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  1. ghostsword

    riparium planter medium

    Very interesting.. have emailed them now..
  2. ghostsword

    riparium planter medium

    I just used growdan rockwool.. easy..
  3. ghostsword

    Vivarium/Reptile Lighting

    Thanks on the tip Dan, I will pass the experience of the led's to Greg, as he is using them with his dart frogs.
  4. ghostsword

    Vivarium/Reptile Lighting

    I know a guy that has a really massive green iguana, plus maybe 10 small eco terras with colourful frogs and he is using plain lights and tmc leds. :) I will ask him again what is best. ___________________________
  5. ghostsword

    WOW, amazing terrarium

    it is impressive, isn't it? :) Love the place... I wish I lived nearby, would be there every weekend.
  6. ghostsword

    WOW, amazing terrarium

    I saw some impressive orchids at kew gardens, they were just hanging there, air roots. That sort of stuff would look impressive. Also to notice is that some of the plants you see here are really expensive. I got a terrarium plant, redish, about 20cm long that cost me £15. Now imagine these...
  7. ghostsword

    WOW, amazing terrarium

    But why not make a terrarium with emersed aquarium plants? I like the large terrarium, looks amazing, but imagine having echinodorus species there? :) .
  8. ghostsword

    Any reptile or amphibian keepers?

    Now that is something that I would like, keeping small orchids.. :) Thanks for all the tips guys, really appreciated.
  9. ghostsword

    Any reptile or amphibian keepers?

    Really liking the ENT Power Pump Misting System @ £124, it would run up to 35 nozzles, so I would get a lot of use of it, I very much doubt that I would need more than 30 nozzles. LOL.. So to something like that I would just need to add the tubes and nozzles. I am thinking about visiting...
  10. ghostsword

    Any reptile or amphibian keepers?

    Seen some bad reviews online, so going with the tried and tested pumps.. :)
  11. ghostsword

    Any reptile or amphibian keepers?

    Fantastic dudes, will check the sites today and get some orders in. As I said, rather buy in the UK, we need to help eachother on these hard times.. :)
  12. ghostsword

    Any reptile or amphibian keepers?

    Yeah, I got a vivarium of sorts, using it on a primary school, and I put there Crypts, ferns and riccia. Also getting some staurogyne and ranunculus for it. Got some anubias and indian fern growing on the expanding wall foam I made, but misting is an issue. The teachers are meant to spray twice...
  13. ghostsword

    Any reptile or amphibian keepers?

    That is what I am talking about, how amazing are those setups? Way better than most planted tanks. :) I don't see many people using the normal aquatic plants we have, why not? Hygrophilas, Anubias, and ferns would do very well there. Also, misting? Do you make your own setup, or anything that...
  14. ghostsword

    Any reptile or amphibian keepers?

    I like the look of vivariums, saw some in holland that were way more amazing than any planted tank I've ever seen. The issue is price, aren't frogs really expensive and hard to keep? .