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  1. Mike Singh

    Utility of terrestrial/emersed plants in a planted tank

    It’s probably not adding much to the already robust filtration system you already have. It is beautiful!
  2. Mike Singh

    Planting Technique Advice

    Push the plant deep into the substrate.
  3. Mike Singh


    Looks like shoddy work. I’d return it.
  4. Mike Singh

    Hello from London

  5. Mike Singh

    Reignited an old obsession 😊

    Welcome and nice tank!
  6. Mike Singh

    Short Low Maintenance Carpet Plants?

    It can be done but will take ages. You would also have the right water pH and substrate to help the plants along.
  7. Mike Singh

    New Aquascape

    Then your aquarium is probably getting light for to long a period. If you place it in a darker area and control the light period with an artificial light it will take care of the green water issue.
  8. Mike Singh

    New Aquascape

    I believe you are trying to set up a Walstad Aquarium.
  9. Mike Singh

    Foresta 35e

    Full overview Christmas Moss added to wood Right corner Left corner Middle Bottom bank Anubias Petite
  10. Mike Singh

    New Aquascape

    The green tint you are seeing is probably algae growing on the glass from the window light. Give the glass a good clean. It is unlikely that the window light will be enough to grow the plants. Certainly the Monte Carlo wouldn’t make it. I’d recommend you get a small clip on light to help...
  11. Mike Singh

    Foresta 35e

    UPDATE The plants are coming along nice a slow. About 50% of the Cryptocorney and Bucephandra leaves have melted but new leaves are growing. The moss wall has new growth. I’ve added immersed S repens. I’ve mossed up the wood with Christmas moss. I stripped the plant pad with the dead moss and...
  12. Mike Singh

    New Aquascape

    @Fireman77 thanks for the information. As you have no filter and a small volume of water, I would suggest aiming to do a near 100% water change every week for at least 4 weeks. This will take away the organic waste until your tank’s biological processes mature. What light are your plants...
  13. Mike Singh

    Foresta 35e

    I found this slug in the filter compartment of the terrarium. All plants and hardscape are from reputable aquascaping suppliers. How on earth did it get there?
  14. Mike Singh

    New Aquascape

    Hi and welcome. Please provide the information about your setup as per this thread. Thread 'Please read the guidelines for plant help!' Please read the guidelines for plant help!
  15. Mike Singh

    Chihiros help for new tank

    Yes just to see them and say hello in the morning whilst I have my coffee. 🤣
  16. Mike Singh

    AQUAH 2024

    “AQUAH is a hub where business professionals and hobbyists alike can connect, allowing participants to exchange insights, experiences, and knowledge accumulated over years of dedication in the field.“ The venue is in Stoneleigh, Kenilworth CV8 2LZ in the Midlands. https://aquah.co.uk/
  17. Mike Singh

    Aquarium Disaster

    Sorry for your loss. Did you disturb the substrate a lot during the maintenance?
  18. Mike Singh

    Chihiros help for new tank

    Here’s my auto settings for my Chihiros light. I’ve not messed with the colour channels an all. The +50 and +60 is the % light intensity.
  19. Mike Singh

    Chihiros help for new tank

  20. Mike Singh

    Chihiros help for new tank

    It’s probably best to use the Auto menu. This allows the schedule timer function to be used. You can then set the intensity of the light and the ramp up and ramp down times which are similar to sunrise and sunset. I use 2 light schedules per 24 hours. I’ll send my settings later. YouTube is good...
  21. Mike Singh

    MOSSY STREAM: Dooa Mizukusa wall

    @Ady34 which moss did you use for the moss wall?
  22. Mike Singh

    Help me compare general purpose light fixtures

    Hi Due to the uncertainties with respect to the quality and output, it may be better in the longer term to purchase an aquarium specific light. The modern lights like the Chihiros are very customisable via their app: timers, intensity and colour. “Spend now to save later”
  23. Mike Singh

    Hello from Newbury

  24. Mike Singh

    Is this Crypt Melt?

    Melting leaves go pale then translucent. If you touch it with something it will break off easily.
  25. Mike Singh

    Is this moss dead?

    It still very moist.
  26. Mike Singh

    Is this moss dead?

    The immersed Christmas moss on the plant pads for my terrarium back wall is still brown. It was brown when I planted it. I was hoping it would recover. The moss still has some structure to it and firm on pulling. With the eye of faith some green patches are emerging. Is it still alive? Should I...
  27. Mike Singh

    Returning to fish

  28. Mike Singh

    Shallow tanks and emergent growth

    I use it on a timer for my terrarium from UNS. I does mist the plants but they never appears wet as a result.
  29. Mike Singh

    Week aqua A430 pro, I'm disappointed?

    The light coverage seems ok. See how your plants respond over the next 2 weeks.
  30. Mike Singh

    Alibaba Bent Corner 56 L -- First Planted Aquarium

    Welcome and nice start
  31. Mike Singh

    Foresta 35e

    A panoramic view of the submersed plants on the bank.
  32. Mike Singh

    Foresta 35e

    Thanks @richardcunliffe ! It certainly took a while to get this project started.
  33. Mike Singh

    Foresta 35e

    MAINTENANCE - 1 WEEK OLD Water Change Near 100% weekly Plants Significant Crypt melt (expected) Dead leaves removed Fertilizer None as yet Either Sea weed fertilizer or DIY fertilizer mix will be used in a few weeks Substrate Tropica Aquasoil topped up as some sinking occurred Sand...
  34. Mike Singh


  35. Mike Singh

    Hello from London

  36. Mike Singh

    Foresta 35e

    Thank you Walt! It small ''nano'' size. Dimension in inches: L13.78 X D13.78 X H17.72 [Overall] L13.78 X D10.63 X H17.72 [Paludarium] L13.78 X D3.15 X H17.72 [Chamber]
  37. Mike Singh

    Foresta 35e

  38. Mike Singh

    Foresta 35e

    Hi Everyone I'm starting my journal for my Foresta 35e Paludarium. There is a backwall filter with a pump and an Atomizer which creates fog. The filter water trickles down the plant mats on the back wall. The fog flows out the top and down the backwall, keeping the plants moist. The back wall...
  39. Mike Singh

    Bright green moss immersed recommendations

    Hi Any recommendations please?
  40. Mike Singh

    DIY LED Full Spectrum Design

    What’s the build cost to make one of these DIY LED lights?
  41. Mike Singh

    Bright green moss immersed recommendations

    Can anyone recommend a bright green moss for attaching to branches in a terrarium immersed setting? I’m looking to get some contrast against the dark green Java moss background.
  42. Mike Singh

    Should the drop checker turn blue overnight?

    I don’t think it would. As long as the animals continue to be ok. You could try to reduce to 1bps and see the effect.
  43. Mike Singh

    Smart Plugs

    Is this one linked suitable? What’s the app control and functionality like? https://amzn.eu/d/fgF8vxP
  44. Mike Singh

    Smart Plugs

    Hi can anyone recommend a multi plug strip or single smart timers?
  45. Mike Singh

    BGA, Diatoms, Monte Carlo transition? I'm not too sure what i'm doing wrong here but I do know I need help.

    The high temperature could be an issue for the Monte Carlo. Place the drop checker on the glass opposite your CO2 diffuser.
  46. Mike Singh

    Attaching in-vitro anubias

    I saw a video today from GreenAqua where they put the glue on the hard scape then pressed the Anubias onto the glue.
  47. Mike Singh


  48. Mike Singh

    BGA, Diatoms, Monte Carlo transition? I'm not too sure what i'm doing wrong here but I do know I need help.

    Hi welcome. It sounds like you are doing the correct things. Do you have a CO2 drop checker? Are your stem planes growing?
  49. Mike Singh

    Hello 🌿

  50. Mike Singh

    Attaching in-vitro anubias

    I am going to use glue.
  51. Mike Singh

    Immersed Plant ID

  52. Mike Singh

    Immersed Plant ID

    I saw this at the edge of a man made pond in Gloucester. Nice green and purple leaves. What plant is it?
  53. Mike Singh

    New to this......

  54. Mike Singh

    Aquarium Plant Food UK Closing Down

    It’s not a cut and dry as this. Each tank is different and requires adjustments depending on plant and fish growth. AIO fertiliser mixes are a great way to start.
  55. Mike Singh

    Matura River Corcuit/Hike- Trinidad and Tobago

    There are scenes of the river Biotope with fishes.
  56. Mike Singh

    From south africa

    Just make up a stock solution and start dosing your tank as per the method that you want to use. See how the plants respond over a 2 week period. You will also have to factor in your light brightness and CO2 if you are using it. It is probably best to create a separate post about your tank...
  57. Mike Singh


  58. Mike Singh

    From south africa

    1g of salt added to 100ml of water = 1%.
  59. Mike Singh

    From south africa

    Do you mean how much of each salt to make up your stock solution?
  60. Mike Singh

    From south africa

    This calculator is useful and you can recreate your preferred fertilizer. Thread 'IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator' IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator
  61. Mike Singh

    From south africa

    It seems ok. The raw salts are correct. What is the pH and hardness of the water you are using for your aquarium?
  62. Mike Singh

    From south africa

    Welcome. Have you decided which doing regimen you want to use? See this link for the different methods and recipes. http://www.theplantedtank.co.uk/ http://www.theplantedtank.co.uk/dosing-methods.htm
  63. Mike Singh

    Unknown creatures.

    Thread 'Seed Shrimp (ostracods)' Seed Shrimp (ostracods)
  64. Mike Singh

    Rio Seco Waterfall. Trinidad

    Hi Everyone In this video you can see some aspects of the Biotope in the Rio Seco, waterfall in the Matura Nature reserve, Trinidad.
  65. Mike Singh

    UKAPS Meet @ Aquarium Gardens April 28th

    Hi Everyone it was really good to meet fellow members today. Thanks @Geoffrey Rea and @Aquarium Gardens for organising this meeting. Tia’s Northeastern Brazilian Biotope setup was fantastic. It was very illuminating to see the Biotope take shape as each element was added. Tai and Dave were...
  66. Mike Singh

    Hello, New member here!

  67. Mike Singh

    New Member.

  68. Mike Singh

    Hello from London!

  69. Mike Singh

    PURE Aquarium

    “I’m very impressed. I never thought I’d be saying that about a bacterial product, but the science is sound, the product makes realistic claims, and in the flesh it has positive effects. Good effort, Evolution Aqua!“
  70. Mike Singh

    55l medium tech

    Welcome and nice tank. You seem to have most bases covered. The M Cuba are difficult to grow. They need high light and CO2 blowing directly on it. Your hard water may be as issue as well. Good that you replaced the foreground with something more resilient.
  71. Mike Singh

    High tech Light Question

    Hi Please fill out the below template so we can get the complete picture of you setup: Tank details below: 1. Size of tank in litres 2. Age of the set - up 3. Filtration + Media/Sponges 4. Lighting and duration 5. Substrate 6. Co2 dosing or Non-dosing 7. Fertilizers used & Ratios 8. Water...
  72. Mike Singh

    Algae support

    Hi BBA is difficult to get rid off. Prune the affected leaves. Start by improving your water fertilisers as per @G H Nelson. I would plant a load more Anubias and Java ferns on the wood. Fill the foreground in front of the wood and rocks with C wenditti. Increasing your plant mass will help...
  73. Mike Singh

    Should Wio Sand be washed?

    Hi All I have some Wio Tigris sand. Should I wash it before putting it into the tank? Will washing reduce the cloudy water? The filter is a 3 compartment system built into the back wall of the tank. I could just put filter floss in the 1 compartment where the pump outlet drains into.
  74. Mike Singh

    Algae support

    Hi nice tank! What specific advice do you require?
  75. Mike Singh

    Poaceae sp Purple Bamboo

    Interesting plant!
  76. Mike Singh

    Hello from Brazil

    No problem. Us foreigners have our uses!
  77. Mike Singh

    Tank Tales: A 100cm x 100cm x 50cm Aquatic Adventure

    I love the hardscape! A lot to potential for a fantastic arrangement of the plants and moss. Is the sand covering the Aquarium soil?
  78. Mike Singh

    Hello from Brazil

    Here you go:
  79. Mike Singh

    PURE Aquarium

    Thanks chaps! :clap:
  80. Mike Singh

    Hello from Brazil

    Bem-vindo! Where in Brazil are you from? Have you heard of the Brazilian style of aquascaping?
  81. Mike Singh

    PURE Aquarium

    Hi Darrel I was waiting for your response! So it’s like supplements in health food shops! No clear scientific evidence but cleaver loop hole marketing, “it worked in lab rats so it must be good for humans”.
  82. Mike Singh

    UKAPS Meet @ Aquarium Gardens April 28th

    Hi Dave Can I have a vegetarian sandwich…..or 2 please 🙏🏿
  83. Mike Singh

    PURE Aquarium

    Anyone tried this? It won Practical Fishkeeper product of the year. https://evolutionaqua.com/pure-aquarium
  84. Mike Singh

    Hi from Marquette, MI - USA

    Howdee Matt and welcome!
  85. Mike Singh

    Greetings from Rotterdam!

    Welcome Walter!
  86. Mike Singh

    Newbie with a new project.

    Just plug the gap next to the Crypt that’s there already.
  87. Mike Singh

    Newbie with a new project.

    There’s a wee gap on the right between the rock and glass. Plug it full of Crypts!
  88. Mike Singh

    Not an easy hobby

    Welcome to the jungle!
  89. Mike Singh

    Looking for a sturdy stem

    Medium pace grower.
  90. Mike Singh

    Looking for a sturdy stem

    Bacopa caroliniana The current may still cause some lean.
  91. Mike Singh

    Dennerle Scapers 35 Ltr. What lights are you all using??

  92. Mike Singh

    Dennerle Scapers 35 Ltr. What lights are you all using??

    Chihiros 30 or Twinstar 30B should fit your tank.
  93. Mike Singh

    Angelfish and discus together

    Hi Malik I suspect that your tank is too small, but I’m sure an expert with chime in.
  94. Mike Singh

    Trim these no or let them go for a bit

    @Scmelik I’m sorry if I overstepped, I was just trying to get to the root cause of your tank’s issues. The additional information you provided has give us a wider context of the issues you are having with the tank. It appears that there as a few strategies that you can implement to prevent...
  95. Mike Singh

    Trim these no or let them go for a bit

    Thanks @Scmelik for your answers. I’d suggest you massively increase your plants in the tank. The drift wood you have is begging for moss and Anubias. Some Echinodorus in the left back to use the height. Cryptocorney wendti for the fore to midground. Also fill up the foreground with more of...