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  1. OllieNZ

    BumbleBee Cichlid Pseudotropheus crabro(Broke my flash for this picture)

    I thought the males turn black as they get larger? (I have 5 still only 2-3") Nice setup, are you running the tanks linked?
  2. OllieNZ

    BumbleBee Cichlid Pseudotropheus crabro(Broke my flash for this picture)

    Very nice. How large? And what sort of setup do you have them in.
  3. OllieNZ

    Help for an old man...

    f value is also called aperture value it should appear on the display as f with a number next to it, the smaller the number the wider the aperture in the lens opens (this is limited by the minimum value on the lens) this let's more light in which allows you to use a faster shutter speed (seeing...
  4. OllieNZ

    Help for an old man...

    Lol haven't really given you much advice. Sorry I can't help with which buttons do what as I'm a canon user but the principles are the same. Here's what I usually do, set the iso to the highest value that will still give a clean shot, white balance to auto, for close ups use the lowest f value...
  5. OllieNZ

    Help for an old man...

    She's hungry and tired, all sorted now. This is probably my best with an 18-55 albeit on my canon. I had to use manual focus for this one. How much of the basics of photography do you understand? This will help you get the best advice.
  6. OllieNZ

    Help for an old man...

    Unfortunately you won't get awesome close ups with that lens. Try iso 800 or 1600 (makes the sensor more light sensitive but can cause graining. The higher the number the higher the sensitivity the higher the graining). Raw needs the correct software to view and will need to be converted to...
  7. OllieNZ

    Looking for pictures of CO2 deficiencies

    Why not set up a couple of nanos and try inducing then getting rid the various types of algae? It will lend weight to your article and give you the pictures you need
  8. OllieNZ

    Controlling Contrast

    I'm using a cannon 1100d. Is Dfine freely available?
  9. OllieNZ

    Controlling Contrast

    I was trying to see if I could get the shot as a whole correctly exposed it seems the only way to do this is to create a composite of two images. I have no issues obtaining correct exposure for the tank I just need to kick the cat off first. Now downloaded :) May not get a chance for a proper...
  10. OllieNZ

    Controlling Contrast

    All the time. Hes pretty skittish outside and doesnt like strangers so were not overly worried about him getting nicked. He does like getting in vehicles though I've had to get him out of the grocery delivery van a couple of times and he always sneeks onto my daughters school bus which all the...
  11. OllieNZ

    Controlling Contrast

    He loves sitting up there. Certainly not deaf but pretty stupid nonetheless. He's a flame point ragdoll and the cuddliest cat I have ever met. @BigTom Thanks for the link, I now understand how it works It will certainly be a useful tool.
  12. OllieNZ

    Controlling Contrast

    I was thinking the same thing that's why I'm seeking translation lol
  13. OllieNZ

    Controlling Contrast

    Can you please explain what the axis on the graph represent and where you pulled it from (trying to get my head around the technical aspects of the situation) The two photo technique is something I have seen before but as I don't have a tripod, not something I've tried. (Chrimbo list gets even...
  14. OllieNZ

    Controlling Contrast

    This is a better capture from the tank point of view but still the same issue with the highlights. Guess I'll have to dye him black:banghead:
  15. OllieNZ

    Controlling Contrast

    Thanks George, I really need to get photoshop and learn how to use it properly. The Blown Highlights are my major issue is the anything hardware wise you can use to tone these down to give you an image you can then edit without losing the detail? I can email you the original I you'd like to have...
  16. OllieNZ

    Controlling Contrast

    Hi All, I'm after some advice on controlling or minimising the whiteout caused by brightly lit areas of lighter colour. This is an issue I've had in the past a lot with light coloured substrates but now I have a DSLR which seems to handle this a lot better. I was messing around the other night...
  17. OllieNZ


    Awsome Vid :clap:
  18. OllieNZ

    Youtube vs Vimeo

    From a viewers prespective, youtube HD, even 1080p seems to stream alot faster. I have no issues with buffering even for 3D content on my tv. I just went to watch BigToms BOM vimeo vid and gave up on the HD version due to the length of time it was taking to buffer. 24 Meg/sec (tested) line speed.
  19. OllieNZ

    Making the most from a point and shoot

    A better attempt I think, I see what you mean about it being easy to over process
  20. OllieNZ

    Making the most from a point and shoot

    My attempt, I don't have photoshop so I'm using a program called photoscape. Danny any reason for using 8mp over 16?
  21. OllieNZ

    Making the most from a point and shoot

    Thanks for the examples. The de noise software would be useful any particular to look out for?
  22. OllieNZ

    Making the most from a point and shoot

    Well 3 sample shots, 1) Hand held full auto. 2) On a stand ISO100, 10 sec timer 3)On a stand ISO100, 10 sec timer and exposure -1 No post processing (wouldnt know where to start really)
  23. OllieNZ

    Making the most from a point and shoot

    Re: Making the most froma point and shoot Thanks Danny, I'll have a play tonight after I've done my tank maintenance
  24. OllieNZ

    Making the most from a point and shoot

    Re: Making the most froma point and shoot Thanks, I usually do most of the above. I do need to get a tripod. I have the ability to control ISO and the exposure(to a lesser degree) and the white balance. Thanks for the help so far.
  25. OllieNZ

    Making the most from a point and shoot

    Hi All, Any tips from some of the experts to make the most out of a point and shoot. Not all of us can afford a dslr and I'd like to make the most out of what I do have to work with (a Panasonic Lumix FS 35 in my case). Tips for taking full tank shots and close ups would be appreciated. :thumbup:
  26. OllieNZ

    Best Snow pic

    Speaking of kids here are mine enjoying the snow Its my little mans first time out in the snow and he spent most of it try to figure out if he could eat it :lol: :lol: Regards Ollie