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  1. J

    Lilaeopsis brasiliensis & Hemianthus Callitrichoides

    Thanks. I went through something similar on a popular bonsai enthusiasts forum. Where in I bought two bonsai trees on impulse then joined a forum to get advice and was berated because I didn't have the trees in the soil the experts recommend. Quite dismissive because i was a "newbie." Similar...
  2. J

    Lilaeopsis brasiliensis & Hemianthus Callitrichoides

    Dismissal from what? I can't stand when people look down their noses at someone who is simply looking for advice. You're such a... I was gonna say something rude there but instead I'll just take your advice and ask that as a moderator you dismiss me and remove my membership from the forum. ASAP!
  3. J

    Lilaeopsis brasiliensis & Hemianthus Callitrichoides

    I was thinking of tpn+ or tropica specialized feriliser. which has npk. However, I will have fish after a month or so. 10 Harlequin rasbora 5 neons and a trio of apistogramma. When the fish go in I'm wondering if npk will still be needed and if the fish mulm/waste will mean I need to switch...
  4. J

    Lilaeopsis brasiliensis & Hemianthus Callitrichoides

    Hey guys. I'm nearing my 50g tear down date (feb 2nd) and really just need some clarification on HC cuba and bms in terms of ferts. My lights and co2 are sorted but I'm unsure of how best to deliver nourishment to these plants. I have the choice of either going with a liquid fert or root tabs...
  5. J

    So Very Disappointed With Tropica

    This! My 50g rescape is an established tank. These delicate little things with my stock would be ok but the lack of roots... I have a question for everyone here. What stores would you recommend for tropica pots. Aquaessentials and tgm are already heavily invested in the 1-2 grow stuff and I...
  6. J

    So Very Disappointed With Tropica

    I appreciate your input and perspective here Nathaniel. It has made me feel a little less worried about my order. Perhaps old habits or in this case old spending die hard. Just out of interest do you know of any stores where I can still buy the old pots? Aquaessentials and tgm are completely...
  7. J

    So Very Disappointed With Tropica

    A thread with such a title on a forum such as this means I probably need to tread carefully. So I guess I should start with some genuine praise. When it comes to plants "Tropica" has been my go to "brand." I learned the hard way that I've got to go for quality after buying a particular plant...
  8. J

    Examples of a 50/50 tank?

    Or maybe a 70-30 split? I had a discussion earlier with a hobbyist who was planning to combine two very different scapes. A manzi wood scape combined with an iwagumi scape? And I'm wondering if anyone has examples of two polar opposites styles combined in one tank and more importantly how...
  9. J

    How Much Eco Complete (vision 180)

    I'm looking for a substrate which will replenish itself and also good for HC/UG/E Parvula and also cory safe. If any of the above has a high cec then please let me know as i've only been researching eco complete thus far
  10. J

    How Much Eco Complete (vision 180)

    I'm sorry I recognize that this isn't the right section but I'm going shopping for eco comeplete tomorrow and wanted to know how many bags I need for this bow front aquarium. I'm aiming for 3 inches and really dont trust the "calculators" so hoping to drawn on your experience here.
  11. J

    Root tabs and nitrate

    Hey guys Just a quick question really. Are there any root tabs out there that do not contain nitrates? I'm running a little experiment but my knowledge of the tabs out there and available in the uk is limited, so I figured I'd ask the experts. Thanks
  12. J

    Inexpensive Black Sand?

    The Americans are using this stuff. It's $8.00 (£4.00) for a 50kg bag and has gotten rave reviews on a well know planted forum. I've been on the hunt for this stuff but unfortunately can't find it here in the uk. Any suggestions?