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  1. mbezik

    Rio 180 and the Rio 400 in their new positions

    did a side by side pic today of the rio 180, 3 weeks seperate these 2 pics
  2. mbezik

    Rio 180 and the Rio 400 in their new positions

    picked up a bag of sphagnum moss today and some miracle grow slow release plant food (looks like the same size granules as the ozmocote and seems to have a similar npk), the guy at the garden centre said it was the same stuff as ozmocote, was just wondering if anyone can confirm this for me?
  3. mbezik

    Rio 180 and the Rio 400 in their new positions

    ahhh yeah your right it is 14L doh
  4. mbezik

    Rio 180 and the Rio 400 in their new positions

    ahhh Viv, thanks so much again, your advice was invaluable! yeah a friend suggested doing exactly that with the layered substrates to save cash and straight away i said i envisage a mixed mess eventually and thats not what im wanting.... i found a bonsai store online, actually bought some...
  5. mbezik

    Rio 180 and the Rio 400 in their new positions

    lol, i wish it was a gibson, unfortunatly its just a washburn WI200pro i got myself to learn on, nice guitar all the same with some decent fittings on it.....but not worth breaking in for, lol. @antipo yeah ive been looking for a good akadama, ive heard the company that makes the double line...
  6. mbezik

    Rio 180 and the Rio 400 in their new positions

    was a lot easier moving the 180 than id anticipated, jus wanted to thank Viv for the great advice, worked like a charm simply sliding it over the carpet at 25% full. Now the fun begins, so far im leaning towards a bottom layer of sphagnum moss with ozmocote then topped with akadama, if anyone...
  7. mbezik

    juwel rio 180 before i empty it

    thanks Graeme, yeah thats what im hoping now that i have everything dialled in and growing well, i can just sit back and watch this tank fill out now, with my new rio 400 im aiming for a much more structured scape. thanks antipofish, yeah ive been documenting my tank on youtube for a while now...
  8. mbezik

    juwel rio 180 before i empty it

    thanks, ive been kinda using this tank as a learning setup, to hone my skills and see what i can and cant grow, so far im finding anything i put in seems to grow great with the exception of pogo helferi that one of my fishes seemed to get a taste for and the pogo erectus that also got munched...
  9. mbezik

    juwel rio 180 before i empty it

    yeah im thinking more small lifts/shuffles and slides, sliding might lift the carpet but ill see which is gonna work best, ive got till thursday morning when the tank gets delivered to get it moved - ill take the water down to a level where the fish are ok and hopefully the stems dont snap on...
  10. mbezik

    juwel rio 180 before i empty it

    yeah its carpet, but that gives me hope, yeah im a pretty hefty guy myself and ill have the help of an equally strong friend. if i can leave 1/3 of the water thats gonna make the job a lot easier than i anticipated. thanks for the headsup, i dont feel half as filled with dread as i did before
  11. mbezik

    juwel rio 180 before i empty it

    gotta empty the 180 to move it to another wall in the living room to make space for the new rio 400 (thats the 400's cabinet you can see infront), im hoping i dont destroy too many plants. i was thinking if i take 90% of the water out i might be able to slide cabinet and tank to the opposite...
  12. mbezik

    ello from the biffster in the northeast

    i find aqua essentials a good place for things like drop checkers and dkh solution, i had a timer malfunction the other week and killed all my filter feeding shrimp in one night, damn timer didnt turn off the solenoid valve and it only took one night of constant co2 to take my level into the...
  13. mbezik

    ello from the biffster in the northeast

    yeah man the moler clay i used is tesco cat litter, the only downside i found with it once i got the perfume rinsed out was the orangey/pink colour. i run pressurised co2 as im a bit wary of the diy which i know can give very unstable co2 levels which can give bad BBA outbreaks, before i went...
  14. mbezik

    ello from the biffster in the northeast

    im near darlington, small town called newton aycliffe - yeah ive had fish since i was about 10 myself (37 now), my folks were fish nuts and we had tanks all over the house, i got outa the hobby for a few years but since getting back into it and starting on the planted side of the hobby im more...
  15. mbezik

    ello from the biffster in the northeast

    welcome fellow north easterner, i also just introduced myself after a year of lurking and quietly soaking up knowledge bez
  16. mbezik

    Hi all, new member based in the durham area

    yeah the new 450L is gonna be planted, im even considering having it fishless which i know sounds insane but man plants have kinda taken over from the fish for me. yeah ive been going to chilton since they opened, my folks had tanks in every room in the house when i was a kid including mine and...
  17. mbezik

    Hi all, new member based in the durham area

    yeah jus straight up aycliffe council pop in the tank, only thing i do to it is add seachem safe dechlor. got some bad news today the price id been quoted for the aqua one 1500 r was a no go when i rang up today to re check so it looks like the rio 400 is the winner for the new tank, just means...
  18. mbezik

    Hi all, new member based in the durham area

    wow, thanks for the welcomes everyone, seems like a great community on here, ive been lurking for almost a year, mostly while researching estimative index or substrate research and finally decided i should try and be a bit more of an active member now ive found my feet a bit more within the...
  19. mbezik

    Hi all, new member based in the durham area

    hi mitchell, thanks for welcome!
  20. mbezik

    Hi all, new member based in the durham area

    been keeping fish for over 20 years but never really got into the whole plant thing other than a few unsuccessful attempts resulting in shabby melted plants. just over a year ago i decided to give it a go again and i got hooked, to the point my previous addiction to apistos has now been...