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  1. ghostsword

    Dry ferts - please help me with the maths

    I think the best is to ask the authors.. :) I started with Clive's formula for EI, which is based on a ppm of ferts in a tank when dosed daily, then I tweaked for the results I was getting, as my tap water also had an impact. Now I am in Cape Town, so surely I need to tweak again for the...
  2. ghostsword

    Dry ferts - please help me with the maths

    The spreadsheets are there as a comfort zone, as a guide, but in real life unless you know what you got on your tank, and experience on your side, you will more often than not make a judgement error, and either dose too much or dose too little. That is why aquascaping is more than putting...
  3. ghostsword

    Dry ferts - please help me with the maths

    Maybe I misunderstood the post.. :) You want to know the maths to something that is as varied as anything in nature? I do not think that there is a mathematical formula that applies to all tanks and layouts. The fert companies would like us to think so, but no two tanks are the same, and a...
  4. ghostsword

    Dry ferts - please help me with the maths

    I just dose EI according to the one mixture that Clive posted a few years ago. I do not measure amnomia, nitrates, ph, do not test for any of that. Only thing I do is dose lots (it is cheap), do two 50% WC a week, with 25% RO mixed in (as London water is very rocky) and that is it.. Simple...
  5. ghostsword

    Dry ferts - please help me with the maths

    Been a member of the forum for a while now, and have read and discussed many things, but this is new to me.. :) and absolutely makes sense. I knew the plants take about two weeks to adapt to a change in dosing, but did not knew why.. now I know.. :)
  6. ghostsword

    What to put in gel capsules for root ferts? - Need to purchase this AM

    I like osmocote as well.. and what I do is to wrap it on clay, let it dry out and then put the clay at the roots. The issue with CO2 is how it moves in the tank, and how it reaches the plants.. you may have a lot of CO2 in the tank, but if it is not reaching the plants, and flowing right in...
  7. ghostsword

    What to put in gel capsules for root ferts? - Need to purchase this AM

    ahahaha.. everything is a CO2 issue.. as soon as you think it is not a CO2 ... bam.. it is a CO2 issue.. 2bps means nothing, it all depends on your light period, flow, nutrients and the plants.. I can put 2bps on a 30L and not be enough, or 1bps on a 200L and be plenty.. :)
  8. ghostsword

    Aquavitro from Seachem

    Found it online.. Aquavitro Envy, 7ml per 150L, it is £15 for a 350ml bottle.. http://www.surreypetsupplies.co.uk/seac ... 350ml.html or Aquavitro Synthesys, same price, but one 7ml allows enough nitrogen for 950L.. http://www.surreypetsupplies.co.uk/seac ... 350ml.html The website says...
  9. ghostsword

    Aquavitro from Seachem

    I received a box of Aquavitro stuff (thanks Seachem and Dan) ... Had a look at the ferts, and it looks pretty good on paper, highly concentrated, and with easy instructions. I used EI, loved it, and I am now using Elos due to the concentration and ease of use, but the Aquavitro got me...
  10. ghostsword

    Elos Fertilizers, who is using it?

    Also, ease of dosing, as I travel for work during the week, the wife and kids just have to push 1ml in to the tanks, my two tanks are about 100l. You cannot beat this product for concentration, one bottle can last you for 200 days.
  11. ghostsword

    Elos Fertilizers, who is using it?

    It is concentrated, 1ml per 100L every other day. I dosed it as per advised and had no issue with my plants for three months. Also, on a 100L tank, dosing 1ml per 100L every two days, allows you to have 200 days of dosing. This costs just under 15p (£28.49 / 200 = 0.145). How much would be EI...
  12. ghostsword

    Elos Fertilizers, who is using it?

    They were very good, great value. I just did not like the dosing bottles, so I decanted into the ada bottles to dose better. :) Good product. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  13. ghostsword

    Flourish Excel gone from Ebay?

    I bought 1kg of purigen for about £40 delivered I think. Now that is very cheap.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  14. ghostsword

    Flourish Excel gone from Ebay?

    Just buy from abroad, with the euro going down it must be even better. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  15. ghostsword

    Flourish Excel gone from Ebay?

    Price fixing, no more no less. I buy a lot of kit online, but still visit a pet shop. What will happen is that without online competition the shops can be complacent and degrade customer care. Now they need to understand that if they give bad service people can get the same stuff online...
  16. ghostsword

    Elos Fertilizers, who is using it?

    Thanks George. So to use them on a inert substrate one would think that twice the dose would be needed. :) I will ask Filipe for more information. :) ___________________________
  17. ghostsword

    Elos Fertilizers, who is using it?

    Its just that 1ml for 100l seems too little. :) worried that it may be an error on the translation. If the dosing is indeed 1ml for 100l every two days, then it is fantastic, should last me 6 months. ___________________________
  18. ghostsword

    Elos Fertilizers, who is using it?

    @ghostsword - Elos Fertilizers, who is using it? I got the Fase2 and the K40 bottles, been reading great reviews about it online. The dosing says 1ml per 100L of water every second day (If I read correctly), now can I mix them, or has to be one day the Fase2, and the other day the K40? At 1ml...
  19. ghostsword

    EI and water changes

    :) true... A hard question to get a general answer as every situation differs from user to user. ___________________________ I don't know what is the secret of success, but the secret of failure is trying to please the world!
  20. ghostsword

    EI and water changes

    I use the James all in one recipe as a basis, and have tweaked it a bit to add more nitrogen and less potasium, as over a year that was what it gave me a better result. I really do not see the 50% water change as a way to reset the nutrients, but as a source of fresh water into the tank. The...
  21. ghostsword

    EI and water changes

    I have a different experience. Never done gravel vacuum, never seen the benefit for it. Dose EI like there is no tomorrow, and do a 50% water change every week. Also, co2 into the tank during the day and airstone at night. Light is kept on for 6 hours, and just two 39w t5s over a juwel 120...
  22. ghostsword

    Out of curiosity?

    I use it and dose 5ml per 40l. I also have lots of co2, but just 6 hours light. .
  23. ghostsword

    Nutrients - emmersed vs. submerged

    Yep, it's on the tip of the leaf. ok, so not much I can do with it then. Thanks for all the tips. .
  24. ghostsword

    Nutrients - emmersed vs. submerged

    Thanks Darrel, good idea on the Tomato feed, so one can use it the same way for the tomatoes? Leaf burn is always something that plagued, as I am setting up a vivarium was worried about how to dose ferts. :)
  25. ghostsword

    Nutrients - emmersed vs. submerged

    With my emersed plants if I dose as much as I do on the tank the leaves burn. So I use osmocote, and old tank water. :) it works great!
  26. ghostsword

    Dosing for 8l CRS tank?

    It just depends on how much light you have. I would say 1ml per day. I dose on my 8L 1ml per day and only have moss. --- - .
  27. ghostsword

    Dosing for 8l CRS tank?

    Ok, EI you can dose as much as you want, however excel is another matter. Liquid carbon can kill shrimp when too much. Why not get one of those small bottles of CO2 and run them instead? You can run a bubble every 30 minutes or so, and with good water movement you should be ok. On just 8L a...
  28. ghostsword

    Since using EI not seen much improvement, ideas?

    This looks like CO2 related, and not EI. :(
  29. ghostsword

    Since using EI not seen much improvement, ideas?

    Oops, it may not be the "pure" EI, I just like to dose all in one, easier for me. :) but it works perfectly, have not had any issue with it yet, been using it for about a year or so. I also read the EI article from Clive, it is very similar dosing, just all in one solution. .
  30. ghostsword

    Since using EI not seen much improvement, ideas?

    I don't know how much dosing you per day but I use these recipes and dose 5ml per 40l: EI Dosing Normal Dosing ------------------- 24g Potassium Nitrate (KNO3)=4 tsp 2.2g Potassium Phosphate (monobasic)(KH2PO4)= 1/2 tsp 17g Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate (Epsom Salts)(MgSO4) = 4 tsp 4.0g...
  31. ghostsword

    Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) Purchased from Internet

    It is a great post, and should be made a sticky, so that people know how to visually differentiate between the good stuff and the bad stuff. I was battling with BGA for a while, couldn't get rid of it, wasn't all over the tank, but it was there. Bought some KNO3 from FluidSensor and the BGA...
  32. ghostsword

    EI Plant Food

    I dose everyday. No rest, but I also do two wc per week. The issue for plants is not so much ferts or light but co2. That is the hard one to get right. .
  33. ghostsword

    Dry Salts Pre mixed

    Oh, cool, I thought that it was the batch I sent you. I am glad that they are working as designed. :)
  34. ghostsword

    Dry Salts Pre mixed

    It could be the E numbers, I can send you another batch, without those, to try out. As I dose pre mixed with water I do not experience the dust.
  35. ghostsword

    Dry Salts Pre mixed

    Was this the one I sent you? Don't remember putting dust on it. :D Although I dose mixed with water.. :)
  36. ghostsword

    Dry Salts Pre mixed

    It would help to know what was on the bag. :) Maybe there was already dust mixed up with the ferts?
  37. ghostsword

    making el solution

    The EI dosing article is very good, but you *will* need to read it more than once to understand it completely, I read it as often as I can. :) If there is something you want to read this year is the article written by ceg, forget all else. :D
  38. ghostsword

    Ei for 6 gallon tank

    I used this article.. http://www.ukaps.org/EI.htm
  39. ghostsword

    Off the shelf ferts!

    If money is not an issue, Tropica ferts are the best I came accross, I have not used ADA stuff yet, but Tropica for ease of dosing, quality and packaging are just perfect. I also have Ferro, EasyCarbo and Fosfo, but dose tend to last a long time, as I dose EI (James Recipe) on the main tank.
  40. ghostsword

    Dosing Fe ( Iron ) ?

    What you say is backed up by information found on the web, and also by the notion that if elemental iron worked then with so many ships sunk in the oceans there would not be a need to fertilise the phytoplankton, they would have all the iron needed from the sunken boats. This brings then...
  41. ghostsword

    Dosing Fe ( Iron ) ?

    :D Crazy ideas.. :) You are right, most of the stuff do have other things on it. Maybe the cheapest is to add some iron nails with the filter media.. :) LOL..
  42. ghostsword

    Dosing Fe ( Iron ) ?

    Ok, I found this, and it looks crazy.. :) but maybe someone can help in digest this... "Metallic iron filings are added to some breakfast cereals and listed in the ingredients as "reduced iron" ("reduced" referring to redox chemistry). If the cereal is crushed, the iron filings can be separated...
  43. ghostsword

    Dosing Fe ( Iron ) ?

    Maybe I am naive.. But wouldn't dosing Iron tablets achieve the same result? For example, Boots iron tablets have 14mg of iron per pill, and if we can have it, it should be ok for fish too. It has: Cellulose, Calcium Phosphate, Ferrous Fumarate, Maltodextrin, Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose...
  44. ghostsword

    Dosing Fe ( Iron ) ?

    My two cents.. :) Obviously I have not been keeping plants as long as most of you, so I may be wrong, but from my observations, I dose a lot of iron and the plants that are to be red, become redder. Also, I do a one stock solution, taken from JamesC page, and I drop quite a lot of Trace...
  45. ghostsword

    Dosing Fe ( Iron ) ?

    Hi. I have been following this discussion with some interest, especially as I dose a lot of FE on my tank. I use EasyFerro, twice per week, 5ml each time on my 120L tank. I saw the benefits on the amazon swords, and now on my Crypt Balansae and L. Aromatica. So 10ml per week total, right after...
  46. ghostsword

    New ready mixed dry fert supplier

    Salts to make 500ml £6.99 is not a bad deal. It works cheaper to make it the solution ourselves, and some of the sponsors sell the dry salts, but as a start this is a great deal.
  47. ghostsword

    Best all round liquid fertilizer

    That is a good price, on a 120L tank it should last close to a year, dosing 15ml daily, or way over that if dosed weekly. Does any of the sponsors sells the 5L bottle?
  48. ghostsword

    Best all round liquid fertilizer

    5L? Do you know where can we buy a bottle that big? Would any of the sponsors sell it?
  49. ghostsword

    Best all round liquid fertilizer

    Hi.. It sounds complicated, but once you start it is easy, and very cheap. There are very good articles on the forum about it, some of them are sticky, so they are easy to find. I was using TPN+, but since turning to dry ferts dropped TPN+, I actually get better results with my own dry ferts...
  50. ghostsword

    I Am Confused With Ferts! ! !

    Hi, if you plant carpet plants, plants that stay low and form a carpet, your fish will still have lots of space to swim. You can try hairgrass to start with, also try staurogyne.
  51. ghostsword

    10 day old tank, stem plants sick - advice please. EI time?

    Re: 10 day old tank, stem plants sick - advice please. EI t Hi, even with fish you can pump CO2 to very light green levels, so if you got no fish pump as you wish!
  52. ghostsword

    want to start ei

    I would just decrease the lighting period and keep co2, but no ferts until I am back. You may have some algae, but nothing that you could not deal with quickly. Currently I have 8 hours lighting period, and it is working great, so I would just drop mine to 5 hours daily. Plants would stopped...
  53. ghostsword

    want to start ei

    The results are pretty amazing, aren't they? :) Honestly, why bother with anything other than EI, lots of CO2 and enough light? :D
  54. ghostsword

    want to start ei

    yeah, I am waiting on a order of PO4.. :) I think that it will also help my plants being redder.. Most people have a break day, but I don't, maybe as it will give me a buffer period in case one day I forget to dose.. :) what i must not forget is the water changes, that must be kept up..
  55. ghostsword

    want to start ei

    I do not rest, just do two water chances a week, one is 50% and the other 20%. Got some green spot algae on some anubias leafs, but it is easy to deal with..
  56. ghostsword

    want to start ei

    Hi, I currently mix this, taken from JamesC recommended solution (www.theplantedtank.co.uk) 10g Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) = 2 tsp 1.2g Potassium Phosphate (monobasic) (KH2PO4) = 1/4 tps 4.0g Potassium Sulphate (K2SO4) = +- 3/4 tsp 8.0g Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate (Epsom Salts) (MgSO4) =...
  57. ghostsword

    Dosing EI causing Cloudy water?

    Cloudiness is not easy to get rid off.. You may have to look at what you got on your filter, the pads may be too coarse and let small particles thru.
  58. ghostsword

    How do you sort out EI when you go on holidays?

    Many thanks Dave, so just 4 hours will be good.. :) Perfect..
  59. ghostsword

    How do you sort out EI when you go on holidays?

    Thanks, I think that what I will do is allow the water to drop a bit, will try to mimic a period of draught on the tank, after all, plants are meant to use reserves, there aren't ferts on their natural habitat all year around. Will still leave CO2 going in, and as I only have 15 fish at max...
  60. ghostsword

    How do you sort out EI when you go on holidays?

    Thanks.. I will check it out. I will first look for something off the shelf, I am not very fond of diy kit around my tank, especially when I am way from it. :)
  61. ghostsword

    How do you sort out EI when you go on holidays?

    Many thanks Mr.T. Your tank setup looks very good, and the dosing pumps really interesting, I will look into that. So a pipe goes from the bottle to the pump and another from the pump to the tank? Can we choose how much to dispense? If so, this will sort out half my problems, and as I got a...
  62. ghostsword

    How do you sort out EI when you go on holidays?

    Thanks to Ceg4048 I stand corrected regarding the water changes reason, I really believed that we must do it to nutrient build up, but we must do it to keep the water clean of detritus and organic waste. So in theory if one halved the EI dosing on a tank and didn't do any water changes for a...
  63. ghostsword

    Would EI have a negative impact on plant sales?

    You know what I mean.. On those days there were no dry salts usage on the tanks, at least not from the people I knew. :) Now you can even have your plants on rockwool forever, as the nutrients can be added to the water. So by using EI, our plants get better, we become more confident about...
  64. ghostsword

    Would EI have a negative impact on plant sales?

    I would be able to go as well. I like to go to LFS'es, always have, and I believe that I should support a good LFS, once I find one that caters for my needs, rather spend a couple more pounds on a shop than buy online. When I was a kid, in Lisbon, I used to once a month visit all the shops in...
  65. ghostsword

    Would EI have a negative impact on plant sales?

    Thanks Tom for your input. I believe that EI will become more than a method to add ferts. After all a tank with better plants, and more healthy looking display will for sure allow planted tanks to become more established. After all the comments it is becoming aparent that EI will not have a...
  66. ghostsword

    Would EI have a negative impact on plant sales?

    Completely makes sense. What this will mean is that the retailers that do not provide good plants will not attract good customers, like us :) . Thanks for all the comments and opinions expressed on this topic.
  67. ghostsword

    Would EI have a negative impact on plant sales?

    I wouldn't think otherwise, to grow healthy plants is indeed a good thing, and once tried one is hooked.. :) With a healthy planted tank, there are only so many plants you can fit on your tank, however multiple tanks is something that I see happening, I started with a single tank and now have...
  68. ghostsword

    Would EI have a negative impact on plant sales?

    That is true.. However with the internet at our fingertips, plant related goods can be purchased from all over the world. For example, I bought from ebay 25kg of Magnesium Sulphate for £24 (including shipping), and 400g of Potassium Sulphate for £7 (including shipping). Now those are major...
  69. ghostsword

    Would EI have a negative impact on plant sales?

    From what I have read on this forum and from further research, the EI method has been around for a long time, the earliest records I found on the net date from 1997 (http://www.thekrib.com/Plants/Fertilizer/pmdd-tim.html). I have to agree that it is a little bit confusing to get the head...