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  1. shwalker

    Rainwater from under the Flight Path

    Thank you all for your replies, I will seed the water butt with Daphnia and see how it goes, failing that I can look at incorporating a first flush system. It's good to know that you have kept killifish successfully in the local area Mike.
  2. shwalker

    Rainwater from under the Flight Path

    Fair Point, I think I will do that. Thanks for the advice
  3. shwalker

    Rainwater from under the Flight Path

    I am planning on creating a new setup for Microctenopoma ansorgii and I would like to use rainwater to establish this setup, however I live under the flight path at Gatwick. Do you think this rainwater would be safe to use?
  4. shwalker

    Tom's Poco Pozo

    Very nice! What are you feeding them all at the moment?
  5. shwalker

    Tom's Bucket O' Mud - The End

    I'm liking the tank, what fish have you currently got in there?