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  1. ghostsword

    CRS photos, including babies

    Amazing photos.. Magazine ready.. :) ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  2. ghostsword

    Self inflicted snail explosion...

    Drop meat in there.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  3. ghostsword

    Common Snail vs more specialised snails

    Nerites are cool snails to have and assassins do not eat them. Too many snails is a sign of too much food. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  4. ghostsword

    What Kills Amano Shrimp?

    Thanks.. All bagged already to take back to adc.. :) The rest of the plants were placed on the outside tanks.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  5. ghostsword

    What Kills Amano Shrimp?

    I will put the tank on the garden today, got space for it, grow a emersed jungle.. :) Cover with clingfilm and let it adapt to open air slowly. Add some rocks and maybe let the bugs take over. In winter I will just bring it in or give it away before going to South Africa.
  6. ghostsword

    What Kills Amano Shrimp?

    Yes, I can replace the cabinet, but it is a old tank nonetheless. My first tank, it is about 5 years old and I bought it second hand. Still don't know what I may do with it, feel tempted by a paludarium, but need to first see the state of the cabinet, would not like to have the sitting room...
  7. ghostsword

    What Kills Amano Shrimp?

    And because this is my lucky month.. :( The pipes from the filter leaked water into the cabinet, was not closed properly. So cabinet is now water damaged. I emptied the tank, gave some fish to my brother and will distribute the other fish in between my other tanks. The shrimp were caught...
  8. ghostsword

    What Kills Amano Shrimp?

    They are too big... and dirty.. :) I can restart the filter using pads from the other tanks. This tank will just have to have a blackout, and I will need to do small water changes. Should be ok. No feeding, no co2 and no light.
  9. ghostsword

    What Kills Amano Shrimp?

    And to make my life much easier my jbl profi 1500 stopped working. :( At close inspection the impeler had a piece broken. Bought a new impeler today online, so two or three days no filtration, no CO2 and no light. Will do some small water changes during the week using a mix of RO water and...
  10. ghostsword

    What Kills Amano Shrimp?

    Well, they survived the night.. :) So no funny chemicals on the tanks that would kill them,. I am leaving the CO2 off the tanks for the next couple of days, will just turn the lights off for this period, to give them a chance to acclimatise further, just in case. Actually the drip method was...
  11. ghostsword

    What Kills Amano Shrimp?

    Ok, got another ten amanos, got two containers and did the drip acclimatization. Did it for 4 hours. CO2 has been switched off for the whole day. Also used a tds meter to measure the tds on the tanks and containers. Once it matched I moved the shrimps. Let's see if they survive now...
  12. ghostsword

    What Kills Amano Shrimp?

    Yep, also 350L on a low tech is slightly different on a 100L high tech.. :) CO2 was the killer, coupled with my ignorance, so today I will try again, with fewer shrimp and proper drip acclimatization. Maybe even decrease the CO2 on the tanks..
  13. ghostsword

    What Kills Amano Shrimp?

    Yeah, I now know.. I added them when I got home, at 1900, a full 7 hours since CO2 first got into the tank. :( I am buying 5 more today, and add them using the drip method. With a carpet of moss I need shrimps to keep it tidy and clean, so I have to keep on. Also, would Easy Carbo kill...
  14. ghostsword

    What Kills Amano Shrimp?

    Thanks mate.. this just shows that I still have lots to learn.. :) For the next purchases I will do the drip method, will buy two or three this week and try again. Just need to get a big bucket for them. So after a couple of hours dripping just drop them on the tank, right? With fish...
  15. ghostsword

    What Kills Amano Shrimp?

    No other shrimp on the tank. Never had use for shrimp, but now with moss ... They were still, like drunk. Then they turn white, and stay put. I see they are dead after touching with the tweezers and see that they do not move. Very sad. Got fish and some snails, no issue with those...
  16. ghostsword

    What Kills Amano Shrimp?

    Thanks guys.. Hours drip acclimatizing? Damm.. No wonder they go belly up. Ok, so to get some amanos into a established scape is no co2 for a day or two then drip aclimatising. How do I do the drip? On a bucket and then a drip feed of the tank water? Sorry for so many questions, but I am bad...
  17. ghostsword

    What Kills Amano Shrimp?

    @ghostsword - what is deadly for amano shrimp? I have a high tech tank, lots of co2, few fish, planted and ferts. 50% water changes a week with half RO. Dropped 10 amano on the tank, 15 minute acclimatization, all dead or dying within 2 hours. Stopped CO2 and raised spray-bar, see two or...
  18. ghostsword

    Limnopilos naiyanetri, the Thai micro crab

    Thanks, that sounds like a nice one to have..
  19. ghostsword

    Limnopilos naiyanetri, the Thai micro crab

    Are they escape artists? I got a vivarium that could use some life. :) ___________________________
  20. ghostsword

    Whatever happened to Shrimpking?

    Will be good to see some good shrimp.
  21. ghostsword

    Whatever happened to Shrimpking?

    there is always hope!! We need a shrimp farm here. ___________________________
  22. ghostsword

    Wipe Out

    Now this I fully agree with. The toxins may be toxic not just to the fish and shrimps but also to us. God know what ailments we may come out in the next couple of years. Just because they are deemed safe now that does not mean much. Asbestos was ok a while ago, remember?
  23. ghostsword

    Wipe Out

    You are right mate, I think that Plants Alive is on the right path with the document they send with their plants..
  24. ghostsword

    Wipe Out

    If I had shrimp I would not take the risk. I actually do not think that rinsing is enough. :( We just don't know what pesticides they use. ___________________________
  25. ghostsword

    Wipe Out

    I know the above sounds too harsh, I do apologize, this is meant not at you directly, but as a lesson to all. As Claus Christensen said, only InVitro plants are safe to use with shrimps, that should be the lesson to take. Edis is strickly forbidden of getting any plants for his tanks!! :)...
  26. ghostsword

    Wipe Out

    I really understand your disappointment, and loss, but one needs to be subjective and fair. You bought plants, you washed them and you placed them on the tank. To use your example, had I bought a sofa, the dog chewed on it and died do you think that I could have any standing on a court to...
  27. ghostsword

    [WARNING] Shrimp and Pesticides

    It is great that they are advising people to be careful, really good. ___________________________
  28. ghostsword

    [WARNING] Shrimp and Pesticides

    Great article, it covers all bases and allows people to make a choice. ___________________________
  29. ghostsword

    Wipe Out

    Great link. The thread discuss how many people kill their shrimps with purchases of plants and not quarantining them. Quote: "Always thoroughly rinse or even soak newly acquired plants before placing them in a shrimp tank. All plants entering the UK are treated as this is a legal requirement...
  30. ghostsword

    Wipe Out

    Great information Darrel. It should make us think twice about what we buy and what we put on our tanks. :( Looking forward to the pinned topic. ___________________________
  31. ghostsword

    Wipe Out

    The plants from Asia are supposed to be pesticide free, and certified as such? That turns the whole argument on it's head, as I would not think that Defra would accept a fake certificate.
  32. ghostsword

    Wipe Out

    I would like to reiterate what Claus has said, that in vitro plants are super safe. Also, I asked Tropica last year about use of pesticides, they said that they do not use them. So if someone's shrimp died when using tropica plants, they may have been contaminated at the LFS. Don't know...
  33. ghostsword

    Wipe Out

    I learned it last year when at vivarium, Claus Christensen did a talk about it, and advised people to just buy Tropica, and if shrimp are at stake then go the extra mile and buy 1-2-grow (in vitro). The issue is so big that ADC in london has shrimp on the plant holding tank to show buyers that...
  34. ghostsword

    Wipe Out

    Thanks Nelson. :) Paulo don't shoot me for thinking it was common knowledge. :) I will apologize again. It is indeed a sad situation. ___________________________
  35. ghostsword

    Wipe Out

    Thanks dude, your arguments make a lot of sense. Sorry if I came out a bit wrong, but I wrongly assumed that it was common knowledge that most asian growers use pesticides on their plants. :( ___________________________
  36. ghostsword

    Wipe Out

    You are right Edis, I also believe that it should be advertised. It would be fair I think. With shrimp being so expensive and the pesticides so deadly so quickly, the seller should advertise in a disclaimer the risks. But if the plants absorb the nasty stuff through the leaves and stems, there...
  37. ghostsword

    Wipe Out

    Being the devils advocate.. To publish names without proof is not good.. :) It could have been the plants, no doubt about that, but then it could have been anything else. Although it points to the plants, as it seems the only constant on the two tanks. Also, you need to share some of that...
  38. ghostsword

    Wipe Out

    I had something like this happen with me, but only with cherries. Even if one buys from tropica be extra careful if the retailer has a mix of plants on their holding tank. The shop I go to in london has shrimp on the plant holding tanks, proof that the plants are safe. It is a true tragedy...
  39. ghostsword

    Best Snail for eating fuzz on plants?

    I had a 35l full of algae, dropped 3 otos there two weeks ago. No tablets, just some cucumber. The tank is now clean. :) ___________________________
  40. ghostsword

    Best Snail for eating fuzz on plants?

    Shrimp are ok, amanos do eat algae. ___________________________
  41. ghostsword

    Some of my Shrimp...

    Trully inspirational, one to follow for sure. Edis also has two amazing scapes going on, so not really sure how he finds the Time for all of this. .
  42. ghostsword

    Some of my Shrimp...

    Saw these shrimp yesterday and I can tell you that Edis has the most amazing shrimp I've ever seen! Very jealous of him! :) .
  43. ghostsword

    Some of my Shrimp...

    wow, black tiger orange eye is just amazing!
  44. ghostsword

    Have you kept Vampire crabs?

    Yep, just as well that I go large plants already, they are setup on the garden. The pots will be hidden with hanging basket mats, cut to size and glued, then sprayed green and black. I have to get some moss, but that is easy to get. The bottom will be filled with stems, lots of hygros an...
  45. ghostsword

    Have you kept Vampire crabs?

    This is the background. Very low diy, my first built background, but it is easy and cheap, about £20 spent, most of the money gone on the aluminium mesh. After spraying the background with plastikote, and coco coir added. It was sprayed with green and black, like a camuflage. Will add a coat...
  46. ghostsword

    #Sulawesi #shrimp catch

    I don't use Facebook that much, but for sure some people here does so, not sure I there is a ukaps page. --- - .
  47. ghostsword

    Have you kept Vampire crabs?

    This is one of the photos of the aluminum mesh. http://www.flickr.com/photos/51548939@N00/6042146575 --- - .
  48. ghostsword

    Have you kept Vampire crabs?

    I just built a frame for the vivarium back, will fill it up with expanding foam, then glue coco coir on top using gorilla glue. For plants will use rotala's, polygonum sp, hydrocotyles and lots of different hygros. Currently training Araguaya to grow emersed. When all of this is done then I...
  49. ghostsword

    Why have all of my Amano shrimp died?

    I've noticed that too much co2 kill the shrimp, especially if at the shop they are on a non co2 tank. --- - .
  50. ghostsword

    Kordon Breathable Bags

    I would also buy up to 50, can collect anywhere in London. :)
  51. ghostsword

    #Sulawesi #shrimp catch

    hehehe, been on twitter as long as I have been on UKAPS. Quite cool that UKAPS joined twitter, so I can tweet my threads there as well.
  52. ghostsword

    Have you kept Vampire crabs?

    Thanks, I know where to get them, ADC would be able to order. Did not know about arboreal, so will get something made for them. :) Will ask Lukaup for more information especially if he has seen their habitat. .
  53. ghostsword

    Have you kept Vampire crabs?

    @ghostsword - I would like to do a small emersed tank for vampire crabs, has anyone on the forum set one up before? From the web they just need some water, lots of area above the water to burow and stay, and some live food. Any help is appreciated.
  54. ghostsword

    #Sulawesi #shrimp catch

    @ghostsword See an amazing video of how Sulawesi Shrimp are caught! By #Chrislukhaup http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=up ... E8p4&gl=GB
  55. ghostsword

    Free shrimp poster

    hahahha, or make small plastic copies.. :) or even better, buy a couple, when they die place them on acrylic resin, then cut to size and voila! a ready shrimp.. LOL
  56. ghostsword

    Free shrimp poster

    Thanks for the link! .
  57. ghostsword

    Online shrimp stores

    Yep, I have no rush.. :)
  58. ghostsword

    Online shrimp stores

    Found him, and he is selling more.. :)
  59. ghostsword

    Online shrimp stores

    Who was the seller? .
  60. ghostsword

    Caridina cf. cantonensis ( Bee Shrimp ) Habitat

    I am sure that your shrimp is the first one on the left. It looks like it. :)
  61. ghostsword

    Caridina cf. cantonensis ( Bee Shrimp ) Habitat

    From Chris Lukhaup on Tour: Caridina cf. cantonensis ( Bee Shrimp ) Habitat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nafwnMMM ... r_embedded More info on www.crustahunter.com
  62. ghostsword

    Advice for cherry shrimp set-up - now with pic

    I have two tanks with Cherry shrimp at home, one is at 24C the other at 16-18C (no heater). They seemed fine in both tanks, but the ones on the cooler tank grow slower, and I have not seen any shrimplets yet on the cooler tank. From my observations, and from the habitat they come from, what...
  63. ghostsword

    Shrimp King contact number?

    How did you pay? if by paypal, try to get your money back, otherwise find where he lives and make a visit. But for £100.. maybe it is better to cut your losses and accept it as experience.
  64. ghostsword

    Tmc micro habitat

    Great article.. And I am sure that such a tank would be useful for shrimp, without the fish, of course. :)
  65. ghostsword

    Tmc micro habitat

    Those loaches look really nice. On a tank without any heater and very good water current they would look good.
  66. ghostsword

    Tmc micro habitat

    By the way.. They are selling the small tanks on ebay.. Looks very similar to the betta and tmc ones, but for only £49 including postage. Look for Acrylic Nano Cube Aquarium Tropical Fish Tank.
  67. ghostsword

    Tmc micro habitat

    It was a fantastic article.. I think that it was the last pfk I purchased. :) But yes, sometimes we need to look at nature for tips on how to keep our critters.. we do not always know best. :) After reading that article I wanted to setup a 100cm tank with just emersed plants, rivers rocks and...
  68. ghostsword

    Tmc micro habitat

    The shrimp article were on the July 2009 PFK. http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/c ... p?sid=3140
  69. ghostsword

    Tmc micro habitat

    It could be one of the many reasons liquid carbon kills them. After seeing where they got CRS first, the small rivers looked very fast flowing, and there were not a lot of vegetation in the middle, just large boulders. I think that I read about it on a PFK magazine about 6 months ago.
  70. ghostsword

    Tmc micro habitat

    I got an acrylic nano, about 6L and I do a 1L water change change daily. No shrimp deaths yet, however I only got 5 shrimp in there, a mix of yellows and cherries. Maybe the CRS are more susceptible to WC. Shrimp are from rivers, and there is a lot of water movement on rivers, so I would...
  71. ghostsword

    Assassin and Nerite snails

    Very lucky then.. :) Have the lot for over a year now.. :) My Khuly loaches eat all the trumpet snails they find, leaving the assassin snails and nerites.. :) On my tank I got only assassin snails and nerites, and some shells of trumpet snails. :)
  72. ghostsword

    Assassin and Nerite snails

    I got them both together and there are no issues.. I also got Khuly Loaches, and they do not eat the assassin snails or the nerites.
  73. ghostsword

    Minimum Shrimp Breeding Population

    I started with 4 cherries...
  74. ghostsword

    Shrimp and Koralias

    I got a koralia nano and a 1, and the shrimp and snails are always around it.. :)
  75. ghostsword

    Grass Shrimp

    Check the temperature. I sometimes use them to clean my tank, but I switch off the thermostat. I was told by the LFS shop that they picked them up on rivers, fast flowing rivers, but those rivers are cold.
  76. ghostsword

    Cherry Shrimps to good homes

    Makes sense. Let me know when you want some and I can bring them to work.
  77. ghostsword

    Cherry Shrimps to good homes

    Hi, I can bring some to work, as I am work in Edgware Road, on the Circle Line, close to Baker Street. If you work in London you could pick them up between 10am and 1700. Let me know.
  78. ghostsword

    Cherry Shrimps to good homes

    Hi.. thanks for the replies.. I was spending the time at the CLAS forum and didn't visit this one.. :? I still have more shrimp, so if anyone is willing to either come to East London on the weekend, or to a CLAS meeting, I can get you at least 5 to 10 shrimp. At yesterday's CLAS meeting I...
  79. ghostsword

    Cherry Shrimps to good homes

    Hi, I am in Upton Park, East London, I am free next week evenings, or I can take them to work, in Edgware Road, and you can pick them up in the morning. Thanks, Luis
  80. ghostsword

    Cherry Shrimps to good homes

    Hi.. I have quite a lot of Shrimps, they breed like mad, so I feel that it is a time to move some out. If you are in London (I will not post them), please let me know if you want some. No more than 5 or 6 per person. Thanks, Luis