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  1. ghostsword

    What exactly causes BBA? Part 2 - Bacterial imbalance

    What I have been doing to avoid algae, an air pump running at night.. from when lights go off till morning.. no more algae.. maybe this is the reason.. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  2. ghostsword

    Take a deep breath...

    First thing that come to mind when I read about algae problems is too much light. So yep, I would reduce light intensity and period.. Then keep up with co2, which must be high enough when lights come on. Ferts galore. As plants become healthier I would then (if needed) raise the intensity and...
  3. ghostsword

    Fissedens tips with filamentous algae strands

    But yes.. Remove from tank to treat it.. Just don't dose too much carbo, in excess it kills plants. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  4. ghostsword

    Fissedens tips with filamentous algae strands

    I got fissidens, and dose easy carbo. No issues. Just don't go crazy on it and you will be fine. When you come to pick up the ferns I will show you. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  5. ghostsword

    Fissedens tips with filamentous algae strands

    No light for a week and some easycarbo on the tank.. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  6. ghostsword

    Cleaning glass - stubborn dirt

    Ph down products are very good in the fight against dirt.. That and a toothbrush for the hard to reach areas is all I need. ___________________________ Luis @ghostsword
  7. ghostsword

    Killing algae without using easy carbon????

    This would be the best actually. ___________________________
  8. ghostsword

    Killing algae without using easy carbon????

    Bleach, that kills the lot. Then scrub well and soak for a while. ___________________________
  9. ghostsword

    Algae Control in non-planted tank

    That tank may be set for the picture, or the lights kept low. :) Why not get some good grazers? Apple snails? They are large and the puffers should bother them. As the only plant material is algae the snails have a choice. Starve or eat what is there. ___________________________
  10. ghostsword

    BBA driving me nuts.

    Yes, follow the articles, but also follow what your eyes are seeing. :) Lots of flow you get bba, leas flow and you don't. I really wonder which would you choose?!? :) ___________________________
  11. ghostsword

    BBA driving me nuts.

    Too much flow I found to cause me bba on hardscape. Also since i started to use O2 at night no bba. Not sure why. :) The issue should not be lighting, 6 hours is more than enough. :) ___________________________
  12. ghostsword

    Hair Algae/No growth - Updated with pics

    Buy the biggest filter you can afford, of a reputable brand, that is. Eheim and Fluval are good. JBL also is another contender, as I got a jbl profi e900 on the room and many times I need to check if it is still working, it is really silent. CO2 is the most important thing to get right, and...
  13. ghostsword

    Hair Algae/No growth - Updated with pics

    OK, I got it wrong.. :) sorry..
  14. ghostsword

    Hair Algae/No growth - Updated with pics

    Of course Clive, I completely understand the reason for using the right approach to meet a problem head on. :) I am lazy in just bombing the tank with ferts, doesn't hurt and even the fish are healthier. :) The only plant I have that does not seem to like ferts is weeping moss, it turns brown...
  15. ghostsword

    Hair Algae/No growth - Updated with pics

    Every time I had issues with algae in tanks I lowered light intensity, doubled EI and increased CO2, and the issues disappeared in a week or so. Only issue is that too much easycarbo on the water kills some moss and riccia, but apart from that with regular water changes, daily if needed, the...
  16. ghostsword

    Hair Algae/No growth - Updated with pics

    The tank does look on a sorry state, something really is amiss. Hair algae thrives on the same conditions as most plants, just needs less to thrive. I would do following: - trim the hairgrass - double your ei dosing - two wc a week, 50% each - dose 2ml of easy carbo daily - lower the light...
  17. ghostsword

    hair algea

    Very simple really. Plants get co2 through the leaves, too fast flow and no time for the plants to get co2. Move the outlet to other side, or trim the plants in front of it. That is my theory. Used to have the same issue. .
  18. ghostsword

    ?orrible algae problem, advice needed

    Yes, you can have a nice looking tank without any CO2, I got two tanks like that, just moss, crypts and floating plants. You just need to keep an eye on the light, more light, more uptake of nutrients and CO2. Less light, and things are going slowly, so easily manageable. I use drop...
  19. ghostsword

    ?orrible algae problem, advice needed

    Patience is the key here. Turn lights down, as many have suggested, keep on top of co2, have it turn on three hours before lights on, and dose EI. Do a 50% water change every three days, and after two weeks you will have got a hold on the situation. .
  20. ghostsword

    Fluffy , Ugly . . . . Algae !

    Yep, that does look like a lot of fish, unless the neons are really small. .
  21. ghostsword

    PFK algae reduction article.....

    My comment to the article got trough, which hopefully will help others to understand the real causes of algae on a tank. I am not expert on the matter, but there are some basics that need to be put across. I think that the problem is that there are a lot of "experts" that are using old data...
  22. ghostsword

    BBA and liquid carbon

    Would dose easycarbo at water changes diluted with a spraybottle, this works on wood and on rocks, but on plants I was just cutting them. Stable co2 is the key. The issue I had was that plants take long to react to a change, making it easier for one to become impatient and try something else...
  23. ghostsword

    BBA and liquid carbon

    I had bba all over the show! On rocks, wood, filter intakes, etc. What fixed it? Lots of co2 helps, but most importantly is stable co2. This means the same level of co2 for a month at least. Also shorter light duration and flow, lots of flow around the tank. Keep the co2 stable, cut any leaves...
  24. ghostsword

    PFK algae reduction article.....

    They might have messed up this one. :) .
  25. ghostsword

    Daphnia as bio-control of algae

    Daphnia are really cool to eat algae. This is the acrylic tank they are on, on full sun, with water from the main tank, so it has ferts, lots of light, no filter, but no algae either. Untitled by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  26. ghostsword

    Will Easycarbo directed at a plant kill hair algae??

    It may melt the plant.. EasyCarbo undiluted is very strong. I would rather take out the affected leaves.
  27. ghostsword

    Daphnia as bio-control of algae

    I had a 20L shallow tank on the garden and it was very green. I added some daphnia to it, and two weeks after it is clear. Not even algae on the glass, and it is on full sun, has ferts from the main tank drop into it, and it is now my moss farm. Daphnia are very good. :) The only issue is...
  28. ghostsword

    How I beat BBA

    Many thanks for sharing this. It is useful to learn from others a way to beat bba. I got it on some high flow areas of my tank and it is a pain to get it out.
  29. ghostsword

    Algae Problems

    This one of my nanos, no CO2, just tap water top up, as the cat drinks from it: Regarding light? From 1800 to 2300, two led lights of 1.5w each.
  30. ghostsword

    Algae Problems

    @ pest control, it seems that unless you can come with a suitable explanation to your parents for the reason to have a CO2 filled tank you are stuck. Parents are like that, at least you got to have a tank. :) Check low tech, I am sure that you can have an amazing tank with just crypts...
  31. ghostsword

    Aquarium Plant Nursery Owner Woes

    Why use substrate at all? Why not have a bare bottom tank and the plants on pots on either Filter Wool or Rock Wool? If you dose the tank most of the stem plants will get the nutrients anyway, and the heavy rooters, such as Echinodorus and Crypts, can have root tabs placed on the pots. Also...
  32. ghostsword

    Eradicate algae altogether from the tank - Theory

    The main thing for me will be to try the 1-2-grow plants, I may get some anubias and slip the rhyzome, then after a month or two see how they developed.
  33. ghostsword

    Eradicate algae altogether from the tank - Theory

    Thanks.. I will get some RO water for a nano, then dose EI and 12 hours of light, see if there is any algae turn up. It is cheap to try, even with just two of three 1-2-grow plants. One stems, the other anubias..
  34. ghostsword

    Eradicate algae altogether from the tank - Theory

    Thanks.. :) For example, would RO remove the spores from the water? Would bottled water have the spores? For substrate, would ADA or similar, that has been cooked at high temperatures have the spores? I may try the theory on a small tank, something under 20L, lots of ferts, lots of light and...
  35. ghostsword

    Eradicate algae altogether from the tank - Theory

    :D It was a question that had been on my head since I heard about the 1-2-grow plants. I obviously didn't know about the air borne algae spores. I believe that some of the comments were made not out of understanding of what was being asked, but jumping of the bandwagon of others commenting the...
  36. ghostsword

    Eradicate algae altogether from the tank - Theory

    Without trying one cannot really be sure, I will have to order a few pots to see how it pans out :) . Now if the plants from tropica are completely algae free, no spores, sterilized, and on the gel, are they deemed to have grown emersed, or imersed? The reason I ask is that if they are grown...
  37. ghostsword

    Eradicate algae altogether from the tank - Theory

    But that is what marketing is, right? :)
  38. ghostsword

    Eradicate algae altogether from the tank - Theory

    :) yep, I came out of this with much more information that when I started this morning, so it is good result. If buying online plants I would buy the new tropica plants, but if buying at a shop where I can see the plants, then rather buy the normal potted, even if the price difference is under...
  39. ghostsword

    Eradicate algae altogether from the tank - Theory

    Thanks for the book link, I will check it out. Quite amazing the techniques algae has to survive the harsher environment thrown at them.
  40. ghostsword

    Eradicate algae altogether from the tank - Theory

    Thanks Clive.. So the spores are not only on the water. I still got lots to learn, it seems that algae is much more interesting than plants. :) So they hang around for perfect conditions, most probably sensing when plants are at their worst, their spores travel by air, attached to items...
  41. ghostsword

    Eradicate algae altogether from the tank - Theory

    erm.. Seen on the title "Theory"? This is what it is, a theory. I have no issue with Algae, I am sure that there are uses for it, and I am yet to see a nature documentary about rivers where there isn't algae on the rocks and plants. When you say that you do not kill algae and your tank is...
  42. ghostsword

    Eradicate algae altogether from the tank - Theory

    Following some posts on the forum regarding how algae is ever present on the tank waiting for the right moment to grow, I came up with a theory that may actually create a free algae tank. If we use 1-2-Grow plants that "are free of algae and snails" from Tropica, on water that has been boiled...
  43. ghostsword

    Here's My Issue With BBA

    This would be quite amazing if it could be proven. A algae so advanced that would sense weakness on plants. It is a major leap forward to think about plants and algae as living organisms that sense failure on others. However it makes sense, as when a plant is struggling it will release into the...
  44. ghostsword

    Here's My Issue With BBA

    By Ceg4048 Thanks for providing the explanation above. I should print out of your replies to posts and compile a guide to deal with algae, flow, CO2 and gas transfer. I got bba on my tank, and although I have halved the light output, increased the CO2, I am still struggling to keep it...
  45. ghostsword

    Cladophora - vile weed

    Ceg, I do not know why you bother to provide your point of view, to share your knowledge or to encapsulate difficult to explain topics in such a down to earth manner, but I am glad that you do. You take the time to share your experiences and knowledge, and for that I am grateful. I do not...
  46. ghostsword

    Green hair algae only on Rotala Wallichii

    Thanks Ceg.. I removed the plant from the tank, it was trully dead.. :( I will try Rotala Wallichii another time, it is actually nice to see a plant that I cannot grow. Obviously flow was the issue on my tank, I got plenty CO2 and dose heavily. The tank is full of plants, so maybe shade was...
  47. ghostsword

    Green hair algae only on Rotala Wallichii

    Have dipped them for 24 hours on a half easy carbo half water solution and the algae is gone. But so are he leaves of the plant.. :) I still have it on the tank, hoping for a reborn.. :) I think that I really messed it up now..
  48. ghostsword

    Green hair algae only on Rotala Wallichii

    Actually I may try that.. :) I can dip them on a Easycarbo solution.. I do have it and dose on the 2galon nano, and actually used it previously on my java fern with very good result to spot dose some black algae a while back. Should have thought of that.. :) .. Going to leave the plants on...
  49. ghostsword

    Green hair algae only on Rotala Wallichii

    I am so loosing the battle on this one.. :( Cannot get rid of the algae on the plants, only on these is the green hair algae holding on, in thin strands. :shock: I must be doing something wrong, but should I keep on and risk spreading the algae to the rest of the tank, or take the plants out...
  50. ghostsword

    Green hair algae only on Rotala Wallichii

    I completely know what you mean.. :) One of the beauties of the planted tank hobby is the ability to control all aspects of it, of observe and act upon the observations. My problems started when the air pump was placed on a timer, before was 24/7, same as with the CO2. Have now stopped the...
  51. ghostsword

    Green hair algae only on Rotala Wallichii

    Thanks Ceg, I am learning once more. :) So from 0700 to 1900, for example, the co2 would come on at 0400 and off at 1600? The CO2 would build up in the tank allowing to carry on being available to the plants until lights off, when they are consuming oxigen and releasing co2 for the rest of the...
  52. ghostsword

    Green hair algae only on Rotala Wallichii

    Thanks, I will shutdown the CO2 for just a couple of hours at night, and get it up before lights on. I have a Koralia right above the difuser pointing down, so that the co2 bubbles are going downwards across the tank.
  53. ghostsword

    Green hair algae only on Rotala Wallichii

    Actually this started to happen when I decided to stop the CO2 in the evening, and turning the air pump on. I will leave the CO2 all night now and turning the air pump a couple of hours at night, to give the fish a break. I have also splited the stems to give them some more room. Will see what...
  54. ghostsword

    Green hair algae only on Rotala Wallichii

    I got 5 stems per pot.. :) it may be overcrowded.. ...
  55. ghostsword

    Green hair algae only on Rotala Wallichii

    Hello, I got a small issue on my tank, it is only affecting the Rotala Wallichii. Got hair algae strands growing in between the stems, gluing them together. It is odd. The Rotala Wallichii is not growing as fast as the other plants I got, but not dying either, just in limbo. I dose...
  56. ghostsword

    Advice on algae (BBA) ond my setup please!

    Thanks Trevor, I also do two water changes a week, to avoid build up or fertz, 20% each time. You may not have to be as drastic, as you got more water volume, but keep that in mind.
  57. ghostsword

    Advice on algae (BBA) ond my setup please!

    I would say not enough light and not enough nutrition. I use 10ml of TPN+ per day and my tank is only 120L, I got CO2 and also add 5ml of Easycarbo daily. Algae is better at using what is available than plants are, so plants will struggle to compete with algae for the little that is available.