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  1. ghostsword

    covering a wall with climbing plant. need advice

    Last year I saw an amazing concept at the Kristenbosh Botanic Gardens in Cape town. Chicken wire, double laid, half coke bottles, some soil and rockery plants, made a nice wall. http://travelblog.portfoliocollection.c ... -of-Beauty
  2. ghostsword

    Carnivorous Pitcher Plants Indoors

    I got a pitcher plant on the garden, now on summer time, but it grew fine on the window sill all winter. The issue is not to give tap water, they do not like ferts, or hard water. I give to mine rain water.
  3. ghostsword

    Do you know how to care for Swamp Cypresses?

    @ Stuworral How big a pot would I need to pot it in? I am in London, and the weather for the past few winters has turned nasty. I could pot the tree on a 50cm square pot and let it "trunk up". When the bad weather comes I can cover it or move it to the shed, still very cold, but it would not...
  4. ghostsword

    Do you know how to care for Swamp Cypresses?

    Cheers Darrel, You are indeed a vault of knowledge, thanks for the information. I will pot it and place it outside, the little tree needs to grow a bit before I even start to treat it as bonsai :). The snow and winter shouldn't kill it, right?
  5. ghostsword

    Do you know how to care for Swamp Cypresses?

    Thanks.. I got a garden, will plant it on the soil or on a large pot so that it gets watered when the lawn is watered. In winter I can place it on the shed so that it is protected from the frost, but can still go dormant with the cold. Many thanks for the quick reply.
  6. ghostsword

    Do you know how to care for Swamp Cypresses?

    Hello. I purchased a Swamp Cypress on ebay, the tree arrived in good condition, rather bare, but it will allow me to grow it and learn with it. I am going away for one month, what would be the best way to keep it watered while I am away? The small tree is about 20cm tall, but very wiry and...