, I can’t help except to say when I’ve used Carbon to remove tannins it needed changing after three or four weeks. I also read somewhere that ADA don’t intend their Bio Cubes to be used long term?
Hopefully someone will be along soon with some better information for you.
Hi all,
Having done some reading, the carbon would appear to need replacing in the near future.
I also read somewhere that ADA don’t intend their Bio Cubes to be used long term?
You can leave them both in if you wish. Have a look at <"Is expensive bio media worth it?"> & <"Replace biohome ultra with foam?">

"Activated charcoal" stops being "activated" but is fine as a <"biological filter medium">, same with the <"ADA Bio Cube">.

cheers Darrel
I didn’t mean to suggest that you can’t use ADA Bio Cubes long term, it is after all just bits of chopped up foam!
I just read somewhere that ADA considered it a “starter” media before using something different.

The Bio Cube concept seems a good way of using up those small trimmings from cutting your own foams to fit canisters etc.