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  1. A

    Fert advice

    Yes that is true i have checked it as well. Shall I add more? I have been looking now on my tank, and I don't know why my water is getting again hazy.... 😵‍💫🫣 I am really worried about it now... I will do some photos after photoperiod will start after 2pm. Thank you, Kind Regards, Peter,
  2. Chez_

    Quarantine? Or add to main tank?

    Thanks, Darrel.
  3. dw1305

    Quarantine? Or add to main tank?

    Hi all, That one. I don't think prayers will be necessary. cheers Darrel
  4. J

    Fert advice

    If that's the sum total of what you added to the tank then you've added 0.04pmm Dtpa Fe and 0.012 Edta Fe (this bits from the tnc complete) Total breakdown of TNC complete:
  5. Chez_

    Quarantine? Or add to main tank?

    Not sure where best to put this post, but decided here was probably most appropriate. I've been a bit of an idiot and accepted some pygmy coreys and neon green rasboras before I have my quarantine tank set up (tocotoex!). It's a 50 litre and has a sand/gravel substrate with guppy grass, java...
  6. A

    Fert advice

    That small pack has 45grams of FeEDDHA. I will get some RO water and I will make solution. Yes, but I added only 0.5ml, together with 2ml TNC Complete. Actually I don't understand why TNC Complete has Phosphates together with IRON? There is a lot of opinion that IRON shouldn't be dosed...
  7. J

    Fert advice

    At this dose 12.5mls in a 125L tank will raise the Fe by 1ppm, so a fairly large dose.
  8. J

    Fert advice

    You could but would only need 200mg to achieve 0.1 Fe in your 125ltr tank. Alternatively you can add 2 grams into 100ml of water and dose 10mls of that, each 10ml would also add 0.1 ppm Fe.
  9. dw1305

    Tropica Aquacube, the forgotten crystal gem from Tropica

    Hi all, All I've got to say is <"just ignore them">, you are the only one who counts. I would have thought that this is pretty good ammunition to use against the doubters. <"From This to This!!!">. cheers Darrel
  10. A

    Fert advice

    Hi all, Yes Platies get little red gills but i have done 40% WC as I believe because ammonia level was on constant for a few days - 0.5mg/l. But they didin't become less active. Also I am trying feed my plants. I have TNC Complete, TNC DTPA AT Iron, and Finally FeEDDHA thanks to help John...
  11. dw1305

    Help required new tank setup

    Hi all, That is the bit that counts, keep an eye on their colour and health, and that will give you an idea of when you need to start adding nutrients (<"fertiliser">). Syphon like @simon_the_plant_nerd says. It <"should go away"> as the tank matures. cheers Darrel
  12. M

    Help required new tank setup

    Plants seem to be doing well
  13. dw1305

    Help required new tank setup

    Hi all, What does plant health look like? It is difficult to judge <"from the photo">. Have a look at @keef321's photos in the linked. thread cheers Darrel
  14. palcente

    Estimative Index, is it still relevant?

    I think for someone new coming in to a hobby knowing nothing about CO2/ferts, EI is an amazing way to start. It's proven, tested and stood the test of time. Once more comfortable, they can then find their niche, be it lean dosing etc. Alternatively; they can start with something weird and...
  15. dw1305

    Estimative Index, is it still relevant?

    Hi all, I think a lot of us probably <"end up there">. That is the rationale behind both <"Estimative and Duckweed indices">. They were developed <"entirely independently">, and have very different goals, but the underlying principle is the same "all nutrients/elements <"are needed"> in some...
  16. Bradders

    Water Nutrient Control

    Thank you, @Hanuman and @dw1305 - very insightful and helpful, as always.
  17. dw1305

    Water Nutrient Control

    Hi all, Reverse Osmosis (or rain <"If it's yellow, let it mellow and RO is the devil">) water would give you a softer water source and more of a <"blank slate to start with">. Your water supply is similar, in many ways, to what most of us get <"from the tap in the S. and E. of England">, it...
  18. P

    Estimative Index, is it still relevant?

    My old belief was that more light is better. And nitrate and/or phosphate caused algae and should be as low as possible. Big algae blooms in my tank were not uncommon and that's an understatement... these outbreaks are not healthy for the ecosystem and it's fish. And a lot of effort was put in...
  19. Hanuman

    Water Nutrient Control

    These would definately not be the reasons why I would dillute the tap water. I would dillute it to decrease the overall water hardness which makes it harder for certain plants to growth. Also, the higher the dKH, the faster the buffering capacity of certain soils will be depleated. So if you...
  20. Bradders

    Water Nutrient Control

    Hi All, Silly question time! If you have water like mine, does it make sense to use RO (in part or in full with a supplement) to help control the number of nutrients available in the water - and perhaps limit what excess Algae can use to flourish? I am trying to understand whether there is...
  21. FrozenShivers


    Hi! Tank looks great.
  22. FrozenShivers


    Welcome aboard :)
  23. C

    "Re-glue" hardscape

    Glad cyanoacrylate glues work while it's wet, got some lying around. Just got to work fast then. Thanks!
  24. Hanuman

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Actually the way the sentence is written it is unclear to me whether he has been using Prime all along. I assumed he would be using Prime everytime since he is using tap water. That's a question he needs to clarify. If he was not using prime and he was loosing fish, then definately the Prime use...
  25. MrClockOff

    Inkbird thermometer alternative

    Hi there Just wanted to share my experience with another smart gadget I have just started using. It’s alternative to Inkbird digital thermometer and is called SONOFF THR16A (or THR20A 20 amp version) with WTS01 sensor. Why this one? It costs about £20 on eBay, has only one terminal to...
  26. Koaan

    3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank

    It's Dutch for Ricky? 🤔🤔🤔 😅
  27. S

    Help required new tank setup

    Siphon it out. Keep doing water changes. The tank is only 3 weeks old. A lot of my problems went away with water changes and patience. Cyanobacteria treatments do exist but I can’t comment on their effectiveness. Some are antibiotic based and adding antibiotics to water is usually a bad idea.
  28. RickyV

    3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank

    Very cool!! I heard he was coming for aquashella and stopping by the aquarium, so I commented to make sure not to miss the planted tank since its very easy to miss. Luckily he saw the last minute comment. I'm happy he liked the tank enough to show it on his channel. Yeah I don't know where he...
  29. S

    Fish dying when do a water change

    I’m inclined to agree with this too. The concentration of contaminants in water would ordinarily need to be much higher to cause harm to humans than to aquatic life. Perhaps bottled water is mainly drank in this household. Or, considering they are also in Scotland, they may be like me and have...
  30. Tim Harrison

    Tropica Aquacube, the forgotten crystal gem from Tropica

    We all appreciate you Thierry :)
  31. M

    Help required new tank setup

    Added details
  32. Bradders

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Agreed - the Prime aspect IS a problem, but it might not be THE problem.
  33. Bradders

    Help required new tank setup

    Agree with @hypnogogia - I was just going to ask for some more enviornment details too.
  34. hypnogogia

    Help required new tank setup

    To get specific input that will help, follow the guidelines below: https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/please-read-the-guidelines-for-algae-help.60672/#post-595768 There are also threads about removal of cyano in the forum.
  35. hypnogogia

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Seems clear to me there’s nothing to loose from cha hing the prime dosing, although as @John q points out, the deaths predate the use of prime.
  36. Andy Pierce

    Fish dying when do a water change

    I'm also inclined to blame overdosing the dechlorinator. Note the instructions: Use 1 capful (5 mL) for each 200 L (50 US gallons) of NEW water [emphasis mine]. Old tank syndrome is tempting to blame and may also be a factor, but unless you are dramatically disturbing substrate on water...
  37. M

    Help required new tank setup

    🙈🙈🙈 Will it take over tank?? Can I not buy a chemical to chuck in to kill it, sorry just all new to this
  38. hypnogogia

    Help required new tank setup

    No. The brown algae (diatoms) are part of new tank set up, but not the cyano. It’s hard to get rid of.
  39. hypnogogia

    "Re-glue" hardscape

    Depends what glue you are using. Cyanoacrylate will work when it’s wet, and it dries very quickly.
  40. M

    Help required new tank setup

    Is that part of the new tank process??
  41. hypnogogia

    Help required new tank setup

    Looks like you’ve got some cyano bacteria there.
  42. hypnogogia

    3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank

    He calls the guy Ryan…
  43. M

    Help required new tank setup

    1. Size of tank in litres. 300l 2. Age of the set - up. 3:weeks 3. Filtration + Media/Sponges.oase 600 thermo and fluval 407 4. Lighting and duration. Chihiros WRGb2 7hrs with 1 hour ramp up/down 5. Substrate. Nutribase topped with gravel then tropica soil 6. Co2 dosing or Non-dosing.yes co2 7...
  44. dw1305

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Hi all, It is because of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) injection. Sodium hydroxide is a <"strong base">, so it raises pH, but it doesn't add any buffering. cheers Darrel
  45. Roland

    Plant Pictures!

    Rotala florida
  46. richardcunliffe

    Fish dying when do a water change

    You're likely not drinking from a hot water tank though, right? So you'd not necessarily notice.
  47. J

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Without being the practitioner of doom I'd say the prime suspect isn't prime, the op was loosing fish prior to adding it. See text from original post. Why are the fish dying? I'm not sure. The standout clue for me is the disparity between tank ph 6, and tap water ph 8.2 average from the...
  48. CooKieS

    Tropica Aquacube, the forgotten crystal gem from Tropica

    I'm often too afraid of what people think of me and my work, but I've decided to put that to one side and continue to enjoy this hobby as long as it's financially possible.
  49. A

    Fert advice

  50. Tim Harrison

    Tropica Aquacube, the forgotten crystal gem from Tropica

    Exactly, why let a few folk ruin something that gives you joy, whatever that is. Especially something you have an obvious talent for ;)
  51. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Hi Sarpijk, thanks for the info! This species i have was labeled Cryptocoryne Nurii var. raubensis 'Rose Maiden' and i got it in invitro. Never heard of RM2 but you know the things with crypts, so many cultivations! Never had any luck with the nurii but this time it seems im in luck. Probably...
  52. chickennublet

    30cm cube tank

    Little update. I've been throwing some shrimp in there. It's the red cherry shrimp that I find in my BioMaster in the other tank when I open it up for maintenance. It's quite a surprising amount! I kind of regret it because I could have gotten a different coloured Neocaridina for this tank but...
  53. Walt1908

    Tropica Aquacube, the forgotten crystal gem from Tropica

    Awesome!!! This is some amazing news :thumbup: Looking forward to your new updates ☺️
  54. CooKieS

    Tropica Aquacube, the forgotten crystal gem from Tropica

    Thanks for your words guys, I realized I wasn’t tired by the hobby itself but by some ppl in the hobby , should I stop for this? Well maybe not, let’s continue…
  55. Aqua360

    A fairly shrimple nano

    Added a Betta!
  56. Aqua Hero

    1 Hour Dip with Seachem Paraguard

    I tried but my camera wouldn't focus Sent from my SM-S918B using Tapatalk
  57. Koaan

    Setting up a tank for plant farm/quarantine

    You can also make that riser any height you like: It can be as short as you want. You can always disguise it by putting an Echinodorus in front of it or something 🙂 That way you can have it to change water, and still use whatever soil you like. If you've never installed a bulkhead...
  58. Bradders

    Fish dying when do a water change

    I agree. Some research on Prime has found a few people who have had problems, and some remarks like "The sodium dithionite in Prime and Safe decomposes into sulfur dioxide. In high enough concentrations this gas can be irritating to the gills of fish. In extreme cases and acid water, it can...
  59. J

    Journal on my new 200L low tech with Under Gravel Filter

    Hello. Well, I had to take action once again. Since the small holes at the base of my power lift tube didn't work, I decided to run the UGF with reverse flow as suggested by @Maf 2500, in: Help needed. Miss calculation on Under Gravel Filter I didn't had a smaller power head though. So I...
  60. Koaan

    3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank

    And now, featured on MJ Aquascaping channel! 🎉🎉🎇🎇 Starting at min 2:27 👍
  61. Bradders

    1 Hour Dip with Seachem Paraguard

    I am not sure about Paraguard - I am sure someone has some experience. Wouldn't happen to be able to catch a picture of the growth?
  62. S

    Fish dying when do a water change

    How do you get the water back into the tank? Hosepipe (and if so is it a food safe pipe) or individual buckets? How do you get the replacement water up to the right temperature? Do you use hot water from the tap, and if so, do you have a combi boiler (fine) or a hot water tank (not fine)?
  63. Aqua Hero

    1 Hour Dip with Seachem Paraguard

    Hi, Does anyone have any experience with Seachem paraguard and how to treat fish with it? I have noticed a small strange growth forming on the bottom lip of my fish. I think it might be the early stages of a fungal infection. I read on the bottle that you can do 1 hour Dip treatment with it...
  64. Sarpijk

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Nurii is a species I like because once it gets going it can create a beautiful carpet! I got mine before it was commercially available from big companies. It was sold as Cryptocoryne Nurii rose maiden 2 . Originally it didn't do anything until it took off! It also creates spathes for me once or...
  65. S

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    Thank you - hmm, sounds like a particularly sensitive species...? It's a shame as I really love the look of it. I'm glad you've got some that is working for your tank. I'll probably give it a try and see what happens.
  66. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    And look what happens with my Nurii ☺️ The newest leaves are not any more green but they have the desired colouration. Pretty happy here the big operation prior to our holiday is paying off good and is not having melting crypts troughout my tank!
  67. Maf 2500

    Setting up a tank for plant farm/quarantine

    Pots would work fine, either terracotta or plastic. Plastic trays 50-75mm deep would be another option.
  68. tam

    Utility of terrestrial/emersed plants in a planted tank

    They are a good emergency back up. Filter packs up, sudden ammonia spike, population explosion makes you overstocked... a tank with that sort of planting is going to cope much better with that sort of event. You will likely need more fertilizer, but that's true whether your plants are under or...
  69. C

    "Re-glue" hardscape

    I was uprooting some plants in my 3-month old tank and my I was unaware that my arm was putting pressure on my drift wood and it came loose (was attached by hardscape glue and tissue). This is my first tank and I am new to the hobby so perhaps the way I glued it initially was inadequate in the...
  70. Hanuman

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Did you see how much prime he was adding? 6x the recommended dose…! If that is not what is causing the fish dying then perhaps he should look into other options but I bet that fixing his dosing will fix his issue specially if the water is already poorly oxygenated. Also he says that the tank is...
  71. J

    Help needed. Miss calculation on Under Gravel Filter

    Well... The reverse flow appears to have not been successful... The sponge I had was too dense, I need a coarser one. Today I'm gonna try to find some perlon to wrap around the power head intake. Cheers Jonni
  72. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    True but normally i try to twitch my tank as less as possible. Everything goes here pretty much automatically when on holiday even feeding. The only thing my best friend does is grab a beer, checking the system for leakage ,check if the feeding goes right and enjoying the tank 😁 He also checks...
  73. bazz

    UKAPS Meet @ Horizon Aquatics June 15th

    Thanks to all @Horizon Aquatics for having us, the selection of plants is second to none including a few I have never even heard of before, and thanks to any UKAPS team involved with the organisation Including and especially @Geoffrey Rea and @Ady34. It was also good to catch up/meet with other...
  74. Tim Harrison

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Here's what I think is happening. From the article I linked above. The consequence of depleted carbonate in the aquarium water is twofold. Firstly, it can adversely compromise how fish regulate the minerals in their body through osmoregulation. In itself, this can be deadly. Secondly, without...
  75. I

    Setting up a tank for plant farm/quarantine

    The supply of anything but the most basic of aquarium plants is sporadic in my country, and usually the more exotic/attractive species come in only once in awhile if at all. Supplier's cite low demand and high minimum order quantities as the reason behind refusing to import the nicer plants...
  76. FrozenShivers

    Changing times for UKAPS

    Wish you all the best going forward, thanks for the work you've put into this great site!
  77. castle

    Fish dying when do a water change

    I honestly have no idea, but if there was a problem with the pipes you’d be sick too. For that reason alone, I’m not convinced it’s a house thing. Deoxygenating with prime is a good suggestion too. Maybe do a water change without prime by aging and see what happens?
  78. Bradders

    Fish dying when do a water change

    I thought about this @Tim Harrison, too. But the ammonia and readings were all very low. Maybe more 'Sick Tank Syndrome' - if not the prime and other aspects.
  79. Hanuman

    Fish dying when do a water change

    I would say this is it. You have been overdoing it with Prime. You are basically dosing close to 6x the recommended dose (RMD: 5ml for 200L) for the amount of water your changing!! You should be dosing 0.8ml for the 35L you are changing. For good measure I would also put an airstone during...
  80. Bradders

    Fish dying when do a water change

    I would love to see some pictures of the setup, too. I think I am with @ElleDee here as an initial food for thought. That sounds like a lot of Prime (overdosing), and a known side-effect of overdosing with Prime is a higher risk of oxygen depletion. The fact that the fish are 'gasping' after a...

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Looks like your best friend did a good job. The lack of tinkering sometimes is the way to go
  82. chickennublet

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    Thank you! Anubias coffeefolia takes a really long time to grow. I honestly can't remember how long I've had it the particular ones in the tank. I have had Anubias coffeefolia from when I first started this tank in 2019 and that particular one should be that big piece in the center of the tank...
  83. G H Nelson

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Hi @Myrkk I would purchase Drop Checker and monitor the Co2 level even though you are not injecting Co2! If it's green l would be careful when doing water changes and using Prime! There is alot of compressed Co2 in mains tap water! Remove any decaying leaf litter use an air pump/stone at...
  84. Mike Singh

    Utility of terrestrial/emersed plants in a planted tank

    It’s probably not adding much to the already robust filtration system you already have. It is beautiful!

    Changing times for UKAPS

    Thank you Paulo for making the forum what it is, we appreciate all the work " behind the scenes" you have done, UKAPS is probably the reason l have had success with the planted tanks l have and had, and you have left it in capable hands with Tim and the team, and nice to know you will still be...
  86. S

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    Beautiful tank! I particularly love your anubias coffeefolia - how long did it take to grow to that?
  87. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Just came back yesterday from our well deserved holiday on Samos. Quick update. Everything looks just great. No signs of melt, no algae en all my fish are looking great. Plants are doing great. Massive growth and colours. Will do some cleanup later this day and obviously post an update with pics.
  88. Aqua Hero

    Utility of terrestrial/emersed plants in a planted tank

    Other than adding an aesthetic appeal to the overall look of the aquarium, I do find it useful as a secondary biological filtration unit (i have my plants in two big breeder boxes) for housing beneficial bacteria that can act as a backup just incase something we're to go wrong with my main...
  89. chickennublet

    45x30x30cm acrylic

    Hiya The Corydoras is doing well! Apparently with the recent revision it's a Hoplisoma now. I will be moving him back to the main tank with the rest of them soon. I want to get some Corydoras hastatus (Gastrodermus hastatus) to go into this QT before I move him though. Are you from Singapore...
  90. J

    Help needed. Miss calculation on Under Gravel Filter

    Hello hello. At first I'm gonna try as @Maf 2500 suggested. I assembled it in reverse today, it has more water moving, I can only tell by the amount of hair the pump pulls when I open the air tube. But the water movement is barely seen. It became cloudy though. So o think it is working. @Tim...
  91. RickyV

    3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank

    That is good to know that works with the ramshorn/pond snails! I did end up using 6 grams of fenbendazole and that seems to have done the trick. The shrimp population has definitely been doing better! The fish fry that kept disappearing in their mini tanks haven't disappeared anymore and are...
  92. RickyV

    Utility of terrestrial/emersed plants in a planted tank

    On my 3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank I have been growing a lot of terrestrial plants (mostly philodendrons). I figured they are great extra filtration. They also give nice shade to the front display panel. I imagine they are pulling all sorts of stuff from the water and unlike aquatic...
  93. azawaza

    Bugs you might encounter in your aquarium

    :pBest all-purpose aquarium miscellaneous-stuff holder: bathtub.
  94. azawaza

    Fish dying when do a water change

    I'm sorry for your loss, but this thread reads much like a case on House MD (imagine they make one about a fish doctor; aren't we all one? haha!) So, my differential diagnosis: copper leaching from aged water pipes. Not sure how we can test this without breaking into your house. What would...
  95. azawaza

    MTS...Just how bad do you have it ?

    I'm always looking for potential, less-utilised tank space around the apartment to add to my four nanos. Atop the fridge, below the sofa... those kinda things. Maybe have no sofa. And to heck with that screen of a TV. Replace both with better glass displays. Better still: a full, three-tier rack...
  96. LondonDragon

    Changing times for UKAPS

    Many thanks everyone :) I will still be a lurker from time to time ;) and I am making sure Tim is up to speed also!
  97. azawaza

    45x30x30cm acrylic

    I'm not a fan of acrylic tanks and would rather go for low-iron glass ones with their green tinge if given a choice between the two. Hopefully we'll get to witness this planted tank's glory behind glass panels soon. I hope that solitary cory's doing better. Also, what's the plan for plant...
  98. Tim Harrison

    Star Jasmine.

    I think some plants are reluctant to flower when conditions are good. Most of the energy goes in to vegetative growth and there is little incentive to flower, since the plant is not stressed and has no need to reproduce to perpetuate its genes.
  99. L

    Changing times for UKAPS

    thank you! @LondonDragon
  100. Geoffrey Rea

    UKAPS Meet @ Horizon Aquatics June 15th

    Hope everyone is now home safe, was a pleasure to meet you all today folks. A special thank you to Nicole, James and Charlotte of @Horizon Aquatics for having us, very much appreciated 🙏🏽 @Ady34 and myself were unfortunately very much distracted by the sandwiches… 🥪 😋 But we did manage a few...