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The Barren [Oops little accident - Taken Down]


17 Mar 2008
After fininshing the spine, I had over a bucket full of slate peices and Substrate that I made.
Decided not to waste it and do the Barren Landscape,Scape I have been wanting to do for a while.

I am Very Happy with the overall Look, but cannot decide what to, if anything to plant in it. ATM there are just a few sprigs of Riccia lying on the shale substrate.
There will be bo filtration, as do not want to disturb the powdered Slate. I will be using Airline tubing and simply Syphoning it when needed.

For Inhabitants, there is a Pond & Ramshorn snail. Will be adding some Crystal Red or Black Shrimp to this.






Re: The Barren

Nice scape Gill. It for sure deserves some interesting plants planted there.
I'm thinking at:

Bacopa amplexicaulis


or Bacopa sp 'Araguaia'


Hope you find them.

Re: The Barren

Nice :)

I vote for no plants! :wideyed: (other than the floaters you have already to keep the tank in balance).

or if you can not resist then a very small fronded moss (like riccardia chamedryfolia) so as not to destroy the sense of scale.
The Barren

Weird looking scape but cool :)
I'd add a tree. A small branchy piece of redmoor with some anubias bonsai to build 2 or 3 clumps of leaves. And some heavy looking floating plant with a dense root to offer a stormclouds above look.
Re: The Barren

Those rounded corners of the tank are making an awesome illusion of a walkway. I guess it will 'move as you 'circle' the tank too. very 3D. Something new maybe?

Re: The Barren

Tom said:
Interesting layout - I'd go for some moss tied to pieces of slate, strategically positioned :)

Interesting Idea, but moss is too large for this.

clonitza said:
Nice scape Gill. It for sure deserves some interesting plants planted there.
I'm thinking at:

Bacopa amplexicaulis
or Bacopa sp 'Araguaia'

Hope you find them.


Thanks for the suggestion

a1Matt said:
Nice :)

I vote for no plants! :wideyed: (other than the floaters you have already to keep the tank in balance).

or if you can not resist then a very small fronded moss (like riccardia chamedryfolia) so as not to destroy the sense of scale.

I was thinking of using a pelia, but even soo looks too big from pix. I am wondering if HC would work, but as no Co2 dunno. It does have 11W on it

Gfish said:
Weird looking scape but cool :)
I'd add a tree. A small branchy piece of redmoor with some anubias bonsai to build 2 or 3 clumps of leaves. And some heavy looking floating plant with a dense root to offer a stormclouds above look.

Anubias Bonsai again too big and Wood would look out of place, as the theme is Barren.

SuperColey1 said:
Those rounded corners of the tank are making an awesome illusion of a walkway. I guess it will 'move as you 'circle' the tank too. very 3D. Something new maybe?


Ahhh Someone Noticed that, I sometimes love and hate the rounded corners on this tank. For this scape though it works as it is distorted or mirrored depending on how you look at it.

I had wanted to Add Snowball Shrimp to this, but sadly the breeder I know had sold them all on.
Re: The Barren

looks good Gill, love the way it slope downwards, reminds me of 'Lord of the Rings' for some reason.
Re: The Barren

George I agree with you on stern plants, I had a fantasy idea regarding that scape. :)
HC grows without CO2 but very slow, if you don't mind that plant a pot and in half an year you'll have twice the size. :lol:
Re: The Barren

ianho said:
looks good Gill, love the way it slope downwards, reminds me of 'Lord of the Rings' for some reason.
I thought this too, looks like Mordor!

You could try some of the 'mini' Spiky Moss cuttings I'm meant to be sending?
Re: The Barren

George Farmer said:
Love the hardscape.

I personally don't think the stem plants referenced would suit this and agree that moss may work well.

Nice work! :D

Thanks George, Dunno on Moss, depends on what type. I would only want a few slivers of moss growing, something like Star Moss.

ianho said:
looks good Gill, love the way it slope downwards, reminds me of 'Lord of the Rings' for some reason.

Thanks, some of the inspiration for this comes from LOTR but the main Inspiration comes from an episode of the Natural World. Where Grizzly bears were Filmed clambering up a Sheer Shale Mountain to feed on Moths hiding in the Shale.

George Farmer said:
Reminds me of this...

" class="smarterwiki-linkify">http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1183/4722450504_6d7191f413_b.jpg[/img]</a></span>

Now that is very nice, That is how I would love the flora to be.
If I had a Bigger Tall Cube then I would really try and create a Sheer Cliff face. It would have to be atleast over 2.5 foot high and wide enough for me to make all the caves and crevices. It could then have outcrops and ledges going down the slope.

clonitza said:
George I agree with you on stern plants, I had a fantasy idea regarding that scape. :)
HC grows without CO2 but very slow, if you don't mind that plant a pot and in half an year you'll have twice the size. :lol:

Ahhhh, that is something to think about.
Re: The Barren

NeilW said:
ianho said:
looks good Gill, love the way it slope downwards, reminds me of 'Lord of the Rings' for some reason.
I thought this too, looks like Mordor!

You could try some of the 'mini' Spiky Moss cuttings I'm meant to be sending?

That would be good to try.
Re: The Barren

sanj said:
Where Grizzly bears were Filmed clambering up a Sheer Shale Mountain to feed on Moths hiding in the Shale.

I know that programme, was fantastic!

Im a bit miffed, I cant see these photos at work and everyone is going on about how great it is... :(

Ahhhh, sent you the PB link
Re: The Barren

that is just wicked,

i vote no additional plants. looks amazing as it is.

well done.
Re: The Barren

hijac said:
that is just wicked,

i vote no additional plants. looks amazing as it is.

well done.


There may be a few plants. I have started to grow the Micro Planted Shale. Will get some pix of it in the next few days.
Re: The Barren

Went to pick up some shrimp, but the snowballs had crashed and were recovering slowly. So got some Cherries for now. They look very cool clambering around and sifting thru the shale. Amazing that they actually pick up some of the peices in their pincers. I did take a Quick vid, and will have to figure out uploading and posting.

They are currently fighting over a spirulina tablet.

Also Decided against planting anything, will just leave the riccia in there, as it looks nice. And Also Like how the Azolla Roots look like tendrils.

Noticed the Acrylic was teaming with planaria last night, so will be a nice source of food for any fry.