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  1. S

    Chihiros WRGB Universal for Juwel tanks

    Still dead happy with it. No complaints at all. I just bought another Chihiros for a smaller tank
  2. seedoubleyou

    Twin star prism rainbows 🌈

    Could try some shades (not sunglasses).

    Reignited an old obsession 😊

    Welcome to UKAPS, keep up with the water changes the aquarium is in the early stage. Looks good

    CO2Art Awards are back

    Well done Ady🙂
  5. M

    55l medium tech

    I’ve thinned out the carpet plants in the foreground - 3 different carpeting plants all weaving through each other was getting a bit hard to manage so unfortunately the sagittaria had to go. Nice to see more of the Lagenandra meeboldii and the vietnamese white clouds, both of which are coming...
  6. Bigsilky

    Twin star prism rainbows 🌈

    Hi folks, Anyone have experience with twin star s v4 range of lights? My 450s casts off very intense rainbow prisms all over the living room, which does my mrs head in… I’m guessing it’s the light hitting the rim of the tank. Would hanging it and adding some distance from the tank stop the...
  7. Bigsilky

    Light Screens/Backgrounds - any cheaper options?

    Hi there, Is this the type of led strip you mean? Thanks
  8. hypnogogia

    Anyone got (or want to give an opinion on) a Fluval Siena?

    I used the one on my Juwel tank for a couple of years before swapping it out for an external. You could also consider the Oase range of tanks.
  9. dw1305

    Are all my CPDs male?

    Hi all, In the lab., following the <"correct protocol"> it works fairly well. In the field, or <"with non-experienced operators">, DO meters are a game changer. You calibrate them in the field and they have automatic temperature compensation etc. <"Not everyone"> is a fan, so I'll add in...
  10. rockpaper

    Are all my CPDs male?

    The test I use is a consumer-grade Winkler titration from the brand Monitor. It's a cheapo kit but I've done Winkler titration many times in lab settings. Here's an older review (2001) discussing field testing methods for DO measurement, with Winkler titrations coming out on top for precision...
  11. R

    2nd Coming

    Thanks. I love the green neons too, especially when you catch them at the right angle under the lights. I've yet to capture this well on a photo as yet! Thanks bazz. I did think it was just intensity that mattered and the RBG settings were a personal preference. The reason I asked is because...
  12. Tim Harrison

    Fern melt??

    @Bigsilky can you read the guidelines for plant help and post the relvent data please https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/please-read-the-guidelines-for-plant-help.60671/ However, if I were to guess it probably does have something to do with transitioning. Like you mentioned above AG grow their...
  13. S

    Anyone got (or want to give an opinion on) a Fluval Siena?

    Thanks for comments all, much appreciated. @hypnogogia the inlet and outlet are extendable so could reach the surface if you wanted them to 😊 I could get the Fluval Siena 332 for £1079 delivered, cheapest price. Tempting. Apparently the tank weight is 45kg despite the 10mm glass, so manageable...
  14. oreo57

    Help me compare general purpose light fixtures

    Well "par" (ppfd) treats all photons between 400-700nm equally so as long as their watt efficiency is equal par will be equal. Now if you get into " pur" where you treat them unequally ( green photons have lower value than red photons) then they are different. That said green leds are...
  15. Bigsilky

    Fern melt??

    Thanks Darrel, I will keep Observing for a bit and see what happens, I can always cut those bigger leaves off and see what the new growth does as the rhizome is much lower down. Stuck with super glue so I don’t want to try ripping at it at the moment. Thanks for you responses and all the links...
  16. dw1305

    Fern melt??

    Hi all, I'm really not sure, I would definitely try and place them somewhere <"with lesser light intensity">. <"Bolbitis heudelotii"> is naturally a really dark green and <"Microsorum pteropus"> a mid green. cheers Darrel
  17. L

    Help me compare general purpose light fixtures

    Hey @oreo57 , since I have your attention (or anyone else who might want to chime in), with all those spectrum simulation tools that you use, is it possible to find an approximated ratio to compare the PAR values of an RBGW fixture and a standard 6500K white fixture close to 100 lumens per watt...
  18. Bigsilky

    Fern melt??

    So, the dark green tips are what’s changed, the light colour on the centre of the leaves were like that when I got the plant. The plant came from aquarium gardens and they are grown hydroponically and not kept submerged in water. Im wondering if the plant is just changing to being submerged...
  19. dw1305

    Fern melt??

    Hi all, Were all the leaves green when the plant went in the tank? If they were? It maybe an excess of light. cheers Darrel
  20. dw1305

    Fern melt??

    Hi all, They should be that dark green, it is the white bits that are worrying. In the case of the Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) the new growth is a <"dark translucent green"> - <"microsorum problems">. cheers Darrel
  21. bazz

    2nd Coming

    I think that is entirely up to what is most pleasing to your eye. It's the total intensity that will effect your plants one way or the other. A disclaimer, I do know some people are saying that for example, high blue light causes algae but for our intents and purposes I can't really see that...
  22. C

    Co2 distribution

    i understand thats the right way to go. but like i said, my main filter which is an 800L/hr one seems to not have the enough output to push the flow to the other side. hence, why i set it up like that. but ive never tried to set 2 of my outputs in a way that they complement with each other. im...
  23. C

    Co2 distribution

    this is how ive come up with my setup. but i just dont have anybody where im from to ask if im doing exactly the right thing. i love green aqua. their videos are superb.
  24. Bigsilky

    Fern melt??

    I have some trident fern in there too and some of the tips are turning that dark green colour too.
  25. Bigsilky

    Fern melt??

    Hi Darrell, it’s tricky to get decent full plant shots, it’s not a big plant as I trimmed the biggest bits off as it was too big for the tank. It’s only like day 4 of a brand new set up and I’m doing 50% + water changes daily. My lighting is twin star 450s v4 set at about 50-60% brightness, but...
  26. C

    Co2 distribution

    right, there's always co2 wasted and the best way to look if theres a problem is to observe plant growth. but i think what im asking is, is my setup not wasting anymore than what is given to be wasted? or is it? all my plants are doing just fine except, for my rotala hras. my rotala blood red...
  27. dw1305

    Fern melt??

    Hi all, It isn't melting as such, more bleaching. Can we have a full plant shot? I assume it is Bolbitis heudelotii, but <"it does look a little strange">. cheers Darrel
  28. C

    Co2 distribution

    see thats what i thought so too when i noticed the problem. it seems to not have the right dimensions/proportions. this is a knock off/made in china btw. bought it from online platform similar to amazon. also, ive tried checking if there's a problem by lifting it up while running, it seems to be...
  29. Bigsilky

    Fern melt??

    Hi all, Is this change in colouration melting occurring? Or is it the plant adapting to submerged? Many thanks
  30. Scaperinc

    Newbie with a new project.

    No I think just trim it
  31. chickennublet

    Levamisole and metronidazole question

    Interestingly in Singapore antibiotics for humans and pets cannot be purchased over the counter and are prescription only. But somehow we can buy medicine for fish that contain metronidazole, kanamycin, erythromycin and the like at pet shops.
  32. dw1305

    Are all my CPDs male?

    Hi all, What did you test it with? <"Dissolved Oxygen meters work">, but are expensive bits of kit. The <"test kits they sell"> are just a mechanism for transferring your money to them. cheers Darrel
  33. dw1305

    Levamisole and metronidazole question

    Hi all, Antibiotics (for both human and pet health) can't be bought over the counter in the UK, they are prescription only. I wholly agree with this, as there is an almost perfect correlation between <"antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance">. In the UK we still <"have the farming issue">...
  34. chickennublet

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    This is just another photograph of the tank. Nothing has changed since the last full tank shot but almost all my Corydoras were out chilling so I took a picture: 20240604_225714 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr Four Corydoras sterbai on the left, the 5th one was in the middle of the tank but swam away...
  35. rockpaper

    Are all my CPDs male?

    Thank you, these are perfect guidelines! I see several individuals with dark spots before their anal fins, and many of these have the coloration you described as well. One interesting thing is that my brightest, most orange, and shiniest individual has the anal spot you described. Now I'm...
  36. Anfield1forever

    Newbie with a new project.

    Time to pull the carpet and replant? Not healthy underneath as ive let it grow to thick! 2 inch's now and should of kept it lower.... Should be fun 🤔
  37. bazz

    Best time to water change?

    9 times out of ten I do mine in the last 1 1/2 half hours of the photoperiod after CO2 has switched off so as I can see what I'm doing in the tank i.e. cleaning the glass, removing any organic debris from the substrate surface, removing any senesced leaves etc... Occasionally when a visit to the...
  38. chickennublet

    Levamisole and metronidazole question

    Thank you! Yeah I did get a bit concerned after finding out that metronidazole is an antibiotic. I used it a couple of times because I didn't want to accidentally create something resistant to it. I do think it will help get rid of some parasites but not worms specifically. I probably won't be...
  39. bazz

    Reignited an old obsession 😊

    Welcome, and you'll not be in better hands if you are heeding AG's advice.
  40. chickennublet

    Are all my CPDs male?

    There are a few differences between males and females for this fish. I think the most obvious one is in the colouration of the abdomen. In females, the front of the abdomen is white or cream coloured. In males the white-spotted blue colouration covers the entire abdomen. Females also have...
  41. dw1305

    UK Source for dry ferts, recipe and dosing

    Hi all, That is one of the (many) advantages of UKAPS. we have a number of in depth threads, on a <"wide range of subjects">. Rather than just being an <"echo-chamber">, where <"facts"> are endlessly recycled, <"we've talked to scientists"> and we've <"developed techniques"> that make...
  42. dw1305

    UK Source for dry ferts, recipe and dosing

    Hi all, That sounds about right, the mark up on <"aquarium fertilisers"> is eye watering <"TNC Complete">. This is from the <"IFC calculator">. cheers Darrel
  43. dw1305

    UK Source for dry ferts, recipe and dosing

    Hi all, Boiling tap water will remove bicarbonate (HCO3-), also known as dKH or "temporary hardness", from the water, as long as it is strained into a fresh container while still very hot - <"Anyone have fert list to make 2hr aquarist APT Complete please.">. Depending on the calcium (Ca)...
  44. R

    UK Source for dry ferts, recipe and dosing

    That's a mahoosive amount of reading, but I'm enjoying working my way through it! For the Solufeed mix, initial outlay is £36 which makes about 15L of mix (with TEC Sodium Free left over). At 60ml a week that should last about 5 years unless I've miscalculated! This might be the way I go...
  45. R

    UK Source for dry ferts, recipe and dosing

    Do these quantities look OK to get started (attached pic). If I understand correctly that will make 1L of micronutrients - unsure how much macronutrients this will make as the guide refers to "tea spoons" rather than grams - would you be in a position to advise? 1L of micronutrients would last...
  46. richardcunliffe

    60 Lush

    Thanks for your kind words :D It's not the sharp precise aquascape, but I'm enjoying its own messy jungly vibe. Anyone else enjoy the view when sitting on the floor looking up into their tank?
  47. rockpaper

    Are all my CPDs male?

    I got a set of 10 celestial pearl danios about a week ago. They were thin and pale when I first got them, so I couldn't figure out their sexes. Now that they've brightened up a bit, I'm... concerned. Please tell me that I didn't get 100% male celestial pearl danios! Also let me apologize...
  48. rockpaper

    Levamisole with nerite snails and shrimps

    Please keep us updated! De-wormers are nerites are such a chore. Thank you for reporting in!
  49. rockpaper

    Levamisole and metronidazole question

    Since no one has answered you yet, I figure I could give it a shot. Please know I am a novice hobbyist, so my practical knowledge is limited. My strength is that I am a molecular biologist and I can access, read, and understand scientific literature... so I guess, I can tell you what papers say...
  50. Kaliilo

    60 Lush

    I love that wood, looks like a tree stump in an enchanted forest. Tank looks stunning. I would say you have achieved 'lush'
  51. Kaliilo

    2nd Coming

    Gorgeous tank and I love those green neons!
  52. Kaliilo

    An update as I have returned :)

    Spot the newest baby Cory....I really wish I knew how so many are surviving 😂 it's becoming an issue
  53. Kaliilo

    An update as I have returned :)

    I find all the easy plants explode in my tap water, they grow so fast but I've not tried anything but easy plants and I don't use co2. Java moss is a real issue here, it seems to love the hard water and is growing at a pace that it really shouldn't. It's a pain in the blahblahblahblah lol I'm currently...
  54. Chez_

    Charcoal after No Planaria?

    Thank you! I've done another two 40% changes today and the planaria and hydra seem to be gone. Most of the bigger ramshorns I missed are still trucking, but from what I've read there can be a delayed reaction. One of my juvenile lamp-eyes has developed some red spots and is a bit lethargic...
  55. MichaelJ

    Aquarium Disaster

    Yes, it definitely raises the questions about long term risks of compact soil/substrate. I would suspect it might take a fairly long time (perhaps years?) for enough organic waste etc. to accumulate deep in the substrate with reduced oxygen levels and in turn enough H2S formation before it...
  56. hasan66

    UK Source for dry ferts, recipe and dosing

    And the high level of phosphate gave me the GDA result.
  57. Zeus.

    Co2 distribution

    All the outputs should complement each other to increase the flow which will then go to the bottom of the tank. Your outputs are all fighting against each other in the middle of the tank (you can even see how far the bubbles reach before the battle begins in middle of your tank) which will...
  58. hasan66

    UK Source for dry ferts, recipe and dosing

    Once upon a time, he always had GSA in his aquarium, even I added 15ppm of phosphate, but I still bought GSA. It makes sense to keep the phosphate low. Of course, when did the iron go above 0.1ppm? Even though I didn't take it in the aquarium glasses, I bought GSA in the plants. I think the main...
  59. MichaelJ

    Anubias Deficiency ?

    Quite possibly I've been way too skimpy on my micro dosing for quite a while (in this tank I use NilocG Plantex CSM+B) - it seems to work for the other plants though as I only see this anomaly on the old Anubias leaves. The tank is very densely planted with Anubias, Swords, Crypts, Buces and an...
  60. Scaperinc

    Does anyone use this Led lamp? Is Hygger a good brand?

    Mate I just bought chihiros wrgb 2 from aliexpress it was 45 cm one for £108 I think the 60cm version is 150ish and the light is great, does come with eu plug though 93.69ï¿¡ 73% OFF|Chihiros WRGB II 2 Full Specturn Water Plant LED Light Upgrade RGB Built in Bluetooth APP Control for Aquarium...
  61. TrevC

    UK Source for dry ferts, recipe and dosing

    Hi. I am UK based and new to dry salts and I have been getting mine in relatively small sized batches so far from Aqua Plants Care . I have been following the EI approach for my 200L tank and their site includes recommendations for EI mixing ratios Estimative Index Fertilization Method EI in...
  62. oreo57

    Does anyone use this Led lamp? Is Hygger a good brand?

    Brands of lights don't " cause" algae. Mostly a nutrient imbalance between the 3 "nutrients" ..light quantity, CO2, and fertilizers. Any dimmable led alows you to control the amount of " nutrients".. Assuming a 20gal tank 24x12x12.. You have a lot of choices. More will depend on what you want...
  63. J

    Water Change on Wheels

    Perfect. Thanks @Koaan!
  64. Koaan

    Water Change on Wheels

    Something like this: designed to roll and not flip. If you can't find one of these in a size that fits your can, maybe swap out your can for a smaller can that fits?
  65. dw1305

    Aquarium Disaster

    Hi all, I think that is the only explanation, what I'm not sure about is why are conditions amenable to H2S formation? There doesn't seem to be the input of nutrients that might provide a substrate and then reduce oxygen levels low enough to produce ORP values at a level for sulphide formation...
  66. Happi

    Anubias Deficiency ?

    this is not an easy diagnosis because first of all these symptoms can be caused by several factors other than nutrients Deficiencies/Toxicities. you also have to look at other plants as well and see if they are also suffering from similar symptoms. if we were to guess which Deficiency is seen...
  67. hypnogogia

    UK Source for dry ferts, recipe and dosing

    So is your question about what to buy/mix, or where to buy it? Any garage or supermarket. It's important to avoid any possible reactions between your salts and what's in the tap water, so best to use distilled.
  68. R

    2nd Coming

    A few more weeks on now, tank is at around the 2 month mark. Gladly I've passed the ugly diatoms stage from the pictures in the previous post and all is looking well again. Everything seems to be growing nicely and so far so good on the algae front. I've had a little bit of GSA on the glass and...
  69. J

    Undergravel filter

    Hello hello This thread is great, and since I just set up a UGF I decided to join, as to add more info. I set up using the same fabric method as @Oldguy did: But I use a geo fabric, that is used around street drainage pipes, that allows water flow out of the cement pipes through the soil, but...
  70. neofy705

    Levamisole with nerite snails and shrimps

    This thread was started due to lack of information online (or better say conflicting information) on how nerites tolerate levamisole. Hence I decided to use this post to share my experience with this medication in my tank in hope it helps someone. The aquarium: Capacity: 250L Inhabitants: Honey...
  71. Andy Pierce

    Aquarium Disaster

    The way I read this @Serenade4 has concerns that H2S is forming naturally in anoxic zones of the substrate.
  72. dw1305

    UK Source for dry ferts, recipe and dosing

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS, In terms of <"value for money"> you just need to stay away from anything pre-diluted and / or <"aimed specifically at the aquarium market">. I've always used a <"horticultural fertiliser">, but not very scientifically, @Happi has done all the hard work in <"Solufeed...
  73. richardcunliffe

    An update as I have returned :)

    Not here! Keep it coming! Thanks for sharing
  74. G

    CO2 regulator issues

    Hi all, Apologies if was discussed before. My CO2Art regulator seems to develop a small leak that empties a 2kg bottle in about 24h. I verified all connections with soapy water and no bubbles. As test I connected the regulator to a new bottle and pressurised both low and high presure sides...
  75. hypnogogia

    Best time to water change?

    When my daughter asks me what I'm doing my stock answer is "flooding the house".
  76. Wookii

    Best time to water change?

    I wouldn't really worry too much about it if you are going straight from tap to tank, tap water typically has fairly decent levels of dissolved CO2 anyway.
  77. Wookii

    Best time to water change?

    +1 to this - the best time to change water is when it is most convenient for you to do it, otherwise you simply won't stick to the schedule long term and will end up missing water changes. Water changes are essential, but lets be honest, they're a complete PITA. I set stuff up to automate all...
  78. Bigsilky

    Best time to water change?

    Ya, I’ve got no issue doing them. What I was wondering is when in the day is the best time to do it with regards to co2 dosing, ferts, photoperiod. New tank doing water changes daily, I’ve been doing them about an hour after photoperiod and 2hr after co2 ends. Ideally I’d like to do them while...
  79. R

    UK Source for dry ferts, recipe and dosing

    Hi all, I'd like to start mixing my own fertiliser for a 180L heavily planted tank. I've read loads of threads on here and elsewhere, but wanted something really simple: I'm in the UK - what's the best place to buy the dry ferts (links welcome). By "best" I mean quality and value for money...
  80. palcente

    Best time to water change?

    I usually make a huge mess, so I try to time WC when my missus is out of the house :D
  81. ElleDee

    Best time to water change?

    Changing water is like exercising. There may be small benefits to one time or another, but the real trick is showing up and doing them consistently. Better to work them into your schedule as painlessly as possible so they actually get done.
  82. Y

    Does anyone use this Led lamp? Is Hygger a good brand?

    size : 60 x 30 cm I don't have a budget limit thank you
  83. dw1305

    Aquarium Disaster

    Hi all, It would probably depend on how <"physically stable it is">. I use silica sand and potentially that remains "good" eternally. I'm not a vacuum fan, but it would be difficult with fairly fine sand any way. This is what Dr Stephan Tanner says: <"Aquarium Biofiltration - SWISSTROPICALS">...
  84. S

    Aquarium Disaster

    So does all substrate have a finite life in a tank? Would vacuuming help (although I always thought that would remove nutrients and disturbing it might cause HS to be released)?
  85. hypnogogia

    Anyone got (or want to give an opinion on) a Fluval Siena?

    Only problem I can see with that filter inlet is that it doesn't reach the surface to give you surface agitation.
  86. G

    An update as I have returned :)

    Welcome back from another Herts resident. Your aquariums look great. Plant growth looks to be impressive, I find it quite a challenge with our rock hard water.
  87. G

    Reignited an old obsession 😊

    Great effort, looks really good :)
  88. Bigsilky

    Best time to water change?

    Currently I’ve got co2 on at 08:30 and lights on at 10:30. So I’d be cutting fine too lol.. but I may move the photo period a little later in the day at some point. The mrs is struggling to get used to the rainbow prism effect on everything in the living room from the twin star 450s. So I have...
  89. MrClockOff

    Best time to water change?

    Would be to early for me, mine starts at 8am 😁
  90. dw1305

    Aquarium Disaster

    ...any H2S. You need to add about 1 - 3 mg / L H2O2 per 1 mg / L H2S. <"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.2175/106143015X14362865225951">* * If the link stops working the reference is Chan & Farahbakhsh (2015) "Oxygen Demand of Fresh and Stored Sulfide Solutions and Sulfide-Rich...
  91. Cazza

    60 Lush

    Looks excellent! Some of the moss in my tank grew emersed really well.
  92. Mike Singh

    Reignited an old obsession 😊

    Welcome and nice tank!
  93. Mike Singh

    Short Low Maintenance Carpet Plants?

    It can be done but will take ages. You would also have the right water pH and substrate to help the plants along.
  94. chickennublet

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    Just sharing a picture of my Corydoras caudimaculatus shortly after I acquired them I bought 5, but I haven't seen all 5 of them in recent days. I did rearrange the scape a bit recently, a little worried that one of them might be stuck under some hardscape but should be very unlikely since...
  95. J

    Journal on my new 200L low tech with Under Gravel Filter

    Hello hello. So its been 20 days since the setup. The aquarium plants are thriving, fish are delivering their fry. The pH from day one to now went from 7,2 to 7,6. But it stopped there more than week ago. So I'm quite sure it was the boulder that I place on top of my driftwood that was slowly...
  96. rockpaper

    Information on Fenbendazole

    ...to under-estimate your aquarium volume by ~20% for hardscape and substrate volume by multiplying the tank volume by 0.8): ((Aquarium Volume (L) * 0.8) / 39 L) * 0.1 (g) = Panacur C (g) In my case, my aquarium is ~57 L, so ((57 L * 0.8 )/ 39 L)* 0.1 g = 0.116 g Panacur C 0.116 g is a very...
  97. MichaelJ

    Anubias Deficiency ?

    Yes John I think your right.. strangely it’s only some of my Anubias - nothing on my swords, crypts, buces etc. must say some of these leaves are really old, quite frankly … perhaps the leaves are just being retired from old age to give room for new growth. Cheers, Michael
  98. Scaperinc

    Anyone got (or want to give an opinion on) a Fluval Siena?

    I have a roma cabinet for my 2 rimless aquariums and I hate it, so small inside and not tall enough either, sienna looks nicer though.
  99. Andy Pierce

    Aquarium Disaster

    Hydrogen sulfide is toxic, so if the substrate was disturbed and released a lot of H2S in principle that could have contributed to the killing.