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What device(s) are you using to take pictures of your tanks ?

I use my iPhone. Currently iPhone 13. I’ve used compacts in the past, they weren’t the best. The cameras on iPhones just keep getting better and the software does an amazing job processing the images.

If you want RAW files, you can download Halide from the App Store. However, phone cameras aren’t quite as good as a decent DSLR, or a mirrorless camera, yet.

That said, I agree with the famous photographer, Chase Jarvis, who once said “the best camera is the one that's with you”. That’s where phone cameras come in to their own. I take all my photos with my iPhone not just of my tank.
iPad mostly. I have used a 24mp MILC but then they need editing on a computer afterwards and it’s a bit of a faff for quick snaps.