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  1. ghostsword

    Unipac Micro Gravel

    I used unipac with a shoal of corydoras for a year or so.. no issues.. the barbels were ok, and so were they..
  2. ghostsword

    Salvaging a soil substrate tank

    Use either akadama, unipac gravel, or aquarium gravel.. Why bother with the rest? I have even used amazonia mixed with akadama on large tanks with good result. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  3. ghostsword

    Best sand to go with Dragon stone

    Yep, it is so cheap. :) I keep the excess on the garden, even sprinkle a bit on top of grass mixed with some ferts and seeds. :) ___________________________
  4. ghostsword

    Best sand to go with Dragon stone

    Argos kids play sand is cheap and goes well with the stone. ___________________________
  5. ghostsword

    ADA Aquasoil vs Colombo Florabase

    What I do is to soak the soil on a bucket for two to three weeks, change water often and when it is ready to plant it will already be soaked and somewhat free of ammonia. :) It will not crumble, one just needs to pour carefully.
  6. ghostsword

    How Effective is ADA Powersand?

    Why not get the tropica substrate? Tried and tested, only need a bag really and it is cheap. A mess when you uproot plants, big issue. ___________________________ I don't know what is the secret of success, but the secret of failure is trying to please the world!
  7. ghostsword

    New Tank Unsure On Substrate And Need Help Please

    I prefer akadama, very cheap, good colour and easy to work with. I cook it on a high temperature oven for a while and stays even harder. ___________________________ I don't know what is the secret of success, but the secret of failure is trying to please the world!
  8. ghostsword

    Is Sand Enough?

    Yeah sand ha that issue. I never use more than 2cm, would not use it to plant anything in, for that same reason. Easy to get compacted and go nasty. There are other options to pea gravel, many other options. .
  9. ghostsword

    Is Sand Enough?

    There is nothing wrong with sand, but plants need nutrients. So if you dose well and keep with the schedule, then you could just have sand. You just need to worry about gases on the sand, that is the main worry. .
  10. ghostsword

    canna hydroponic soils

    Hi, do you have an eBay shop, or accept paypal? .
  11. ghostsword

    Inexpensive Black Sand?

    That is true, Dupla Ground is something not for the faint hearted, and if this is the same as Dupla, only the small pieces are recommended. Dennerle substrate, the one for shrimp, is the best substrate I have tried.
  12. ghostsword

    Inexpensive Black Sand?

    I know we are talking about sands, and that site is just amazing, thanks for that, but have you looked at the fired clay balls? http://www.specialistaggregates.com/mor ... bb80f71e62
  13. ghostsword

    Building hills/slopes with substrate

    Yep, forgive my English. :) I meant nylon tights. :) They last a long time underwater. .
  14. ghostsword

    Building hills/slopes with substrate

    Ladies socks filled with gravel are very good. :) .
  15. ghostsword

    ADA Substrate Additives - How Important & Which

    A good nutrient substrate goes a long way, and your plants will root quicker and give you more room for error. I use Tropica Aquasoil under all my substrate, and echinodorus and crypts grow like weeds. :) Also it depends what sort of plants you are looking to have.
  16. ghostsword

    Substrate for new 200 gallon.

    That is the motherload of a tank. Really big! For plants, crypts, easy to deal with co2 and they do creep up nicely. About Corys, their barbels get damaged easily, so the sand has to be smooth, anything sharp will mess them up. Great tank! .
  17. ghostsword

    ADA Amazonia. How long will it last?

    Yep, and would work just perfectly! .
  18. ghostsword

    ADA Amazonia. How long will it last?

    I would sell it, it would be good for wabikusas, or as clay balls to mix with osmocote. Mud on the tank is not cool. Reuse it somehow, it is too hood to waste. .
  19. ghostsword

    Dupla Ground

    Tried the tropica substrate, very good if you are not going to move plants again. There isn't a messier substrate than that, at least that I the messier I've used. Akadama is the second best, especially the fine version. .
  20. ghostsword

    Dupla Ground

    I believe that it is inert. I like inert substrate, as I dose EI, do not need more stuff on the substrate.
  21. ghostsword

    Dupla Ground

    I got this one. http://www.reptilica.co.uk/Dennerle-Nan ... rown.phtml
  22. ghostsword

    Dupla Ground

    Going to be blunt, and please moderators do not give me a hard time. :) Keep away from it unless you are intended to use it on a emersed setup. I do have about 10 kg of it at home, use it on my emersed tanks, and the reasons are below: - too big granules, put it on a nano and it looks like you...
  23. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    With too many other projects the soil took a step back.. until now. I purchased 25kg of clay, so now I got enough clay to make wabi balls, plant pots and some soil. The plan is to mix clay with some hydrocoton, and add some iron fillings to it, then cook it on a kiln to 1000C, break it in to...
  24. ghostsword

    Tropica Aquacare substrate with unipac sand? ok?

    I dont have HC, but I got Hairgrass, and it grows fine on 5cm total of substrate. I also use EI.
  25. ghostsword

    Is it worth me changing to ADA?

    Hi, I use Tropica plant substrate, topped up with black sand. The tank looked like this on one of my previous scapes: About TGM, I live in London and have visited it :) .. One of the best shops in the UK.
  26. ghostsword

    Tropica Aquacare substrate with unipac sand? ok?

    Buy online, TGM sells substrates, and they deliver for very good prices.
  27. ghostsword

    Tropica Aquacare substrate with unipac sand? ok?

    I have used it actually. a 2cm layer of Tropica Aquacare then topped up with another 2cm of dark substrate. There is only one thing for you to look out for, when you uproot plants you need to be careful, very muddy. Especially Amazon's, Cryptos or Lotus bulbs. This is how your tank will...
  28. ghostsword

    Lava Rock under Aquqtic Soil?

    I have tried old filter media crushed on a ice crusher, lots of bacteria and coarse enough for the bottom, especially if you cap it with sand. Why throw it away when we can recycle it, and it is very cheap. Only drawback is that if you uproot plants some have roots going through the media.
  29. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    Darrel's soil looks like this: I am using it on a small project, emmersed L Aromatica on a 5L bottle:
  30. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    An Article on Tom Barr's forum that can also assist on making a soil that will provide nutrients to the plants. http://www.barrreport.com/showthread.ph ... best/page3 Some good ideas, for sure to try out.
  31. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    Thanks Darrel, I will try your recipe and let you know how it goes. What I am after is indeed something similar to Hydroton, but something that sinks, and keeps its shape for a while. Should have all ingredients by end of week, will use a scale to measure the portions, so that if I find a...
  32. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    :) No mate.. I know that you weren't flaming, it was just so when others would read my comment that water is still water they would not get the wrong idea. ... Hard to explain things on forums and emails.. :) For the record, before you someone tries this at home, I am testing the soils on two...
  33. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    Thanks Darrel, Good idea on the Coir, maybe I could replace the soil with coir. I would like to not just use clay. My reason for the cat litter would be to create some porous pieces, with the clay attached to it, something for the roots to take hold. I am not sure about the ratio of clay to...
  34. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    And when did water stopped being water? Will water stop being H2O because we add nutrients to it? :D I do understand the comment, and my reply is in jest, so no flaming please. :) I am happy that you appreciate my enthusiasm as a newcomer, and I do agree that it is prudent to listen to others...
  35. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    Test the soil? Soil is soil right? :) What I intend to do is to mix following: - B&Q Organic Living Peat Free Growing Bag @ £3 for 30kg - Plain cat litter @ the £1 shop - hair drying clay @ £10 for 12kg Mix the above in equal parts then add trace mix, make a thin slab and put it on the...
  36. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    Thanks Tom, Great insight into this thread. So basically I can get good soil, give it a wash, add trace to it and NH4, then bake it on the oven for a couple of hours to dry out? I will try it this weekend, and see how it goes. No need to truck soil from god knows where if I can make my own...
  37. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    Fantastic.. we will get there, and maybe achieve the perfect soil, without the cheesy grins.. :) Bat guano is currently being used on hydroponics, so maybe sprinkle some as the soil hardens would work. It is quite cool that someone is using cooked sewage as fertilizer, it does make sense.
  38. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    Re: How its made - Oliver Knott's NatureSoil Someone I know has a kiln, his mother makes pottery. Now, should we add nutrients to the soil when is it being baked, such as trace mix? Would 500C change the chemical components of the mix? It shouldn't, as the soil around volcanoes is pretty...
  39. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    Re: How its made - Oliver Knott's NatureSoil Try to get some pricing.. :) I will see how much a furnace costs, 500C is not a lot of heat, some ovens do that (I think!), so there maybe a possibility. The result is very good, and what you sent me will be used on 20cm cube, got enough cuttings...
  40. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    Re: How its made - Oliver Knott's NatureSoil Hi Darrel, I got the soil, and I am very happy with it. I placed it on a glass with some water, and it does not turn to mud, it has a mixture of grain size, which is great for plants to take hold on. How much would you charge for a 10kg bag of...
  41. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    Re: How its made - Oliver Knott's NatureSoil Fantastic Darrel, I will setup a old tank I have at home to take this soil, will place there the 100 odd Staurogyne's that Tom Barr is sending me. Will be really good to see how the plants take to your soil, however will top it up with sand, so...
  42. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    Re: How its made - Oliver Knott's NatureSoil Hi Darrell, no issue, it is worth the wait... :)
  43. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    Re: How its made - Oliver Knott's NatureSoil Thanks Darrel, Much appreciated.. :) I will use the sample you send on the 20cm cube to enter the ADA comp, give it a name, as I would like to list it as substrate on the description. Thanks.
  44. ghostsword

    Darrell's (dw1305's) soil thread

    Re: How its made - Oliver Knott's NatureSoil Hi Darrell, I would like to experiment with it.. :) How much to post a 5kg to London?
  45. ghostsword

    Hydro clay balls

    Hi, has anyone used Hydro clay balls on the tank? I have a bunch of hanging planters for my tank and a couple of pots and I am looking for a substrate for it. Currently I am using rockwool and the results are good, but would like something more natural. Thanks,...