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  1. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Spotted the first two shrimplets!!!! The mother is still berried so she must be in the process of giving birth!! Again I am surprised because I assumed it was a quick birthing process. But you learn new things everyday! I'm working from home today and the tank is on my desk!! Very little work...
  2. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Interesting. Makes sense if the energy content within eggs is there for the them to develop over a longer period into larger, stronger shrimplets I suppose. Invertebrate biology is a mystery to me still!
  3. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Hi all, So the move went ok. The substrate is a bit less sloping after transportation which is slightly annoying as the tank has lost the some of it's appearance of depth but otherwise no problems. Shrimp are all fine. The berried CRS and RCS didn't lose their eggs. However I've just done the...
  4. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Cheers X3NiTH, haven't moved them yet. Will need to in the next few days. Good advice. Will probably so that. On another happy note: Although not a massive achievement, one of the cherry shrimp in this tank is now berried as well!! Lots of shrimplets soon hopefully!!
  5. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Really happy to stumble across this the other day!!!!!!!!! Been away so couldn't post until now. I first saw her like this on jan 16th so fingers crossed for some babies mid feb!!!! In my head it seemed like this has taken ages but thinking about I've only had them for 2.5 months so not too...
  6. Easystreet

    750l low tech... sloth tech!

    Yer I might make this more automated one day. In all honesty I'm planning to up the filtration and wire in a STC1000 controller for temperature as well. However I'm moving at the end of the week so have to get through that hurdle first. This tank will be completely stripped and rebuilt during...
  7. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Yer I read freshly cut anubias roots were bad. I figured that if they'd been in the tank for a couple of weeks during cycling then anything toxic would have leached away, helped by some big water changes. But if it's a myth then no problem anyway!! :)
  8. Easystreet

    My Aquascape - Kīlauea - ( with Crystal shrimp only)

    Nice. How long has it been up and running? I presume you use re-mineralised RO water? Do you do big water changes? I ask because for shrimp they say small water changes are best but for high tech planted tanks 50% weekly changes are recommended.
  9. Easystreet

    My Crystal Shrimp EI/co2 tank

    Ah sorry, realise my original (messaged) advice may have been misleading. When I said URL I meant the links available to the right of the page when you click on one of your photos. The 'share links' section. copy the one called 'IMG' directly without modification.
  10. Easystreet

    My Crystal Shrimp EI/co2 tank

    Lol. In Photobucket the bit I copy is the link labelled 'IMG'. Don't add anything else just copy directly. Also if you use preview than you can test the code works prior to posting.
  11. Easystreet

    750l low tech... sloth tech!

    Agreed, Kribs aren't mouth brooders (cave brooders as Darrel say). Although once hatched they will transport the fry around if they decide for a change in scenery. And they do tend to 'clean' the very young fry in there mouths. At least that what it looks like to me. Also I only have the...
  12. Easystreet

    750l low tech... sloth tech!

    Brilliant cheers, Hopefully they are still there later and I will transfer them to a hatching container.
  13. Easystreet

    750l low tech... sloth tech!

    Darrel: You sound certain. Have you seen these before? Would be awesome if they are!! Bizarrely these are located near the surface on an anubias leaf roughly 18" off the substrate and 2-3" below the surface. Is this normal for Corys?
  14. Easystreet

    750l low tech... sloth tech!

    So found these yesterday: I don't think they are angel fish eggs. They look to big and they appear to be quite tough (this angel fish couldn't pick them off the leaves). The known breeders in the tank are angels, kribs and rams. But they are out of place and look different than any of those...
  15. Easystreet


    Wow again!! This is awesome... I had no idea that so many variants would be possible from a CRS x CBS mix!! Makes me very tempted to hunt for a 'moya' of my own at some point (I'll wait to see if my CRS's breed on there own first though!). I didn't realise the shrimplets hatch and then then...
  16. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Jason: Thanks. I was swinging towards 2 being female and all others male. But would be good if there were a couple more females. My favourite is 11. So the second pair of antennae are longer on females? X3NiTH: Haven't observed this yet. All very placid at the moment! Need to get the Barry...
  17. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Everything is going ok. Had a couple more moults but no berried shrimp yet!! Am I being impatient? Anyway it's time to play a game of do I actually have any females. Playing with the girlfriends new camera. So any experts identify any females in this lot? 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10...
  18. Easystreet

    help with giant val

    Hey fz1ben, I've struggled with valis (standard variety) in my large low tech tank with play sand as a substrate. It sends out loads of runners but stays small and grows slow. Eventually old leaves would die off but new runners kept popping out. I tried root tabs and EI dosing. And have played...
  19. Easystreet

    The Shed Tank

    Subscribed!! Good luck.
  20. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    So I've had 2 more moults which is good. But I suspect all the moults so far have been males. I'm not great at sexing them but I think I have more males than females. Possible only 2-3 large females. If I'm right they breed after moulting? So just have to wait for one of the females to moult...
  21. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Hey Jason, No I don't mind the extra chat. Is interesting to find out what everyone does. Seems there is a lot of variability in methods. But basics are the same - use remineralised RO with stable parameters and you should be OK. I'm going to focus on the shrimp at the moment. If I get some...
  22. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Thanks Jason. Haha, I'll take the bait. How? I suspect my plants are nutrient depleted.
  23. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Piotr: Hi. No problem. Thanks for the delivery. Jason: I'm already using it. But thanks for the advice. I'm using RO and salty bee to re-min to a TDS of 150, GH of 5-6 and KH of <1. These are the parameters that seem to be advised online. Although the tank TDS is a bit higher at the moment...
  24. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    X3Nith: haha, no berried females unfortunately!! That would have been nice!
  25. Easystreet


    Wow!!!! Something for me to work up to! Great tank and awesome photos!! I like the fact that you have such diverse varieties in there that you never know what mix you'll get from the offspring. Are you ever planning to selectively breed or are you just happy seeing what happens?
  26. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Thanks Michael. Leaf has been in there for a week with no change apart from sinking. Oh well, as you say there will be plenty of micro-organism about I suppose. I'm going to get some frozen spinach for them as well and feed them this once or twice a week along with some commercial shrimp pellets.
  27. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    OK, So I decided to go with the eBay seller. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/sirmarkiz/m.html?item=251683894367&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Ordered late Wednesday. Seller sent them out the next day to be delivered Friday before 1pm. They arrived at 10:30 am. Double...
  28. Easystreet

    Pond water dechlorinator V aquarium dechlorinator?

    I've used pond dechlorinator for years. No problems.
  29. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Thanks Michael. However, freshwater shrimp out of grade A CRS at the moment. :meh: Also: 10 x CRS at freshwater = £35 + £9 delivery. 10 x CRS from ebay seller = £30 + free delivery. Tempted to save the the money and get from ebay. He has good reviews. Also: Do I need to think about genetics...
  30. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Ok, so everything is settling down. It's been two weeks and my water parameters are stable. Plants are growing a bit but slowly. Had to take out one of the crypt varieties out due to melting. Just did a 10L water change to get rid of any nasties that may have built up through the cycling...
  31. Easystreet

    First big tank, first journal native Aussie tank

    Hey, looks like a lot of tannins in the water. Is that part of you planned biotope or just side effect of new drift wood? Cool effect though. Some serious bits of wood in there!!
  32. Easystreet

    London Zoo.... back stage.

  33. Easystreet

    Congo Tetra with exposed gills? Why

    Hi, I'm by no means an expert but I have noticed something similar on danios before. Is the gill covering (operculum) opened revealing the gills or is it just short? A short operculum is a common deformity observed in danios at least. For example from http://zebrafish.org/documents/faq.php...
  34. Easystreet

    Starless & Bible Black

    Looks really good. I like the cigarette filter trick. nice idea.
  35. Easystreet

    1.000 L project. Aquascape by Windyhead.

    Nice. Like it a lot. Like the fact that it appears that none of your planting is coming from the substrate, it's all attached to the rock or wood. Gives a very interesting feel to the tank.
  36. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Water parameters: RO from shop: TDS 15, PH 7.0, GH <1, KH <1. Re mineralised RO: TDS 170, PH 7.0, GH 6-7, KH 1-2. After 24 hrs in tank: TDS 167, PH 7.0, GH 5-6, KH <1. Akadama seems to be sucking some of the GH and KH up. I've read it'll do this until its 'saturated' (equalised with water...
  37. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Progress!!!!! Got the akadama. It was the Ibaraki type and is quite fine. I like it. Cost me £1.50 per litre from local bonsai dealer!! Colour change is difference between wet and dry colour: Sieving!!! So boring! Never really runs clean! Because as you mix it more dust is created! I was a...
  38. Easystreet

    hello from southampton

    Hi, also in Southampton. New here as well, but welcome.
  39. Easystreet

    750l low tech... sloth tech!

    Yep. 50%. Had an oscar for 8 years. You get used to it. Like Edvert said. Syphon out then fill up directly from the tap. Takes an hour but only 10 mins of work. Rest of the time it's just draining or filling. Ohh yer and only 5 amano's. They're thriving. Probably because there's plenty of...
  40. Easystreet

    750l low tech... sloth tech!

    Troi: Good idea. That would've prolonged the life of my previous little experiment!! No Chance I'll be doing in on this beast any time soon though. For your interest this was my attempt at the dirt tank: Darren: Cheers :). One of my mates queried why I hadn't planted it all... I mentioned...
  41. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Hmmm... Does it result in a a lowered Ph? In fact I read a bit more about akadama and it said that it was just a neutral substrate and wouldn't change Ph. I'm a bit confused now. Does the substrate lower Ph or can I expect a low Ph straight after the RO water is re-mineralised?:confused: P.S. I...
  42. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Hey all, OK, to summarise it's mostly aesthetics then. Although I'm sure there are some chemical differences. I think I'm going to stick with the Akadama. Not hugely concerned about aesthetics but cost is a factor. Plus I can get the akadama in the correct quantity of ca. 4 litres. Other brands...
  43. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Bogwood: Thanks for the tip. will set the temp a at 21/22. Have ordered the leaves and the minerals. Ebay seller for the akadama is on holiday till tomorrow!! Getting impatient:p!! Will order that then.
  44. Easystreet

    750l low tech... sloth tech!

    Troi: Just sand. Play sand from B and Q. Glad I didn't use soil underneath. I've tried that on a smaller scale and although growth is good I found eventually it mixes and doesn't look good. Too much work on a tank this size! I have noticed that I have small root tendrils (really fine) coming up...
  45. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    What's the benefit of the ada amazonia? Thought the substrate just lowered the Ph and that the akadama would do this? Cheers, Jim
  46. Easystreet

    750l low tech... sloth tech!

    Hey all, Been lurking on here for ages but short of a few early question haven't been that active. Anyway would like to document my progress with my large low tech attempt. Been a lot of fun and very happy with end result but it requires a lot of patience!! I had originally planned to make...
  47. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Hey Kirk, Thanks, just re-checked the heater. It's actually a 50W. Does this sound more reasonable?
  48. Easystreet

    CRS setup. Is there anything I have forgotten?

    Hey all, Just about to start a CRS project and I am gathering all the necessary equipment. Stuff I already have: Tank: Cube, 30x30x30cm. 27 litre. Light: Led fitting microhabitat 8. Air pump: Old one I already had. Heater: 100W set to 24 C. Sponge filter, suitable for 200L. In my other tank...
  49. Easystreet

    150gal Indonesian Tank

    Brilliant....Will definitely give Kuhlii loach a go... Have deviated from a strict Indonesian theme and added some cory's but that will be my only deviation I think.... oh and ottos! Haha... oh well so much for being strict... new title: 'a predominately Indonesian tank' I added an impressive...
  50. Easystreet

    150gal Indonesian Tank

    Yer i've become attached to my clowns. Sanj: Your rainbowfish tank is the one that has inspired me to go down the large 'indonesian'/rainbowfish route... beautiful tank! I'm going to have a think to see if maybe i can do something visually pleasing with some really nice big pieces of wood and a...
  51. Easystreet

    150gal Indonesian Tank

    Ok, noted. I've never had a problem with my loaches hiding. They are always out and about and doing the feed-me-dance when I walk past. May wait to observe their behaviour with the new stocking/layout and go from there... Cheers for the input on plants... will have a think about doing a...
  52. Easystreet

    150gal Indonesian Tank

    Cheers Big Clown. Interesting. So it's not out of the question I just need to be aware that I will be limited to well rooted tougher specimens!!! Just while I have your attention. Any idea where I can get large clowns from to bump my numbers up to 5-6 individuals. It would annoy me greatly to...
  53. Easystreet

    150gal Indonesian Tank

    Noooo!!! I had no idea that clowns did this!!!! thought they were fine with plants.. Mine are around 5-inches... May try some practise plants over the next couple of weeks to see the results... well this could ruin the plan!!
  54. Easystreet

    150gal Indonesian Tank

    Kuhli Loach sound interesting! However, I have just googled them and they prefer lower Ph. Max 7. Do you think they would adapt ok? Not sure how hardy they are compared to other species? Darren/Rich: Had stumbled upon hillstream loach as an option previously but similar to hara hara I rejected...
  55. Easystreet

    150gal Indonesian Tank

    Hey all, In the early stages of planning an large Indonesian tank... been thinking about stocking and would like some advice. The tank will be a low tech heavily planted tank (just dosing ferts) (if possible) built around 3 large clown loaches that i've had for several years. Water...
  56. Easystreet

    Lighting a low tech 150 gal

    Would like to get some opinions on a suitable lighting system for a 150gal low tech aquarium. Planning only to add ferts so a low light system would be good. The gap i have for a fitting is 1030mm long and 110mm high. No major restriction on width but under 300mm would be good. Tank is around...