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  1. FrozenShivers

    UKAPS Meet @ Horizon Aquatics June 15th

    Great day indeed, nice to meet you all.! Thanks a lot for all the help and information Ady, really appreciated :)
  2. Ady34

    Changing times for UKAPS

    A UKAPS legend!! You will be missed mate, thank you for all you have done. I really don’t know what you will do with the spare 167hours you now have free each week 🤪 Also massive thanks to @Tim Harrison who is stepping up and taking a lead role in keeping the forum going technically.
  3. Ady34

    UKAPS Meet @ Horizon Aquatics June 15th

    What a lovely day in lovely surroundings. Great to put some faces to names and catch up with some familiar ones. I unfortunately took no photos 😬 but believe Geoff saved the day with a few I’m sure he’ll upload in due course after his long journey home. Thanks to @Horizon Aquatics for hosting...
  4. Jaseon

    Star Jasmine.

    It did try to flower, but nothing come of it. Not sure if its all the wet weather we are having. You think the colour of the leaves are nothing to worry about?
  5. mlgt

    Changing times for UKAPS

    All the best Paulo. Look forward catching up in the summer :)
  6. dw1305

    Star Jasmine.

    Hi all, That looks fine, it will flower eventually. Cheers Darrel
  7. Jaseon

    Star Jasmine.

    Planted this Jasmin two yr ago to cover an archway, and not sure what if any deficiency it has. Soil is slightly acidic. Its growing well although it didn't flower at all.
  8. N

    Changing times for UKAPS

    If you guys need IT support I can assisst.
  9. P

    3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank

    Anyways, nice tank! Trimming a tank these dimensions is labour intensive , I guess?
  10. P

    3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank

    Maybe a little late on the show, but I had planaria quite some time in my 120G. My Neocaridina population never thrived, I saw the planaria killing them and their babies. Containing the planaria boom with traps works like a charm, temporarily :(. But I've managed to kill them with a product...
  11. Tim Harrison

    Changing times for UKAPS

    It is the end of an era. Paulo pretty much built this forum as it stands today singlehanded. He's been its backbone and lifeblood for well over a decade. The fact that UKAPS is still going strong when almost all other forums have gone to the wall stands testament to his dedication and hard work...
  12. palcente

    Total rookie

    Caution, Iwagumi is more advanced style, I'd recommend learning the basics with something more densely planted, as in more forgiving.
  13. hydrophyte

    Astrobiology - Ancient Mars History - A Temporal Biotope

    I got out with the new Rokkaku yesterday for some new sci-fi/astrobiology photos. We had our usual light & variable breeze and it was a good deal of work to keep kites up in the air, but the new one flew well.
  14. Chez_

    Charcoal after No Planaria?

    Just updating after another week. I left the charcoal filter in for 48 hours and did another couple of big water changes. The lampeye died but the ramshorns are still around and appear healthy.
  15. G H Nelson

    Changing times for UKAPS

    Best wishes for you Paulo and the family! You will be sorely missed my friend! Thank you for all the years of hard work you have dedicated to making the UKaps what it is today! Take care Paulo! Graham
  16. chickennublet

    45x30x30cm acrylic

    I'm not very sure what happened but I just noticed some dead ants under the silicone on the edges. I don't think they were there when I first got this tank. It's kind of gross, and I think the tank there is a possibility the tank will eventually fall apart. Sigh! I didn't want to but will have...
  17. Zeus.

    Changing times for UKAPS

    Thanks for what can be a thankless job at times, your Watch is over.
  18. J

    Changing times for UKAPS

    Well after 13½ years it's fair to say you put in a good innings. All the best Paulo.
  19. chickennublet

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    So there was a rework of the Corydoradinae subfamily recently and the subfamily has been divided into 7 genera. The fish I have are no longer Corydoras, apparently. I am rather lost, but from briefly reading the posts flying around on social media, the 9 Corydoradinae lineages have bene divided...
  20. foxfish

    Changing times for UKAPS

    End of an era, thanks for all you have done…..
  21. bazz

    Changing times for UKAPS

    Good luck for the future Paulo!
  22. Bradders

    New heated filter for larger aquariums

    I am getting close to pulling the trigger on a much bigger aquarium for my house. Anglo Wife v Husband negotiations have gone well, and a step up to 300 litres is looking likely this year.
  23. Bradders

    Canister for 120p

    If you are looking for big capacity and big power, then the FX series is the way to go, according to what owners have told me. But, as @FrozenShivers has said, the more information you can provide, the better the advice will be.
  24. Hanuman

    Changing times for UKAPS

    Farewell sir. Wish you all the best.
  25. A

    MTS...Just how bad do you have it ?

    5 tanks, three planted, two waiting to be set up, one made myself. when you see 6mm glass in a skip its hard to resist...
  26. LondonDragon

    Changing times for UKAPS

    As some might or might not have noticed, I haven't been much active on UKAPS of late, I guess at the end of the day all good things come to an end, it was a nice ride UKAPS, I wish everyone all the best and to the future of UKAPS. I will leave you all in the hands of Tim and the rest of the...
  27. J

    A Tale of Two Roma's

    Anybody want to add the ugly....
  28. J

    A Tale of Two Roma's

    I think I mentioned the good and the bad previously. Here's the bad. The good..
  29. RickyV

    3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank

    New lights came in today!
  30. ElleDee

    Fish dying when do a water change

    I think you may be deoxygenating your water with too much prime. You may not technically be violating Seachem's instructions on the bottle, but you've got a number of things going on that may be working against you that may be resulting in a functional overdose. You are dosing to your full...
  31. S

    Peace Lily Planting

    That’s how I do it. Wood that extends above the waters surface, tie plants into the wood with fishing wire or cable ties and pack roots with sphagnum moss if appropriate.
  32. S

    Fish dying when do a water change

    You can’t live too far from me so if you would like to do a comparison of your water and mine, I’d be happy to help you out. I have a TDS meter and some various test kits which I wouldn’t necessarily rely on for quantitative measurements but will do for a comparison between the two waters, just...
  33. Myrkk

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Hi Simon, that’s great to know. TY. It is making me lean towards there being an issue with the water supply in the house, old pipes or some such. We obs drink that water so I think we need to get the water to the house tested now. It’s a 300yr old cottage which was renovated in 2002 by the...
  34. tam

    Peace Lily Planting

    You could just bend a bit of stainless steel wire to make a hanger or DIY something out of a piece of plastic - look for shapes that might hang over something if you cut a piece out to put the plant through. A plastic clothes peg with the plant cabled tied on. Anything that holds it at the water...
  35. Myrkk

    Fish dying when do a water change

    I found some chilli rasboras last night, so the fish that did survive varied wildly in size. 5 buckets of water, normal sized buckets, so what, they hold around 7litres. I would say it was a fifth of the tank (200L). The replaced water had enough prime for the 200L tank
  36. J

    First time - Does my C02 level look right?

    Growth is actually very aggressive in some areas. Its a mixed bag. My crypt has exploded in 2 months but also got algae 2 weeks ago and now is in poor state Rotala needs trimmed every week - no algae at all Other stems - some algae on some but generally good. Cuba white tip is my most exotic...
  37. J

    First time - Does my C02 level look right?

    so, i started the C02 1 hour earlier yesterday and i think i prefer the results... seems more consistent and better at the crucial early hours. tap is 7.0 ..... 6:00: C02 on .... 8:00: ph6.3 - med-light green - LIGHTS ON 9:00: ph6.3 - light green (yellow when out of water) 10:00 ph6.2 - light...
  38. Ady34

    Garden standing around…

    Look forward to seeing it 😁
  39. Ady34

    Journal JUNGLE PUDDLE: Dooa Mizukusa wall

    J U N G L E P U D D L E A mixed plant riparium made up of aquatic, epiphytic and terrestrial plants. TECH SPEC: Dooa terra h23 tank Dooa mizukusa mistwall inc. dooa mistflow ADA cube cabinet clear 60 with solar arm ADA limited edition Solar RGB in white ADA Superjet es-300 filter Neptune...
  40. L

    Fish dying when do a water change

    While I don't think there is enough information for a conclusive answer, I see the line of thought of an issue with oxygen strengthened by the following: Double dose of prime water surface covered with duckweed Fish selection that might be particularly vulnerable to a lack of O2 On the other...
  41. dw1305

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Hi all, It is only necessary when you add CO2 <"Co2 Measuring using a Drop Checker!">. cheers Darrel
  42. dw1305

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Hi all, It is <"when you don't change any water"> and nitrification (the conversion of NH3 to NO3) depletes the carbonate hardness. cheers Darrel
  43. castle

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Great write up here https://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/features/how-to-avoid-old-tank-syndrome/
  44. Tim Harrison

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Take a look at this article. https://www.freshwateraquariumservices.co.uk/post/understanding-and-avoiding-old-tank-syndrome
  45. castle

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Over time nitrate accumulates without sufficient water changes and one day, becomes toxic. Carbonates can get depleted over time, so one day your tanks water is acid. Dissolved oxygen can crash. Which is normally a compound effect from the above, with other things. Then your fish die. Plus...
  46. Myrkk

    Fish dying when do a water change

    I’ll get a new air pump and add the airstone back in to see if this helps
  47. Myrkk

    Fish dying when do a water change

    What is old tank syndrome?
  48. Myrkk

    Fish dying when do a water change

    1. Size of tank in litres. 200L 2. Age of the set - up. 7yrs, tank moved Aug 10th last year so in new location since then. Replanted at that point with some of the older plants. Is a work in progress re. Deciding how to landscape it currently. 3. Filtration + Media/Sponges. Canister...
  49. G H Nelson

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Prime depletes oxygen levels....therefore if you have very low O2 that could cause a problem if you are double dosing Prime!
  50. seedoubleyou

    Dart Frog Terrarium Build

    It’s she shade dweller arboreal so only 2.4%. I got mine from a local reptile shop. They were really cheap (they’re 60cm each in height and have lower down branches too.
  51. dw1305

    Peace Lily Planting

    Hi all, The roots don't actually need to reach the substrate, they are fine entirely hydroponically in the water column. If they do reach the substrate it will increase growth rate, but they usually grow pretty well any way. I don't, but you could try one of <"our sponsors"> - <"Aquarium...
  52. Tim Harrison

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Just a stab in the dark but so called "old tank syndrome" immediately springs to mind.
  53. Wookii

    Remanso . . .

    Thanks mate, PM when you are ready . . . but seriously, don't downsize, automate!
  54. Aqua360

    Dart Frog Terrarium Build

    i like the narrower cork pieces there, might try to find some for my next build also which light did you go for? Looks like Jungle Dawn?
  55. Oldguy


    I have used sterilised humus free and lime free top soil in my planted courtyard 'barrel ponds' to grow miniature water lilies without issues. I will not use this stuff in the garden, let alone in a fish tank.
  56. J

    Fish dying when do a water change

    I would say, oxygen content of new water (try more aeration when changing water), temperature difference of new water, or your disturbing something in your tank when you do water changes and this is releasing toxins. Water going in appears ok, unless its coming from a storage tank. Temperature...
  57. Wookii

    Remanso . . .

  58. Fireman77

    Peace Lily Planting

    Thank you Darrel. I thought that may be the case but I thought I would ask. The plant clips that were mentioned in previous responses look like the way to go. My tank is rimless and without a top so I think these clips that fix on to the top edge would be ideal to hold the stem upright with the...
  59. Conort2

    Remanso . . .

    Monster fish compared to what you’re used to! There’s some gold lasers with your name on them if you want them? Maybe some duplicareus too. Unfortunately I think I’m going to be downsizing in the coming months .
  60. dw1305

    Peace Lily Planting

    Hi all, I think if the growing point was underwater? It probably wouldn't be successful. If the rock was at surface level? I might be tempted to use thread, or an elastic band etc, (rather than superglue) purely because they don't really have a hard rhizome and I think the superglue will...
  61. Wookii

    Remanso . . .

    Lol Thanks mate - part of what puts me off is I can't seem to get a decent photo with my phone, it never looks like it doesn't in reality - even in that photo above, it's kinda blurred, and the colours are off - it winds me up! :banghead::banghead: But yeah, I've been quite surprised how fast...
  62. Conort2

    Remanso . . .

    Why have you been hiding that?! Looks great mate, even better that you’re achieving that low tech.

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Prime is concentrated so doubling the dose is probably not good. Checkl the water company for any work in the area, we have been there,when your water is cut off ,or a sudden discoularation of your tap water appears.,Water companys don't always report this
  64. Fireman77

    Peace Lily Planting

    Thanks everybody for the great advice.
  65. seedoubleyou

    Dart Frog Terrarium Build

    Slowly getting there. I’m allowing the micro life to get really well established. Springtails are populating well and after some die off, the isopods are breeding which is nice to see. Some further planting is required. But it will be ready in a couple of months I’d say.
  66. Fireman77

    Peace Lily Planting

    Thank you Darrel. That's great. But would you know if I decided to superglue the Peace Lilies to rock would it harm the plant?
  67. Sarpijk

    MTS...Just how bad do you have it ?

    I used to have three , a big 100 litre one, a 30 cm cube and 30 cm paludarium. Before moving houses the 30 cm cube started leaking. Sadly the new house has limited tank space and inevitably I had to downside to the big one and the paludarium. Previously I used to have tanks in two different...
  68. Scaperinc

    First time - Does my C02 level look right?

    Thats fine I think twice a week . For green dust alge what I do is I lower the water level then clean of the glass with a sponge trying not to release the spores in the water. For me it's getting better. Just keep doing the maintenance, your scape is in the ugly phase, once plants start to...
  69. Cazza


    Hello there!
  70. J

    First time - Does my C02 level look right?

    TNC complete 7ml per week. I started doing it twice a week because i started doing 2 water changes per week to help with the algae. Ive considered both decreasing and increasing but realized i dont know which so just leaving it. As i am changing other things right now i figure leave it as a...
  71. G H Nelson

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Hi I'm not a great lover of Prime...there has been reported issues with this water conditioner! Could well be a combination of dosing Prime and osmotic shock! Do smaller water changes over a longer period of time! That's my hunch....this issue can rear its head in low PH and long established...
  72. G H Nelson


    Welcome to the UKaps! 🌿
  73. VarunA

    Garden standing around…

    Beautiful. :) Can't wait to setup my gallery space like that too, mate.
  74. bazz


    Welcome, sad news, hope you can locate the problem.
  75. bazz


    Welcome, tank is looking good!
  76. Tyko_N

    Bugs you might encounter in your aquarium

    Looks like some kind of mite, but not the usual water mites which tend to have much longer legs, cool find!
  77. Aqua360

    Dart Frog Terrarium Build

    Yeah great! Set-up is well established, so it runs steadily. I've got a second dart frog tank sitting there waiting to be set up now, just need to find some time lol. Did you get a start on your crested gecko build? Pic I took earlier tonight of the tank, ended up pulling the larger brom.
  78. kadoxu

    Bugs you might encounter in your aquarium

    Did you ever find what these where? I think I have something similar in my tank and can't identify it. I changed the filter floss a few days ago and left it in the bathtub... today when I removed it, I noticed a black dust bellow and then noticed the dust was moving! :eek:🤣 There are 2 of...
  79. Scaperinc

    First time - Does my C02 level look right?

    Yes definitely new scapes can be problematic/unstable, Using any fertilizer?

    Peace Lily Planting

    I find wood going above the surface , if possible a tywire attached loosely to hold the plant with filter floss which can be draped with moss,works well for most aquarium suitable houseplants. As soon as the roots start growing they should be solid..Of course as they grow and Peace Lily...
  81. Wookii

    Remanso . . .

    Yeah, guess I’m a bit overdue at an update lol . . . I’m crap at keeping journals, it’s why I never had a diary as a kid! 🤦🏻‍♂️ So the gas ran out on the tank a while back, and I never even noticed - I reckon it was about three weeks or so before I realised as there was literally nothing left...
  82. J

    First time - Does my C02 level look right?

    Yes and i am using the "mini" more difficult variety. I ave trimmed quite a few times and it does grow... Well most of it does. Just a lot of stubborn bits and algae ... I may end up replacing it but will keep at it a few more months.
  83. castle

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Just thinking the same, perhaps the hot water tank has an issue? (If it exists)
  84. Chez_

    Low tech cobbled together 33/27l aqua one nano cube

    Er...I have combined the cube with a little 5 gallon effort that was getting a bit full of shrimp and plants, and now it looks like this. The only floaters I had before @simon_the_plant_nerd was kind enough to send me some was duckweed and having more stuff going on up top has definitely made...
  85. Chez_

    MTS...Just how bad do you have it ?

    I've got it quite badly. I started with a ten gallon in January when my 15 year old was discharged after five months in hospital to bed rest, because I thought it would be lovely for her to watch the fish. Then I got a five gallon for my bedroom. Then that seemed too small so I replaced it with...
  86. Chez_

    Peace Lily Planting

    I'm currently experimenting with a two inch bit of clear one inch pipe stuck at the water level with a suction ring. It seems to be working ok. I reckoned it would be easy enough to cut off if the plants got too big. I've got Peace Lily, Parlour Palm and Pothos in them.
  87. Scaperinc

    First time - Does my C02 level look right?

    Hair grass is problematic, I have taken it all out and replaced with cuba and mc. HG needs a trim so just trim it very low do water changes and dose all in one fertz
  88. seedoubleyou

    Dart Frog Terrarium Build

    How’s it ticking along?
  89. Maf 2500

    Help needed. Miss calculation on Under Gravel Filter

    You could run the under gravel filter in reverse with a small powerhead and sponge in place of (or attached to) the tube.
  90. hypnogogia


    Hi, welcome. :wave:
  91. hypnogogia


    Hello, welcome. :wave:
  92. L

    Fish dying when do a water change

    It would be nice to have more info, as per Tim Harrison's post. We don't even know how much water is being changed.
  93. sparkyweasel


    Welcome! :)
  94. sparkyweasel


    Welcome! :)
  95. sparkyweasel

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Are you using the rising main tap?
  96. richardcunliffe

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Was your previous house in the same area? Could it be something up in the plumbing with the specific tap you are using or with the house in general? Like a contamination that is at your house level only? Do you have a header tank that's contaminated?
  97. S

    Plant Selection Help

    This will is a high tech tank running full C02 and high lighting ability along with aquasoil and full fertilizer regimen
  98. S

    Levamisole and metronidazole question

    Years ago, in the UK, I bought some fish medication from eBay. The seller was very quick to point out (without asking) that they were antibiotics and “exactly the same” as what I could get from the doctors “safe for use on humans”. I asked if they were appropriate for fish, as the listing...
  99. S

    Plant Selection Help

    I have torn down my 30 after fighting issues with it for months on end. A lot of my plants that were in there got bleach dipped and transferred to my 10 gallon. I am getting ready to put in an order for a bunch of new plants and wanted to run my order by y’all. I am trying to do a Dutch inspired...
  100. Tim Harrison

    Phylogenomic analyses in the complex Neotropical subfamily Corydoradinae.

    Thanks Darrel. Again not sure I understand it properly but the conclusion is quite surprising and exciting. It highlights the need for huge revision of the taxonomic group, and probably others too. This quote from the conclusion sums it up for me. 'The result was indeed quite different from the...