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  1. castle

    Bloodworm cultivation

    I’ve come up with a way to get lots of blood worms. About 1 inch of clay, in a wide-ish tub with about 30cm of water. Leave for two weeks and there are hundreds. However I can’t seem to come up with a way to separate larvae from mud; vigorously mixing the solution to break up the clay doesn’t...
  2. S

    MTS...Just how bad do you have it ?

    So thats what you do in the day! Awsome.
  3. S

    MTS...Just how bad do you have it ?

    Oh man, can you post a pic of the 1000 ltr please?
  4. S

    Solenoid heat??

    Under ordinary operation, solenoids get warm (if not hot) to the touch. The temperature of a solenoid can easily be between 65C and 100C (less once you account for the plastic insulation).
  5. Danlacey1988

    Botanicals? Bamboo leaves

    Yeah I only boiled them to be sure they were 100% safe for my tank incase something got on to them
  6. dw1305

    Botanicals? Bamboo leaves

    Hi all, I wouldn't boil either (or any other botanicals), but they both look fine. Cheers Darrel
  7. Danlacey1988

    Botanicals? Bamboo leaves

    Do you think these bamboo leafs would work? I also got hold of some alder cones I've already boiled all just incase and now there drying out
  8. FrozenShivers


    I have two CO2 setups, one with Co2Art Pro Se, one with the Strideways Pro Plus, I would say the Strideways is easily worth the extra 25 euros, better adjustment as the needle valve seems to be more accurate so you can dial it in better, plus if you ever add aquariums you can just add an...
  9. Andy Pierce

    ortho-ortho chelate

    'Para' means 'opposite' and refers to the location of the (green) -OH group coming off the hexagonal ring that connects to the rest of the molecule. 'Ortho' means 'next to' and shows the (red) -OH coming off the hexagonal ring next to the piece connecting to the rest of the molecule. The other...
  10. dw1305

    Botanicals? Bamboo leaves

    Hi all, I've tried them, they are rot resistant, but didn't provide much tint. You want the dead, brown leaves from the old canes. Cheers Darrel
  11. Zeus.


    I got my kit from CO2 Art - they was very help at the time as I was a newbie to hobby - I got the Pro kit with twin outlets - had the change the needle valves due the user damage - just got cheapo ones from RS supplies, never had an issue with the needle valves, however I was running my twin...
  12. Dr. White

    55 litre Ikea Kallax set up

    It did, but I wanted up upgrade my external filter and the new larger one would not fit on the shelf. With the shelf imparts rigidity it couldn't be safely removed. So I ended up needing to buy a conventional stand. With the new stand, I was able to also put up a hanger on the inside door for...
  13. Zeus.

    Solenoid heat??

    Lucky you have the 12V ones as the 240V ones get pretty hot in comparison Its the needle valves that are more susceptible the flow rates changes with temps - esp the cheapo needle valves most of us use
  14. Danlacey1988

    Botanicals? Bamboo leaves

    Hi all, So I've read that bamboo leaves can be a good botanical to use in a aquarium ? I'm considering using them as there small and would make a interesting leaf litter instead of the normal oak leafs I've used before . If anyone has any advice I would very much appreciate it has anyone else...
  15. Tim Harrison


    That's dire, definitely send it back. Just out of curiosity where did you purchase it? There are more than a few alternatives on the market these days with decent silicone work.
  16. Tim Harrison

    MTS...Just how bad do you have it ?

    Got MTS? Maintenance getting you down? Don't worry, help is just a quick phone call away. . .
  17. J

    ortho-ortho chelate

    Ortho-ortho is more of a structure of said chelate, rather than the chelate itself. To be honest it's way above my pay grade, but generally these different structures are associated with eddha fe. The package labeling doesn't mention eddha, so I'm at a loss. Anyway... here's a bit of info on...
  18. Andy Pierce

    ortho-ortho chelate

    Most of the iron chelates work around EDTA or chemically similar chelation. 'Ortho' describes the geometry by which the iron atom is held in place by the chelator - this comes in four possible flavours: ortho-ortho, ortho-para, para-ortho, para-para. Ortho-ortho is the most stable so that's...
  19. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    I fed them some crushed cichlid pellets and low and behold one of the convicts came out. Really nice yellow colour, and unlike their counterparts they have an orange fringe to their finnage instead of blue.
  20. D

    Solenoid heat??

    If we get hold of the plastic sides of our Mains solenoid you can hold it all the time, just warm, but ours has a metal end to it and thats much hotter but not burning. One thing to note, the heat from the solendoid may affect the bubble counter, on ours, if you adjust it when just switched on...
  21. D

    Nano power head

    Made a life size mock up of the Eheim BioPower but it does look way too big and obvious for the tank. Ordered the Aquel Pat Mini @MichaelJ recommends and its just arrived, supplied with the soft sponge. Have to say its extemely quiet, probably the quietest we have come across, even in their...
  22. M


    OK, thanks a lot. What advice do you have on co2art pro se? or strideways pro plus 155 euros. co2 art 130 euros
  23. john arnold

    Galvanised trough help

    Ok thanks all for advice im going to paint a rubber type coating inside i think, have a good weekend
  24. S

    Fat, or ill? Chili rasboras

    In my experience, different kinds of Rasbora go really well together as well. I wanted to get some new Chillis this week and found some at MHA Merton- Surrey, but walked away. It basically looks like they have given up by the state of the tanks or are understaffed? Probably both. When you buy...
  25. O

    Hello for London

    Thanks, this is my current fish tanks one small one with guppies and shrimp the other one is Fluval Roma 240
  26. MaterialCrab

    Started as High Tech - Transitioning to Low Tech

    A little update, the BBA / Staghorn algae as drastically died down. I've just been doing top ups from my water butt. I've ordered some Daphnia as well as I've read on this forum that they are a good indication of healthy water within the water butt. Sadly my fx4 is running poorly so I went...
  27. bazz

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

    I used to have this site bookmarked but some reason it disappeared a couple of years ago (user error), glad to have it back. This one is also a reasonably good site for info, for anyone who is interested. http://aroids.palo-alto.ca.us/
  28. hasan66

    ortho-ortho chelate

    Hi, I asked the seller about the chelation of this product and he told me that it is ortho-ortho chelated. Is there such a chelate or if so, what is the pH value of this chelate?
  29. NathanB

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

    The maidenhead aquatics where I got it has one in their display tank too, and it's right next to a huge balansae! they look completely different with the balansae having huge thick leaves which I'm not too keen on, especially for my smaller 60cm tank!
  30. NathanB

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

    This is the plant, I've wanted some more of it for ages!
  31. bazz

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

    Nice one @John q , there you go @NathanB the full picture!
  32. J

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

    Cryptocoryne balansae is a simply a synonym of Cryptocoryne crispatula var balansae. There are 8 variations of Cryptocoryne crispatula, crispatula var crispatula is probably the one with the narrower leaf. https://www.cryptocoryneworld.org/crispatula-g.php Balansae...
  33. bazz

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

    I'm no expert but know that Crypt Crispatula comes in several forms of which Balansae is by far the most popular. Other forms Including Flaccidifolia and Tonkiniensis (Flowgrow) I have never personally seen for sale but I think Kubotai is starting to make an appearance on the continent and will...
  34. Bigsilky

    Solenoid heat??

    Hi there, Thanks for your reply, it’s the 12v one apparently 🤷‍♂️ still quite warm to my touch but I guess it’s just “on” and that causes the heat.
  35. Zeus.

    Solenoid heat??

    The 240 volt can get a bit hot and the 12 volt ones seem to run much cooler IME
  36. Bigsilky

    Solenoid heat??

    Hi all, Is it normal for a co2 reg solenoid to get hot? Or just quite warm to the touch? Noticed mine today was kicking out some heat. It’s a strideways dual stage system so im presuming the solenoid is good quality. Thanks
  37. A

    Taquari River, Small Stream/Coxim, Brasil.

    Hi everyone! It's been a long time, I hope everyone is okay? I wanted to say hello with a new biotope topic! While watching Tai's videos, I came across this video in which he captured images of a small stream in Coxim town; It was a stream where black neon tetras (Hyphessobrycon...
  38. C

    Week aqua users

    It is not possible to find the lights of this brand in any dealer in Turkey or buy them from the week aqua website. Because the tax system in Turkey is very problematic. Aliexp. Even if you want to get it, it is not possible to get it. Because there is a limit of 150 euros for customs. And 30%...
  39. NathanB

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

    Now this has always been a bit confusing to me, is Cryptocoryne balansae and Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae the same plant? I was under the impression that balansae grew much bigger with wider darker leaves, and crispatula kept it's narrow crinkled leaves?
  40. Zeus.


    Never used the brand. In life you often get what you pay for. A good quality regulator and needle valve are quite expensive and most outlets do not sell high quality needle valves, they are often cheap variants which work but can lead to fluctuations in CO2 injection rates from day to day...
  41. Tim Harrison

    Fat, or ill? Chili rasboras

    They definitely do better in larger numbers, and you'll perhaps see more of them as well. I had well over 20 micro rasbora in this tank. I gave them plenty of hiding places which also helped. They were still fairly elusive but that was okay since I got to see them on their own terms.
  42. Mike Singh


    Looks like shoddy work. I’d return it.
  43. bazz

    Hello for London

    Welcome, look forward to seeing a few photos of your existing and future aquariums.
  44. Mike Singh

    Hello for London

  45. Tim Harrison

    Hello for London

    Welcome 🙂
  46. Anfield1forever

    Newbie with a new project.

    I will lol 😆 👍
  47. O

    Hello for London

    Hi everyone, I’ve been keeping fish for long time I have couple of planed tanks. Just bought two more so may need some help setting them up😊. I know I came to the right place. I’ve been reading from this forum for long time now I decided to join.
  48. O


    Hi there, I bought two of this fish tanks just wanted to see if you have any opinion on this. Unfortunately, one of them came broken. The other one silicon work is to my taste very bad so wanted to see if anybody have any experience with this and if this is acceptable. Should I be looking to...
  49. Tyko_N

    Small white worms on aquarium glass, what are they?

    A bit tricky without seeing it move (for me at least). If it glides smoothly across the glass, then it's some kind of flatworm, although it doesn't really give me flatworm vibes since you're usually able to see at least some "stomach" and eyes on them. The small size speaks against it being an...
  50. megwattscreative

    Fat, or ill? Chili rasboras

    @Tim Harrison They're behaving normally, just haven't seen most of them! They're voracious little hunters. @tam I'm planning on adding some more anyway as I think a larger shoal will make them a little more confident and perhaps convince the others to come out of hiding. You could definitely...
  51. J

    Journal on my new 200L low tech with Under Gravel Filter

    Hello fellows. So today I decided to check the power head that runs my UGF. I wanted to check if it had any buildup, as in my other tanks with internal filter, they tend to have a buildup in their spinning wheel and around it. It get covered with a slime stuff, that I believe is biofilm. So I...
  52. M


    Hi, I wanted to know what you think of the fzone pro brand. Anyone have it I wanted opinions thank you very much
  53. S

    Hello Fresh Bonus!

    i had wool in a Gusto delivery before. Maybe they ran out of sheep on this one!
  54. Maf 2500

    New heated filter for larger aquariums

    It is showing up on Amazon UK now (via Aquacadabra) but they want 650 notes for it! Pro-Shrimp are a fiver cheaper but it is a special order item, they don't hold stock. Quite a bit more than getting it from Aquaristik Shop and paying the delivery, VAT and customs duty. When you consider it...
  55. Scaperinc

    Newbie with a new project.

    Trim them regularly this time lol
  56. tam

    Fat, or ill? Chili rasboras

    Is that just difference between dominant male/female colouring? They always use the fanciest looking males in photos. If you've not seen more after your holiday I'd be inclined to add a few more.
  57. Tim Harrison

    Fat, or ill? Chili rasboras

    Definitely look fat and healthy to me too. Are they behaving strangely or as expected?
  58. Tim Harrison

    Mixing ADA aquasoil v2 with other brands?

    Mix away, I've mixed several different brands in the past and no disintegration. As far as I can see there is very little difference visually as well. Regardless, it's not something I'd worry about too much particularly ;)
  59. Tim Harrison

    My first aquarium, running for 7 months

    There's nothing ugly about that tank. Superb, well done :)
  60. Tim Harrison

    Is Rotala h'ra and Rotala Orange Juice the same plant?

    Not in my experience. I've grown them side by side. H'ra is red, Orange Juice is orangey in colour, so aptly named :)
  61. Kaliilo

    My first aquarium, running for 7 months

    What a gorgeous tank, I would never get anything done if that was mine - i would just stare at it all day! Congrats on the build, stellar job Amy
  62. Kaliilo


    For anyone interested I caught a video of them mating and dad catching the eggs. I have an old glucose strip case stuck in the tank and he is filling it with eggs. You can actually see why they are called sparkling gourami....their colours are amazing Four sparklers in this tank and theres some...
  63. E

    Small white worms on aquarium glass, what are they?

    thay are very tiny yet its x40 mag, I noticed them only during water change as they where all over the glass
  64. azawaza

    Total rookie

    Iwagumi forces you to worship rocks while watching patches of one single type of carpet plant spread into an impressive lawn as you stand a sentry's guard in fear of algae's ambush. The alternative is to worship plants; try growing an assortment, to see which suits your tank's parameters. That...
  65. E

    Small white worms on aquarium glass, what are they?

    My tank having tiny worms asvel, I do have decent microscope, could anyone identify it? my tank is tropical 25.5C water very soft from tap less than 30ppm adding bit of calcium and magnesium to 150ppm ph 7.8 shrimps plecos corries nerite snails and few tetras planted tank
  66. Cazza

    Hello Fresh Bonus!

    Just did some more research and apparently it's now recycled PET, so should be fine.
  67. Cazza

    Hello Fresh Bonus!

    Seriously?! I'll whip it out then. Hey ho! :(
  68. Danlacey1988

    Half Barrel pond and new pond project.

    Pond update I've add more plants now as it seemed to be going merky had blanket weed for a bit or just green algae but it seems to have cleared up bought a pond pump and am now running it though this sort of bog filter water fall which I'm planning to be planting soon it's no where near finished...
  69. MrClockOff

    Nano power head

    To be honest mine was 200 model. Visually the only difference is that 200 has 3 detachable compartments with bio balls and 160 has only 2. I believe the heads are exactly the same.
  70. C

    Mixing ADA aquasoil v2 with other brands?

    Hi I hope someone can help a beginner. I have a 50g 90cm planted tank with ADA Aquasoil v2 that's been running for 6months. Now I want to add more hardscape, to be specific more seiryu stones and move the driftwood a little bit. While planning, I figured I would need to add more substrate to...
  71. M

    DIY LED Full Spectrum Design

    I also agree with you. The extra spectrum bits are nice to have, maybe in a small proportion but overall, plants will grow in pretty much whatever light you give them if the intensity and other growth factors are taken care of as long as the light isnt generally crap. The extra stuff is just us...
  72. Bradders

    New heated filter for larger aquariums

    The pump certainly looks to be a beast!
  73. dw1305

    Hello Fresh Bonus!

    Hi all, I think it is sheep's wool, so not really suitable. Cheers Darrel
  74. Cazza

    Hello Fresh Bonus!

    Tried out Hello Fresh and it came wrapped in what seems to be some very good filter floss type material. Have tried bit and will see how it gets on! A nice freebee.
  75. Aqua Hero

    Is Rotala h'ra and Rotala Orange Juice the same plant?

    The title says it all Sent from my SM-S918B using Tapatalk
  76. D

    Nano power head

    Thanks for the reply. Do you by chance know the difference between the 160 and 200 models, the spares list states they use the same impellor but do not know if the actual pump head is the same, Eheim state 6W for both. If the 200 is actually the same pump then it should be as quiet as the...
  77. MrClockOff

    Nano power head

    Hey there, mine was quiet, no sound at all
  78. O

    Fat, or ill? Chili rasboras

    They look healthy to me! mine fatten up like that too!
  79. Mark12345


    Thanks Tim, I'll leave it in the shed for 12 months.
  80. megwattscreative

    Fat, or ill? Chili rasboras

    Hi all, A bit of a strange question from a newbie! I've got a 100L paludarium with 8 x green neons, 8 x rasbora axelrodi & 8 x chili rasbora... I think. The tank has been cycling for 6 months and the plants are all well established. I've got a journal if you want to check it out. I added the...
  81. N

    My first aquarium, running for 7 months

    yeah all of them there and they even spawned, so bit more, but because of plants you cant see them often
  82. D

    Nano power head

    Hi, Looking to help a young one set up a 50 ltr tank in their bedroom so want something internal thats quiet with little hum or impellor rattle. The PatMini @MichaelJ recommended is the right size for their tank but is it a quiet pump ? or if not is there any other internal pump thats...
  83. Anfield1forever

    Newbie with a new project.

    50 Monte carlo stems back in the substrate! We go again after much thought lol....
  84. M

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

  85. M

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

    I already had another year obviously and it was too big and I have to cut it, any advice on how to wear it now?
  86. Cazza

    Chihiros WRGB Universal for Juwel tanks

    I hope so!
  87. azawaza

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

    You can pre-boil the wood first or spray it down with diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide. Do not use bleach. Remember to soak them for a few days too, lest they float and destroy/disrupt your existing scape.
  88. S

    Chihiros WRGB Universal for Juwel tanks

    I suspect that will just be a matter of time. They were showing them off at interzoo last month.
  89. M

    Nightmare Algae/Incubo alghe!

    good morning, some information, what happens if I try to re-insert some old wood that I had before? I'm a little afraid of algae
  90. Tim Harrison


    I think it’s okay to use if it’s properly dead and dried out. I wouldn’t add it if it’s still got some sap. It will rot after about 6 months. Ivy. Same with any other kind of wood, including Azalea root. I wouldn’t use conifer wood at all though. It’s best to strip the bark from all dead wood.
  91. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Took the afternoon off yesterday, and went to Bardills. So glad I did as they had loads I would have come home with but didn't thankfully. Got some elegant cories Long fin white clouds, got x12 as they are lovely Glass cats, have missed keeping these. So glad they had some in. Added x12 more...
  92. Mark12345


    Hi all, I recently cut down some old ivy, there were one or two reasonable looking pieces, I was wondering if they are fish safe, or if they are too soft and would rot away too quickly. If I can re-use great, otherwise another trip to the tip. Are there any real no no's with wood in general as...
  93. Fireman77

    Plant Storage Advice

    Thank you everybody for the helpful advice. There is certainly a lot to learn about this hobby!
  94. bazz

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

  95. bazz

    Anyone got (or want to give an opinion on) a Fluval Siena?

    I've seen one of the 332's set up in one of the MA's in Norfolk or Suffolk or probably Braintree Essex while out on a jaunt and was impressed. Having a 90x55x53 I was naturally drawn to it as a future upgrade, I love aquariums with more height and depth having a lot more volume with only a...
  96. azawaza

    My first aquarium, running for 7 months

    Saw your ugly tank, felt nauseously excited. Dang, so good! Regurgitated my first-light's meal a little. Stay, boy, stay. Swallowed. Made my weekend well again. Thank you.
  97. chickennublet

    My first aquarium, running for 7 months

    "A bit ugly" he says LOL that is a beautiful tank brilliant colours healthy plants and fish I saw some Corydoras in your initial photos. Are they still in there?
  98. Maf 2500

    Galvanised trough help

    I have a galvanised metal bin-shaped container that I have been using as an overflow water-butt for a few years. Before that my parents had it knocking around their garden for ages and before that my grandparents owned it. Must be 80-90 years old if not older. Probably used in clothes washing...
  99. neofy705

    Anyone ordered plants from pro shrimp?

    I have always been happy with pro shrimp. Usually the cheapest as well and u can use a promo code (FIVE) for 5% off.
  100. Courtneybst


    Some updates from the last week. The tank is getting more tinty by the day! I was planning to visit this local, very old fish shop as they randomly had female taeniatus in stock, but a few days ago heard that it sadly closed down. So the hunt continues, or maybe it's a sign to keep things as...